General Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

Were there more people at today's March for Your Life demonstration in Washington than attended Trump's inauguration?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33686points) March 24th, 2018

Counting only the Washington march, not the other cities.

Were there more people there in downtown DC today, or more for the Trump ceremonies on January 20 of last year?

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6 Answers

janbb's avatar

Here’s an estimate for the DC numbers today and hard to get numbers for the inauguration but this article amang other seems tp indicate that there were fewer people there.

Estimates seem to be about 800,000 – to a million today and 400,000 -600,000 for Trumpday.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I wonder what all the Republicans running this fall think ? ? ?

elbanditoroso's avatar

If they had any sense, they would be thinking – “damn! that’s a lot 18 year olds that will be voting for the first time, maybe I better get my shit together and have a decent policy on guns!”

But I wouldn’t count on it.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

They aren’t going to get their shit together, samo – samo. There will be a difference in the coming years.

The New Russian Agency (NRA) will be looking for more money from Putin to load FB and other social media site with *Pro hunting for deer and rabbits with AR-15’s”.
While it would be a sporting thing to make hamburger of deer on site while hunting, 30 rounds into a rabbit it may fail.

JLeslie's avatar

I wouldn’t compare the two. It’s not apples to apples. I’d compare the innauguration to other inaugurations. In fact, other republican win inaugurations.

It’s way easier to come out on a March day than a frigid January day. Plus, this was on a weekend day, and it’s during spring break for a lot of the nation. It’s not right after people just took time off for Christmas and New Years.

Poseidon's avatar

Hello elbanditoroso,

If more than a dozen attended March for Your Life then yes more went on the march than attended Trump’s inauguration.


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