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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Can you list and explain different Ph.D. programs?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25143points) February 23rd, 2018

like ethics and metaphysics, epistemology . What are the different programs that one can choose? What is the closest match for learning about time and reincarnation?

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8 Answers

SavoirFaire's avatar

Ethics, metaphysics, and epistemology aren’t PhD programs. They are subdisciplines that one might study while getting a degree in philosophy. Similarly, there aren’t programs dedicated to time and/or reincarnation. One could study philosophy of time as part of a PhD program in philosophy or the implications of relativity theory for time as part of a PhD program in physics. Similarly, you could probably study historical views about reincarnation as part of a PhD program in religious studies. But without more information about what specifically you are interested in learning about, it’s hard to match your interests to a course of study.

That said, I’m not sure a formal PhD program is really what you want. You don’t need a PhD program to learn about something, and you don’t need to get an actual PhD to become an expert. A PhD is a job credential that says you’ve had a particular sort of training in a subject and are therefore prepared for jobs that require the skills that training provides. Most people don’t need those extra skills, even if the program’s subject matter is otherwise relevant to their line of work. For most practical work, a bachelor’s or master’s degree is enough. The PhD is for people who want their careers to focus on the research side of their profession.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I am looking for areas of research in different universities in a convenient list like this.
Areas of Research
Epistemology and Metaphysics
Feminist and Political Philosophy
History of Philosophy, including 20th Century Philosophy
Post-structuralist Continental Philosophy
Philosophy of the Natural and Cognitive Sciences

janbb's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 Nobody’s going to be able to produce a list like that for you on here. I suggest you go to your local library. There is a multi-volume set called The College Blue Book that will have lists of graduate degree programs. Or you could look at the web sites of various universities to see what degree programs they offer. Those would be the way to research this.

zenvelo's avatar

This question is a matter of putting the metaphorical cart before the horse.

There is a reason for the progression of degrees. A Bachelor’s Degree opens one to a diversity of fields of study and exposes you to what the subjects are. A Masters focuses you in a particular field. A Doctorate hones your study into a particular question and aspect of a subject for study.

It would serve you better to do the work to get accepted to a baccalaureate program, and complete that. Ov er the period of time to complete an undergrad degree, your interests may greatly change.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@zenvelo Ok thanks. @all Thanks. I can take one class at Red Deer college in open studies. Will save for it in cash so I don’t go further into debt. I signed out Time Reborn By Lee Smolin and will see if I can read it over a 3 week period to see if I like the subject matter.

LostInParadise's avatar

I hope that you will not be disappointed to learn that Time Reborn is not about reincarnation and does not discuss time travel.

janbb's avatar

Try reading H.G. Well’s The Time Machine for a good scientific discussion of time travel. And think of spending time at your local library. It will get you out.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@all Update I bought that college blue book. I am focused on learning French right now. While I save money for later.

I am watching videos and information on occinfo website in Alberta.

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