General Question

rockfan's avatar

Do you like Thomas Kinkade’s paintings?

Asked by rockfan (14632points) March 19th, 2018 from iPhone

As asked.

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31 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

Nope, not at all. Formulaic and gimmicky.

thisismyusername's avatar

I can’t stand them.

They all seem as though they were painted during a Disney board meeting by a guy painting with rolled-up hundred dollar bills.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Yes. They are my favorite style. Very nice work, in my opinion.

rojo's avatar

Some of the earlier stuff like Dawson and The Edge of the Wilderness.

Zaku's avatar

No. I almost find some of them appealing, but then I notice the aspects of the style that put me off. That is, the artificial framing, bland idealized contrived presentation of scenes arranged to all seem serendipitously pretty except it’s evidently artificial, with soft brightness contrast and often semi-realism mixed with strangely warped perspectives, nothing out of place or not cheery, etc.

They do seem to nicely capture comforting but inauthentic idealized visions of a time or place.

johnpowell's avatar

I guess it is less money idiots can give to Ted Cruz’s reelection campaign. That is about the best thing I can say about them.

flutherother's avatar

Garish and a bit tacky. I don’t much like them.

ragingloli's avatar

It is fine. Beats pictures of cans of soup.
Though you can probably find better stuff on deviant art.

chyna's avatar

I don’t own any of his work, but I like some of it.

marinelife's avatar

Good heavens, no!

MrGrimm888's avatar

I can appreciate them. I can’t say that I would want many in my house. Just not my style.

Zaku's avatar

Parodies of Kinkade tend to resonate with some of my criticisms…

chyna's avatar

@Zaku That’s just mean! :-)

janbb's avatar

Shlock art

stanleybmanly's avatar

that’s the trouble birdie. Like a lot of topics that pop up here, it’s too painful to explain why it’s schlock. I bet most of us have walked into the house of a Kincaid “collector” at one time or another. It’s an uncomfortable ordeal, not only because the folks proudly exhibiting the stuff are invariably people of whom I’m fond, but worse is the guilt at knowing I’m a judgemental snob. Did any of you see the tongue in cheek 60 Minutes episode on Kincaid and his production line approach to art a few years back? He’s probably the most financially successful “artist” ever. Kincaid’s genius isn’t about art. It’s about marketing.

stanleybmanly's avatar

He’s been dead for a number of years now, but his “art” (like mediocrity itself) is immortal (and plentiful).

chyna's avatar

You guys would probably trash the “happy trees” guy.

thisismyusername's avatar

^ Don’t you dare trash Bob Ross!

canidmajor's avatar

@chyna Here’s a little something for Jessie! :-)

As for Kinkade, yeah, great marketing. Kind of the Justin Bieber of art distribution.

stanleybmanly's avatar

No. I like Bob Ross. You don’t even have to watch his show, just listen for a truly extraordinary calming effect. And I realize that it’s wrong to dis any slave to the muses (including Kinkade) who manages to escape the plight of starving artist.

Aster's avatar

I like the Christmas paintings and would like to trade our “home by the lake” painting for one. I’m tired of ours. Fifty years from now he just might be recognized as some artistic genius. Who knows?

kruger_d's avatar

I would gladly pay 4.99 for a TK jigsaw puzzle. That’s about it. They are too saccharine and filled with cheap nostalgia.

rockfan's avatar

But the quality is nowhere near as good as some of the background animation in Beauty and the Beast or The Little Mermaid. Kinkade’s Disney paintings looks like they belong dangling over a baby’s crib.

rockfan's avatar

For some reason I’m unable to format the link into a word

stanleybmanly's avatar

Kinkade prints are available from @Dutchess III ‘s Tophatter. You can buy them for less than $10.

rojo's avatar

@rockfan I think it may not be formatting the way you want it to because you have a space between the colon and the link.

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