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Your thoughts on my favourite recurring dream?
I’m always having certain dreams over and over again, but recently there’s one that i’ve had twice now and I have grown attatched to it. I’ll try and write in detail what it’s about:
It starts of with me facing a tunnel in a hill-sized rock. It looks like a cave at first, but when I go in I can see the light at the end, so it’s definately a tunnel. When I get out, i’m on a sort of dirt track that is paralell to where I am and is difficult to see because everything underfoot is covered in thick snow. It’s snowing, and I find myself appropriately dressed in something warm and a scarf.
Across from me I can see what looks like a forest of dead trees, with a door fixed just across from me in a wall that’s hidden in the shadow. The door is rounded and made of wood, and just tall enough to let me through. Even though I can’t feel it, everything seems cold, i.e my breath comes out as like steam and the snow is fresh. If I look up I can’t see much, just the tops of the branches and smoke coming from somewhere in the near the edge of the forest.
Without thinking, I walk up to the door and knock. This is where it gets interesting. The first time I had this dream, someone opened the door slightly, looked at me and said ‘Oh, it’s a newcomer…’ and let me in. I can’t quite put my finger on who this person is. It’s not someone I know, and the image is fuzzy in my mind now. The image of him keeps changing from a kind and gentle old man to a boy no older than 16 with the same characteristics. Both the people share the same gruffish voice and soft eyes.
When I go in, there is a large fireplace with a warm fire burning. It’s so warm that all the snow on me melts off almost straight away. The person walks away and into a kitchen-kind-of-place with a massive shelf of food and pots along the end wall. All around the room we’re in are tall shelves stacked with old-looking books, and the shelves stretch over every wall, nomatter where I look.
Around the fire lots of people are sitting on really big, comfy sofas. I definately don’t recognise them, in fact i’ve never seen them before in my life. Ususally there are about 3 boys and 3 other girls besides me. They all looked up the first time, saying Hello etc., but the second time they just welcome me and begin conversation. And that’s what we do there all the time, just sit and talk. The person from before comes back in after 10 minutes or so, bringing us great food and tea. I always enjoy myself terribly, but I can never remember what we talked about after I wake up. I presume it’s about life and our worries about things, because when I wake up I feel warm and comforted, but strangely longing to have the dream again.
Whenever it comes to leaving in the dream, the undefinable person tells us all that it’s about time we headed off home, and all the participants moan and complain. In answer to this, the person chuckles and smiles. We all pull our coats back on and head back outside, the snow still falling, and say goodbye to one another, departing in different directions, leaving me standing outside the door, no clue where to go, like a half-wit.
The second time was the same, except for a few minor changes, such as I was just let in after I knocked, and everyone seemed to recognise me. The only thign I can compare this to is a club version of when Lucy goes to see Mr. Tumnus in The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. lol.
Your thoughts?

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