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LostInParadise's avatar

What are we to make of Trump boasting about telling lies?

Asked by LostInParadise (32278points) March 15th, 2018

Link “I just argued with the PM of Canada that the U.S. has a trade deficit with Canada. I didn’t have a clue. Turns out I was wrong. Ha, ha, ha.”

What are we to conclude? Is Trump immoral, or could it be that he is amoral? How does he expect people to react to his statement? Is he a complete moron? I am at a loss for how to respond.

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35 Answers

KNOWITALL's avatar

So he admitted he’s a moron sometimes, that’s progress.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Sometimes people make a mistake. That doesn’t mean they are a moron. He admitted his mistake, which publicly gives PM an apologetic nod. I see nothing there to hyperventilate about.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

He lies so much, that claiming he was wrong about one,or two will make him seem honest to his believers.

BellaB's avatar

He’s back to saying there is a deficit. He’s a moron.

Zaku's avatar

“What are we to conclude? Is Trump immoral, or could it be that he is amoral?”
YES, BOTH IMMORAL AND AMORAL. Everyone was to conclude that on practically every situation one has observed Trump talking about practically anything!

“How does he expect people to react to his statement?”
I EXPECT people to be appalled and reject him for any position of authority or power of any kind, and to detain him for psychological experimentation and/or therapy, and/or lock him up for blatant conflicts of interest (and clear incompetence) while in public office. (Sadly, far too many people in the USA keep failing to do this.)

“Is he a complete moron?”
Not completely…

Kardamom's avatar

Trump thinks he is smart and cute, so do his supporters.

He’s a moron, and a fool. He’s made a mockery of the office of The Presidency, but still there are plenty of people who think he is terrific.

LostInParadise's avatar

@Patty_Melt , There is nothing wrong with making a mistake, but to find it amusing that he insisted that something was true when he was totally clueless, just floors me. Technically, he did not lie, since he did not know for sure if what he was saying was true. The philosopher Harry Frankfurt says that the technical term for this is BS-ing. It is an interesting question as to who has a lesser regard for the truth between someone who knowingly contradicts it or someone who is completely indifferent to it.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@LostInParadise That’s exactly how I feel. It’s not funny, it’s embarassing. Either someone’s not filling him in, or he’s not doing his homework as a diplomat.

These are the things people possibly didn’t consider when electing him, as a non-politician.

Jeruba's avatar

I just hope that the friends and close allies of the U.S. that he’s antagonizing and ridiculing left and right will be willing to give us another chance when we manage to elect somebody else—which couldn’t be too soon even if it were tomorrow.

He doesn’t know how to treat friends because he doesn’t really have any. His overwhelming compulsion appears to be to dominate anyone who’s in the (literal or figurative) room with him—unless he knows he can’t, in which case he fawns and flatters to curry favor with the stronger party.


I don’t see the “I was wrong” part anywhere. Can you point to it? I didn’t think he was capable of uttering those words.

filmfann's avatar

He has insecurities, and is compensating.

little hands are a hint

ragingloli's avatar

Something anyone with a brain already knew.
When the Orangutan opens his mouth, assume that he is lying.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

That definitely seems like the case.^^^^
The best we can hope for him is at least a few half truths,but even those are few and far between these days.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Because he’s President, we all keep repeating the same mistake of expecting Trump’s behavior to fall somewhere within the range of “normal”. A year into it, and clearly it ain’t gonna happen. Yet we (along with the rest of the world) must stumble along from fkup to tirade on the pretense that there are no aberrations in the President’s mental gearbox. As the tiresome farce proceeds virtually without interruption awaiting the open acknowledgment that the President’s crazy. All of us KNOW the truth of it. Nobody wants the job of telling the truth out loud about the emperor’s clothes. Cowardice.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I have no problem @stanleybmanly your guy in charge is fucking nuts, crazy, and the biggest liar you guys have had in a very long time.
The problem I have is I can see the American voter re-electing this idiot , now tell me who is fucking nuts!

stanleybmanly's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 It appears that no one is willing to define the parameters when it comes to “unfit for office”. The Republican Congress quickly dropped the hot potato when their investigations showed signs of criminal machinations on the verge of revelation. It looks like it falls to Mueller to solve the dilemma. If insane is insufficient justification for terminating this embarrassment, perhaps criminally insane will turn the trick.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Let’s hope so, because if not you guys are probably going to have him until 2024 if he doesn’t start WW3 before that.

stanleybmanly's avatar

You think he will be re-elected in 2020 (if he lasts til then)? At least there should be record setting turnouts at the voting booths.

