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LornaLove's avatar

(NSFW) Do you go for quantity over quality?

Asked by LornaLove (10037points) March 11th, 2018

I am not being a pervert!

I really want to know. When it comes to sex, which do you consider better, quantity or quality?

This is an important question to me for personal reasons.

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40 Answers

Dutchess_III's avatar

No I don’t. I like my orgasms (quality) and they’re pretty few and far between because most men go for the quantity.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Nah. I’m a size queen so that’s the only thing I focus on.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I never had an orgasm I didn’t like.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I’m both.

If you’re asking for what I’d prefer from a partner, accessibility is probably something I’d take over quality. I have a higher than average sex drive (learned that.) So. I need a partner to be similar, or be tolerant of lots of sex.

I always try to make the quality as good as possible. I enjoy pleasing a girl I like. Lots of foreplay, and cuddling between. Rolling around laughing. Enjoying one another.

I think the two aren’t mutually exclusive (quality/quantity.)

KNOWITALL's avatar

@MrGrimm If only more men were less selfish like that, alas…lol

flutherother's avatar

I prefer quality over quantity though there has to be an acceptable quantity as well. Some sexual encounters are unforgettable others are routine.

rockfan's avatar

If I had to choose between having average sex two or three times a week, versus having great sex once a month, I would definitely choose the latter. Because in between great sex, I can still masturbate whenever I want to.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@KNOWITALL . It’s gotten me nowhere….

ragingloli's avatar

Let us just say that I think an Octopus needs more arms.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I’ve been thinking about this all morning… Why must it be both. Can’t it be both?
I eat 3 times per day. the food can be leftovers or it can be fresh fruit or sandwiches or whatever. It is still a meal that keeps my body nourished. Quantity. But every now and then I really enjoy chocolate truffles. They melt in my mouth and spread all over my tongue with a burst of flavor and texture that give me shivers. Quality. But I could not survive on truffles alone. In fact, the scarcity might even help me enjoy them more.
As with most things in life a happy medium seems to be the best combination.

rojo's avatar

I agree with @LuckyGuy: I thoroughly enjoy dressing up and dining at a fine restaurant with all the perks and extras that go along with that but that is an occasional thing and isn’t going to happen every night of the week but I gotta eat on a regular basis even if it is at a different chain restaurant every night. Sometimes a taco is just a taco.

anniereborn's avatar

Quality. No doubt in my mind!
I may have to eat every day, regardless of the quality, but I don’t have to have sex every day.

Dutchess_III's avatar

You don’t have to have sex at all! It’s not like it would kill you. ;)

@LuckyGuy I have to ask if you would be all about the quantity if you only had an orgasm once out of every 20 encounters or so?

LornaLove's avatar

I didn’t say they were mutually exclusive choices but if you had a choice much what @Dutchess_III has said in a way, that would you rather have tons of sex that were less satisfying which I’d imagine tons would be (at least after time) or quality sex less frequently.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@Dutchess_III If I only had an orgasm once out of every 20 encounters I would no doubt be frustrated and question the point.
As it is, even without a prostate, I still orgasm 99% of the time.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

I knew you’d get it Lucky Guy! But that is what generations of women have dealt with. And guys don’t understand why many of us would rather take a hot bath than have sex! Most of the time, for me anyway, it was a waste of time and energy. Fortunately I had two husbands who thought of me about half the time and even knew what to do.
The guy I dated for 10 years, off and on, after the divorce had NO clue. I had to teach him. I don’t think he ever actually believed me. He couldn’t comprehend that his dick, which he was very proud of, wasn’t enough.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I wouldn’t mind if I only got 1 out of 20. I guess feeling desired would make me happy.

I always used my fingers after, if the girl didn’t finish too. I never thought of that as a chore. I learned not to do that until I’m completely drained (pardon the pun,) because then the girls go to sleep, and then no 2nds, 3rds, or whatever for me…

rojo's avatar

Um Dutchess, speak for yourself. I am pretty certain I would be dead without regular sex.
And, I get it. But, I am not asking you to orgasm every time (you are welcome to if we can work it out) but I am saying that, as a male, I am on the side of quantity over quality.

