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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What foods do you hate that the store snuck into your food?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25106points) March 8th, 2018

I just found out a year ago that most chocolate milk is made with dark chocolate. I hate dark chocolate.

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25 Answers

LostInParadise's avatar

I hate to be the one to break this to you, but the chocolate in all chocolate products comes originally from dark chocolate. I really like dark chocolate, not too keen on milk chocolate.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@LostInParadise Nooooo… Thanks for the info. I prefer milk chocolate over dark.

rojo's avatar

Hey @RedDeerGuy1 White chocolate does not contain dark chocolate.

ragingloli's avatar

The opposite actually.
I was quite upset when I found out that baby carrots do not actually contain babies.

rojo's avatar

^^^^ And girl scout cookies! Not a girl scout in the mix!

elbanditoroso's avatar

I am not sure that ‘snuck’ is the word. I would say that you were ignorant about things that everyone else knew.

Just because you don’t know something does not mean that the manufacturer was nefarious.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@elbanditoroso It was supposed to be tonuge in cheek. Sorry. Just teasing. Im sick of dark chocolate. I miss transfat laden KFC too.

seawulf575's avatar

They don’t sneak too much liver and onions into things so I think I’m safe.

rojo's avatar

^^ Mom would sneak onions into many meals. She knew that the sibs and I detested them so she would dice them up real small and they would reduce to almost nothing while flavoring the meal.

That was back in the day. Now, I eat them cooked, still do not like them raw on my burgers and such, which is odd because I can take a bite out of a whole one and actually like the taste.

LostInParadise's avatar

I was rather disgusted when I first learned the level of contamination permitted in food. Read at your own risk. Link

rojo's avatar

As a landlord and having cleaned more than my fair share of refrigerators, stoves and kitchens in general, I can see why the FDA allows those levels of contamination @LostInParadise. They are almost comparable to the environment that many people live and prepare foods in on a daily basis. Makes you want to stay out of restaurants but honestly, at least restaurants have health monitors who make regular inspections, homes do not. So, eat out or eat at your own home only I guess.

kritiper's avatar

Paprika in that nasty tasting store bought potato salad!

kritiper's avatar

Celery and raisins!

seawulf575's avatar

@rojo on a side note, I saw an article once that talked about cleanliness of restaurants. They compared upscale restaurants with fast food places. The fast food places were far cleaner. And on a grosser note, if you ever get a slice of lemon with your iced tea or water at a restaurant, you might want to rethink that. They regularly found fecal matter on those.

si3tech's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 I love milk chocolate.(the past tense of sneak is sneaked)

Love_my_doggie's avatar

@rojo Isn’t it amazing how some people live? They might shower daily, wear clean clothes, and seem fine to the world at large, but their residences are filthy. I learned this by going door-to-door for charities and political causes. Unless I’ve seen someone’s kitchen and know that it’s hygienic, I no longer eat potluck meals.

Soubresaut's avatar

This was the wrong thread to read while eating breakfast…

rojo's avatar

@si3tech You sure? I thought it was: sneak – snuck – snack.

I sneak, You snuck, He/She/It snacks.

Just like: I shit, You shat, He, she or it shuts

Zaku's avatar

GMO everything
high-fructose corn syrup
corn syrup
yellow mustard
bad mayonnaise
baby corn

jonsblond's avatar

Coconut. Or raisins that look like chocolate chips.

Brian1946's avatar


The menu had a comprehensive list of specific ingredients. Although mushrooms were not on the list, they were in the food.

BellaB's avatar

Green pepper ruins perfectly good foods.

kritiper's avatar

Sneak Snank Snunk
I knew what you meant.

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