Social Question

KNOWITALL's avatar

What will the highlights of your obituary be?

Asked by KNOWITALL (30076points) March 22nd, 2018

Based on a recent question.

What do you want in your obituary, or to be remembered for?

Have any of you written yours?

Serious or fun, either way, please share. TIA

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9 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Still alive in another dimension. Don’t form a religion around me. No singing amazing Grace at my furneral.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@ragingloli haha, at least I know you’re a woman now! That’s a fun read.

gondwanalon's avatar

He never raised his voice to his wife.
Folks enjoyed his droll and sarcastic humor.
He enjoyed participation in athletic competition.
He loved cats and all animals.
He was the master of mediocrity.
He essentially struggled his way through life using brute strength.

canidmajor's avatar

Stupid dog shouldn’t have chased that car.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, I’ll have to ask facebook!

kritiper's avatar

A sweetheart of a man, a life-long bachelor (not necessarily by his choice), a wonderful brother, honest to a fault,, a fantastic though sometimes a little weird sense of humor, a devout Atheist, a lover of dogs, cats, animals in general, always an eye for the ladies, and deadly with a revolver.

MrGrimm888's avatar

He valued all life.

He tried to to the right thing, more often than not.

His attempts at happiness, were like trying to hold a fist full of water. No matter what he did, or how hard he squeezed, it just ran through his fingers…

flutherother's avatar

He was always a quiet guy but never as quiet as now.

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