Social Question

ragingloli's avatar

What actors do you think should be forced to retire, since they ruin movies with their phoned-in "performances", showing that they no longer give a shit?

Asked by ragingloli (52342points) March 3rd, 2018

For example, Bruce Willis and Harrison Ford.

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12 Answers

janbb's avatar

Michael Caine has probably retired but should have sooner. Robert De Niro – I can’t stand his shticks.

cookieman's avatar

“forced” ?!

So long as their movies, no matter how poorly acted, continue to make money, the studios will keep making them.

Darth_Algar's avatar

De Niro, absolutely.

gorillapaws's avatar

I think Ford still has his moments. I liked him in the recent Blade Runner remake. He did well in the Force Awakens, despite other problems with the script…

That said, he’s been pretty weak in general.

kritiper's avatar

Money talks, bullshit walks. Who cares when the greenbacks flow??

Zaku's avatar

I tend to blame directors (and Hollywood culture in general, whether it’s the studio, reviewers or audiences going along with lame films and acting like they’re ok even when they’re really weak) before I blame actors who have demonstrated they can act well in other things.

chyna's avatar

DeNiro gets my vote too.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Mel Gibson in Daddys Home 2 was terrible, unless he gets a decent role I’m done with him.

gorillapaws's avatar

@KNOWITALL I think he’d make a great Hitler.

ragingloli's avatar

By the way, here is Bruce Willis being interviewed for his latest movie, the Death Wish remake:

filmfann's avatar

Nicholas Cage
John Travolta
Tom Cruise

ucme's avatar

Meryl Streep rocks up at the Oscars every fuckin year with that demented plastered on smile & entitled demeanour coz the daft old farts at the academy nominate her regardless of how dog shit her performances are.
Hollywood royalty?
Off with her head!
Also…Nic Cage needs to fuck off like yesterday.

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