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janbb's avatar

What is this thing they call Spring?

Asked by janbb (63342points) March 22nd, 2018

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14 Answers

janbb's avatar

Past editing time but for those who don’t know, we in the Northeast just had our fourth snowstorm in March. Yesterday’s dropped about a foot here. So I am looking for some lighthearted descriptions of Spring so I’ll recognize it if it comes.

canidmajor's avatar

I remember such a thing from childhood.

Jaxk's avatar

Where’s that Global Warming when you need it?

janbb's avatar

@Jaxk That’s why it’s properly named and identified as climate change.

I“ll tell you about global warming in the summer!

chyna's avatar

If you see something yellow peeking out of the snow, and you determine that it is not pee, it might be a daffodil. If so, spring will be here soonish.

janbb's avatar

I remember walking Frodo in the snow and see all the pee-mail he got!

kritiper's avatar

Warming temperatures. And rain…and mud…

marinelife's avatar

A sense of renewal. We are budding and blooming like the trees and flowers, unfurling new leaves in the warm sun.

zenvelo's avatar

Spring is when the storms litter the ground in California with all the blossom petals.

janbb's avatar

@zenvelo Will it still be Spring in May? I’ll be there for a short time.

LostInParadise's avatar

Maybe that groundhog in Pennsylvania saw a second copy of its shadow and decided to extend winter.

janbb's avatar

@LostInParadise Maybe his data was sold! I saw a warrant out for his arrest.

Patty_Melt's avatar

When you see the procrastinators in the check line at Walmart with their refund checks.

Nomore_lockout's avatar

Cant say. Where I live, you have a short sometimes mild winter, then summer, then a hot summer, then a broiling hot summer.

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