JLeslie's avatar

He really is unbelievable. I really don’t see how anything has changed. It’s the same thing over and over with him.

I do find the twisting of the statistics interesting. I just saw on MSNBC that there is a trade deficit if you take out timber and something else, a surplus if we include services. Do services typically get taxed like goods on imports and exports?

Now, I am interested in knowing more specific detail about our trade and tariffs. I don’t completely trust either side with how they are presenting the numbers.

Doesn’t change that he is ridiculous. He just says whatever. It’s like that old line, “when the president does it it’s not illegal.” Who was that Nixon? Trump’s deal is he thinks if he says something it’s true, whether it is or not.

kritiper's avatar

What to make of him? A one-term president!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@kritiper Half term, Mueller is coming ! !

MrGrimm888's avatar

I think he sees the situation as him being innovative, charming, or smart, to hip fire his way through the conversation. His sheep, I’m sure, see it that way.

The ones who aren’t stupid AF, should see this as it is. The POTUS went into a meeting about trade, without knowing what he was talking about. I would liken it to someone failing an open book test. There is no excuse for being ignorant about such details. His people practically script everything he says. When he goes off the recommended path, his true colors show quickly. And you can tell when he’s blabbering, or going by his written speach, because he reads aloud like a 5th grader. When he freelances a statement, he’s all over the place, and frequently lies, or misrepresents. As pointed out above, he’s simply ignorant in many cases of his lies. That’s never stopped him from blithering on though. Nor has it stopped his feeble minded sheep from supporting such a fool….

flutherother's avatar

What this tells us is that Trump is entirely unfit to be President or to hold any public office whatever. He makes a mockery of the office he holds.

ragingloli's avatar

And remember how, just a few weeks ago, the Orangutan regime called reports, that he was about to fire McMaster, fake news?

Well, guess what.

kritiper's avatar

I would say that he is boasting that no matter how stupid his followers are, he’ll still get re-elected.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I know @kritiper ,the opposition lies and they hold their heads and scream oh my god he lied how could we ever trust him?
Trump lies and they just shrug and say they all lie what do you expect?
As for Trump getting re-elected I fear your right again I have zero faith in the American voter.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I don’t think he could pull it off again. The first time, only his fans believed there were enough stupid people in the country to assure his election. Trump’s victory amounted to a sort of poll or census on those numbers, and if he can last til 2020, he won’t get the pass that he did last time as merely a boorish tasteless joke.

ragingloli's avatar

>“I don’t think he could pull it off again.”
>“So I do not need to vote this time.”
>“Oh crap, Drumpf won again!”

Jeruba's avatar

Here’s a quote I marked last night in a novel that was published in 1908, when the world was young:

“Like any man, he was coward enough to fear great force; but he was not quite coward enough to admire it.” —G.K. Chesterton

I infer that the author is saying that a coward is someone who admires great force…or someone who admires great force is a coward (not quite the same thing, but close enough for present purposes). And that suddenly made it clear: the man we’re talking about here is a coward. All that bluster and bluff, that posing and goading, that swinging and running away. I’ve seen him called a lot of things (some of them very satisfying, to be sure): but how about, simply and disgracefully, a coward?

ragingloli's avatar

Well, he does fire people via twitter, instead of telling them in person.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

First he’ll need his party’s nomination.

He’s pissed OFF a lot of of Republican Party leaders.

flutherother's avatar

“Trump’s barefaced assertion of canards that can instantly be debunked … shows that he sees public discourse not as a means of finding common ground based on objective reality but as a weapon with which to project dominance and humiliate rivals” Steven Pinker in Enlightenment Now.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Trump thinks the average voter is a grade school drop out.

Jeruba's avatar

2024 update: We are still wrestling with this question, and seemingly no closer to an answer that satisfies. Remember when Billy Bush quoted Trump after the Access Hollywood tapes came out shortly before the 2016 election: “Later, when the cameras were off, he said, ‘Billy, look, you just tell them and they believe it. That’s it: you just tell them and they believe. They just do.’”

Are those believers any less credulous now? I doubt it.

Meanwhile he goes on.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Moron. Final answer.

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