Meta Question

canidmajor's avatar

So, what advice have you taken?

Asked by canidmajor (21765points) February 11th, 2018

In the wake of complaints that Jellies aren’t taking advice, how about a more positive thread, one that cites where we have taken advice?
I have considered, and sometimes taken the advice that a number of Jellies have presented on my questions. I tend to find the differing experiences and perspectives valuable.
This place is my go to for so many things that I am curious about.

Electronics is a bugaboo for me, and the research and links that people have given me have helped me a lot.

Thanks, Jellies!

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6 Answers

chyna's avatar

I had sent my lawn guy a tip for Christmas a couple years ago and he hadn’t cashed the check by the first week of January. I asked if I should contact him about it, thinking he didn’t receive it. Most people on here recommended that I not contact him. I took their advice and within a few days, he had cashed it. I’m glad I didn’t contact him.
i’m sure there are a lot more, but I can’t think of them right now.

janbb's avatar

I just took the bank account question advice on the question I asked a few days ago. Still closed the third account which was in an inconvenient place but am keeping No.2 in place and another small one that I use for traveling.

Kardamom's avatar

All sorts of technical questions from the techies who know stuff, and were able to clearly explain it.

Talking to, or not talking to specific friends about a few sensitive subjects. And how to talk to them, without upsetting them, or making the situations worse.

Where to buy certain gadgets.

How to prepare all manner of food, in ways I had never tried, or was unfamiliar with.

Books to read, movies and TV shows to watch, that maybe I would have avoided, otherwise.

And remembering some food products that Ibstubro suggested that I try, that could be found at Dollar Tree.

rojo's avatar

When I was much younger my mom told me to stop taking myself so seriously. I try to live up to that advice as much as I can.

Oh, and I took advice from here about fixing a glitch on my computer. Worked!

KNOWITALL's avatar

I’ve taken plenty, like not trying to be friends with my meth head brother. Also it really helps me to see other perspectives on various issues, when we can discus and not shut eachother down. I’ve definately learned a few things over the years.

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