Try this. Ask any male, anyone at all, if they they would not have sex any time they can get it. Sure, Quality is great, but if you cannot get it every time then quality is the fallback.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

I can get sex any time I want it, rojo.

rojo's avatar

Great. Of course you can but you are not male. and that is not what the question addresses.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Then you need to explain what “Speak for yourself” meant Rojo.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Yep. I’d take what I could get, and be pleased as punch each time.

There’s an expression; “my worst day fishing, is still better than my best day at work. ”

I could apply that to sex easily. Even the least pleasing, is still great….

rojo's avatar

@Dutchess_lll You already had. I was doing the same.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

You saying I was speaking from a womans POV? Well yeah. But I still don’t think any man would actually DIE without sex, would they?

MrGrimm888's avatar

^We might die, with no release. Without any sex, it would be a pretty terrible life too. It’s clearly not that valuable to some.

rojo's avatar

Duh, Yeah! they would either explode from a massive internal pressure buildup or else off themselves because…....

Think about it:

Females can have sex A: Wherever they want, B: whenever they want, C: however they want, D: as often as they want, E: with whomever they want.

Males can: A: Take what they are offered. Unless you want to include rape which, in my opinion, is not really sex but violence.

seawulf575's avatar

Generally I like quality, but let’s be honest…I’ve never turned down a quickie either.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Men wouldn’t die without sex. @MrGrimm888 wouldn’t be here if that was the case.

ragingloli's avatar

He is clearly dead inside.

anniereborn's avatar

I do wonder would it would be like if men rarely had orgasms with sex, instead of every time. Would their mindset be different?

LuckyGuy's avatar

@anniereborn I think that is a key difference. It is relatively quick and easy to make men orgasm, so we like it.
After my prostate surgery, like most men, I was told by the surgeon to have sex often to keep blood flowing and help the nerves heal. That was the last thing on my mind! After surgery, guys are given lessons on how to use various devices, drugs, and tools that increase blood flow. It was not enjoyable at all but the “Use it or lose it” rule was hanging over my head so I used it!
Quantity was much more important than Quality.

To get back to the original question
Let’s say a perfect high Quality orgasm (whatever that is) is scored 100 points. How would I score a “Quantity” orgasm? It still feels great. Would I cal it 20 points? Would I trade 5 Quantity orgasms for a Quality? No. Is it 30 points? Would I trade ~3 Quantity for a Quality? Maybe. How about 50 points? I’d definitely trade 2 Quantity for a Quality orgasm. So that means in my world a Quantity orgasm is worth between 30 and 50 points Call it 40 points.
Life is limited so we need to enjoy what we can, while we can. To that end we should follow some guidelines:
1) If given the choice between Quantity and Quantity for a single event, go for Quality. (100 points vs 40 points)
2) Quantity helps the body in more ways than just the O. It is aerobic exercise, it increases blood flow, and nerve response. 40 points every time
3) Humans are poorly designed machines. The components need to be used or they will atrophy. Use it! Don’t let perfect become the enemy of the good.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, I would think the pressure would be released at least through nocturnal emissions so that would take care of that, so you wouldn’t die!! LOL! Who the hell ever came up with the idea of celibacy for men, anyway? Evil SOBs!

@LuckyGuy I LOVE how you broke that down! You know, if it was as quick and easy for women, we’d probably be trolling around like men do, and men would be so much happier. :D But honestly, I never really thought about the physical pressure building up for men. I’ve never experienced anything like that. It’s got to be a HUGE deal for men, and accounts for the some times predatory nature of the species. Well, of ALL species.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Didn’t Anita Bryant regularly: say “A day without Orgasm is like a day without sunshine!”?.

(Or something like that.)

rojo's avatar

^^^ Engineers.

LuckyGuy's avatar

^ I’ve heard they’re the best. :-)
And… take away the messy, useless (after child bearing years) prostate, you’ve got yourself a real handy design feature!

I don’t why women don’t realize this. That should be a search characteristic on dating sites.

Dutchess_III's avatar

What handy design feature?

LuckyGuy's avatar

There are three big design features:
– No mess! (The contractions and shudders all feel the same but there is not squirt.)
– There is virtually no reset time required between rounds.
– And with the proper meds the “device” can remain usable for as long as either partner wants. Just keep it below 4 hours.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Sticks and stones SQ, and Loli…

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