General Question

Jonathan_hodgkins's avatar

Storing Vendor Information?

Asked by Jonathan_hodgkins (690points) February 25th, 2018

I am trying to determine the best way to store vendor information for use throughout my career. So, when I leave the current position, I take the vendor info with me. Business cards are cumbersome and difficult to search.

I am looking for a solution that is searchable, easy to input and easily accessible.


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2 Answers

CWOTUS's avatar

If you use Outlook at work (or probably “no matter what email and contact management system you use at work”) you can simply export the information to a spreadsheet or database or webmail system’s contact management software.

I use Outlook at work and – though I don’t need to worry about any long-term career contacts going forward – I do use gSyncIt to synchronize my Outlook calendar with my Google calendar. I could do the same with contacts, but I choose not to.

funkdaddy's avatar

There are a lot of online CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems that would be completely portable and most have easy imports in a variety of formats. Many single user accounts are free as well.

There’s so many of them it’s probably worth trying a couple to see what you like, it really just depends on how you want to use them.

You could also do something simple like a gmail account and google contacts or a note taking app that has OCR for business cards (Evernote is an example)... but the CRM would basically be custom made for what you’re doing.

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