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gondwanalon's avatar

Do you miss Tab Cola?

Asked by gondwanalon (23323points) March 2nd, 2018

Tab was my favorite cola in the 70’s and 80’s when it contained Saccharin. There was something about it that I really liked. But I couldn’t stand it when the Coca-Cola Company replaced Saccharin with Aspartame. Tried Diet Coke but couldn’t stand that either.

I miss the old Tab Cola. How about you?

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16 Answers

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Hah! I can recall the taste exactly after a couple of decades or three. I don’t wish I could buy it again. I don’t care, I don’t drink much soda. My ex looooved Tab and seeking it out when it became scarce was a good game.

Obscure thing that I find funny today re-watching it on Youtube: Tab was a plot device in the Sarah Silverman show when her neighbors take Tab-love to the limit.

Zaku's avatar

No I always disliked Tab (though I only tried it a couple of times, and didn’t much like Cola when I tried Tab anyway, preferring 7-Up (not Sprite, not Squirt)) and was always afraid of saccharin and not happy about aspartame either. I did try sucralose/Splenda for a while, and consumed mass quantities of Pepsi Zero and/or Coke Zero (?) with sucralose for a few months… and then got a kidney stone, possibly from doing so, so I stopped with the sucralose too. I didn’t realize Tab had been discontinued.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

My mother loved the stuff.
Have you ever tried Zevia?
It’s a 0 calorie soda sweetened with Stevia, NO artificial anything comes in many flavors.
Look it up on line or at any large groc. store.
Mrs Squeeky and I really like it.

Jeruba's avatar

No. I didn’t like it. Diet Coke is much better.

I do miss the old real Coke, which hasn’t had that perfect, crisp snap overlaying dark mellowness since they changed the formula, many years ago now. Some things truly were better back when. Not everything, but some things.

zenvelo's avatar

@Jeruba You need to try Mexican Coca Cola, Comes ina tall bottle, tastes as Coke is supposed to taste, just as it did before new Coke. It is made with cane sugar.

I always thought Tab tasted like fizzy cold medicine.

janbb's avatar

I don’t remember the taste of Tab that much although I did drink it. I love Diet Cherry Coke when it has some “real” cherry flavor in it (oddly enough some lots do and some lots don’t.) I used to drink one can a day as a rest break. However, I read some months ago that diet coke drinks have been linked to dementia so I gave it up. I have diet soda about once a month now when out at lunch.

si3tech's avatar

@gondwanalon I did like Tab with a lemon twist.

Kardamom's avatar

Tab was foul. The only thing I liked about it was the pretty pink can.

MooCows's avatar

I can remember my mom drinking Tab and smoking
when she wanted to loose weight and it always
seemed to work. I think it had lots of caffeine in it.

rojo's avatar

I don’t really remember drinking it. I feel fairly certain I did at some time but weight was never an issue (when I was younger) so diet drinks were not a part of my soda intake.

gondwanalon's avatar

Thank you all for your responses. They are about what I expected. I only knew of a couple freaks like me who loved Tab. The Coca-Cola Company were likely losing money on Tab so I don’t blame them for getting rid of it. I’m glad that Tab is gone because I was hooked on it an it was not a healthy beverage. Good riddance.

@si3tech No I never tried Tab with a lemon twist. I never drank it as a way to lose weight. I drank it because I liked the taste and how it satisfied my thirst plus gave me a little caffeine jolt. It tasted best after a long run or after a running race when I was thirsty. I’d slam one can down an open another can to sip. Ah, the good old days! HA!

Kardamom's avatar

@MooCows my aunt always had a Tab and a Virginia Slims cigarette in the same hand.

Zaku's avatar

HEY @gondwanalon !

Guess what? I saw three cases of Tab on the shelf of a local store today !!!
Apparently rumors of its demise may have been premature.
And according to the box label (I took a picture, in case anyone wants to see) it still has saccharin, though aspartame is also listed as the last ingredient.

gondwanalon's avatar

@Zaku sounds it the Coca-Cola Company may be trying to determine if there is a interest in Tab. Thank you for the information.

Zaku's avatar

Searching for a good complete recent TaB history article didn’t turn up a great one, but it seems clear that TaB was never discontinued in the USA.

Interesting weird soda wars article:

gondwanalon's avatar

@Zaku Thanks a lot! It’s nice to know that I’m not alone.

They don’t sell Tab around here. I suppose that that is good for me as I’d Likely start drinking it again. It’s not a very healthy beverage to be drinking a lot of.

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