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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Should we get rid of the daylight savings time?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25106points) March 11th, 2018

It’s so frustrating. Should we get rid of the change?

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18 Answers

Yellowdog's avatar

My caveat against daylight savings time is, its already getting lighter in the evenings in the springtime and early summer anyway. Most businesses rely heavily on artificial lighting in the workplace no matter what time of day or night, so there’s no energy savings.

School children, college students, teenagers, and people who have to really WORK have to do so in the morning dark because of the shift. We hear of two or three deaths because someone was driving half asleep and struck someone in the dark. In the Fall, the change comes too late in the year to give us benefit for light in the morning—in November its dark when heading to work or school whether we’re on Daylight Savings Time or not. But the spring is when it hurts the most when we loose that hour of sleep, that crucial hour just before waking. Sleep and dreaming is disturbed.

I like to see sunrise and sunset at Six O’clock during the Spring equinox. Its only natural. As is nightfall by 8:00 not light in the sky at 9:00 and afternoon sun at 7:00

The only people who could possibly benefit are those who like to play a leisurely game of golf in the evening after work, I get some benefit as a non-working person by getting an extra hour of darkness to sleep in the morning, but that’s it

ragingloli's avatar

We should get rid of time zones.
Everyone should use GMT+1.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

We should just keep DST permanently. I’d rather have daylight in the evening hours. This rolling back and forward business is just savage.

LostInParadise's avatar

Since I like getting up early, I miss the daylight in the morning, so I would personally prefer not to have DST.

stanleybmanly's avatar

It is indeed a pain in the ass changing the clocks. And it always sets me to wondering about the enormous cumulative effort devoted to adjusting clocks twice yearly. As a practical matter, the practice should be banished.

stanleybmanly's avatar

2 of our clocks require ladders to reach, and twice a year I find myself wondering how many old fools like myself take a needless tumble.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Oh god yes. @Yellowdog makes valid points. But I HATE the time changes. Next time, lets just put the clocks back a half hour, and leave the damn things.

kritiper's avatar

No. I like the extra hour of daylight in the warmer months.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Arizona and Hawaii don’t use Daylight Saving Time. Florida is looking into changing to Atlantic Standard Time (eastern USA daylight saving time) permanently.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Good bye changing clocks, hello electricity, and light whenever we need it.

Yellowdog's avatar

Daylight extends nearly to eight P.M. in the summer even WITHOUT daylight savings time.

With Daylight Savings Time that darkness goes to 9:00 P.M. Wouldn’t we be better off with eventide ebbing around eight rather than nine?

There would STILL be civic twilight between 7:20 and 8:00 in the warmer months WITHOUT daylight savings time.

zenvelo's avatar

DST worked better when it started in late April. By then it was getting light so early that most people accepted the time change.

I’d rather we stayed on Standard time all year. Light after eight p.m. is overrated. Plus it means the fireworks on Fourth of July start too late.

johnpowell's avatar

Nooooooooo… This current system must remain.

Last night was pretty much the highlight of my year.

In Oregon they stop selling beer at 2:30AM.. So what happened was last night was people went in between 2:00AM and 2:30AM for booze. Sorry dude. It is actually 3:15AM.

I live on campus and the frat boys are not pleased. So last night I hung out in the 7/11 for 30 minutes to watch the madness. Multiple arrests. It was fantastic TV.

rojo's avatar

@ARE_you_kidding_me Florida is proposing to do just that.

I don’t care whether you leave it on standard time or DST but just pick one or the other and learn to live with it. We have artificial lighting and no longer need it.

Also, it plays hell with the chickens, throwing them all off schedule.

And besides, vampires hate it.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@rojo You’re one sik (sic) unit!

johnpowell's avatar

If a hour change fucks up your life you need to work on your life/work balance.

Yellowdog's avatar

In Florida they like it year ‘round because that extra sunlight is good for their tourist industry

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