Social Question

KNOWITALL's avatar

Why do people think southern accents mean you're stupid?

Asked by KNOWITALL (29969points) February 28th, 2018

Even on Survivor they want the gay southern guy votedout first. Is it the stereotype, the accent, the slower speech?
What other geographical differences do you perceive by someones region of birth or residence?

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26 Answers

Demosthenes's avatar

It’s a result of the stereotype; there are certain dialects and accents that people associate with a lack of sophistication and education, and unfortunately that association is not even necessarily conscious.

KNOWITALL's avatar

It’s so untrue! Like Mark Twain, nothing like many Missourians or the stereotype anyway. I worked hard to lose mine for business but in a group of my friends it comes back.
I don’t think everyone in LA is superficial, or everyone in NY is a toughie who wears all black, or every Texan raises cattle. Just seems odd to me people believe sterotypes.

CWOTUS's avatar

NZ is where the All Blacks are from. Just in case anyone didn’t already know that.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Cwotus Is that a band? Lol

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I have problems listening to east coast Canadian dialects.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I have a mid-western accent but I live in the south, people here sometimes think I’m from “up north” even though I grew up in rural appalachia. If I go to say Ohio and let out a “y’all” I’m labeled as a dumb hick unless they find out I’m an engineer then they act as if I’m super smart or something. Sigh, stereotypes kinda suck if you asked me.

CWOTUS's avatar

No, @KNOWITALL they’re real folks – rugby players. If you think the photos are impressive, you should listen to – and watch! – the haka.

Here you go.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@AreYou I used to say ‘aint’ a lot, everyone acted like I was an overall wearing hillbilly, but here you have to relate to people who are so different in lifestyles and social classes, it’s not always easy to negotiate. I can go hang out with people in McMansions one night to a grocery store where they’d think you were putting on airs just for having a non Walmart purse. Now some people think I’m a snob because of my jobs, having all my teeth or nice clothes lol.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Cwotus Okay! I didnt know if you were being racist or telling a joke haha

thisismyusername's avatar

I grew up poor in a working-class environment and had a thick Boston accent. It wasn’t until I went to college that I discovered how distinct it was, so I made an effort to lose it. When I’m really tired, it will come out fairly strong, but for the most part it’s still gone.

An unfortunate thing is that people interpret accents to mean something. A Boston accent usually is a sign of belonging to the working class. If you were to interview with this accent, you would certainly be judged – consciously or unconsciously. It’s unfortunate.

While speaking with my Boston accent growing up, we never heard southern accents except for in scenarios that were supposed to be silly or scary (Easy Rider, Deliverance). I’ll admit that i grew up with these stereotypes. When I went to college, I knew a woman who had a thick southern accent and it helped reduce my negative feelings towards that accent.

CWOTUS's avatar

Joking!? I NEVER joke.~

KNOWITALL's avatar

@thisismy I think your Boston accents kinda sexy in a masculine way, but I see your point.

kritiper's avatar

I don’t think that unless I hear some Southerner mispronounce words.

CWOTUS's avatar

That’s not always true, @thisismyusername, that people would judge you as belonging to the working class because of just any Boston accent. You should know that… and here you can.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Kritiper Southerners have a weird sense of humor, sometimes we do that to mess with people intentionally. I know I do anyway!

kritiper's avatar

@KNOWITALL My dad’s folks were from the South (Texas, Oklahoma. Originally from Virginia) so I know what you mean. I meant when they mispronounce words when the subject is no laughing matter. (Sorry I didn’t specify…)

johnpowell's avatar

It isn’t your accent.. It is the electoral map. Unfortunately, the two are tied.

jonsblond's avatar

I’m just here to say “poor Jacob”. I’m rooting for Donothan.

NomoreY_A's avatar

Off topic but- Survivor? Good show but nothing to get bent out of shape about. They’re all back stabbers anyway, but in a competition for a million dollars I guess it’s justifiable.

seawulf575's avatar

Of course those with southern accents are stupid. Just like they are all rednecks and drive trucks and belong to the KKK and shoot guns indiscriminately and are all those idiotic Trump supporters. Did I miss any stereotypes?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Seawulf Incest is the other, sadly happens everywhere. Also a few animal rapists, gross.
@Aethel Me too, I love him! It’s like me on fluther lol
@Johnpowell Well I suppose they feel the same about the coasts and all the liberals.

johnpowell's avatar

@KNOWITALL :: Great.. Where is your Apple, Microsoft, Google, Intel and so on? Look, I run in the circles of software people. Nobody wants to live in Alabama due to you all being.. you.. Your gun nuttery, bible thumping, racist, and homophobia makes it hard to get top notch people there.

Maybe it isn’t like that… But that is what everyone else sees. Google can’t hire in Mississippi if they wanted to. And those are 150K a year jobs… But keep on hating fags while the coasts cover your food stamps.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Johnpowell Wow, I was being lighthearted but if you want to go there, okay.

First of all ‘fags’ is highly offensive, we don’t even use that term.

Second, I don’t hate anyone, which most people here know. I’ve been arguing with people, even family, about LGBTQ tolerance for decades, trying to foment positive change. The religious folks who ‘pray them straight’ are a real issue, but we are trying to change that.

Third, Cali has a lot of financial issues itself, you pay nothing for me. I work two jobs to support a partially disabled husband and a mom who’s fought cancer for a decade. Not including my 401k or IRA, I have nice savings as well. So don’t talk to me as if you ‘help’me. I don’t need it.

Lastly many businesses like the low overhead of the Midwest, which is MUCH more affordable than the coasts. Plus it keeps shipping costs down being centrally located, thus giving the consumer a lower cost for things like food to Ferrari’s.

So your prejudices are not accurate portrayals of this area, plus its absolutely gorgeous, with one of the best conservation depts in the US. Crystal clear waters, caves, lakes, woods, all a nature lovers paradise. We’ve reintroduced elk successfully and our nature preserves, and landowner grants are amazing. Maybe you dont get that in the expensive little boxes you live in in the concrete jungles, but it’s a fine place to live. So keep your fancy jobs, I wouldn’t trade money and crime for all this.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Yeah, people who are not from the south or heartland don’t understand. Just because you drove through or visited a couple of times or “know a few people” does not mean you have the slightest clue.

seawulf575's avatar

@ARE_you_kidding_me, since when did ignorance stop humans from stereotyping? In fact, isn’t it really a requirement for stereotyping?

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Since never. Stereotyping and ignorance propagate just like electromagnetic waves. You could use Maxwell’s equations to model it.

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