Social Question

Mariah's avatar

Did you march today?

Asked by Mariah (25883points) March 24th, 2018

I had a great time at the Boston chapter of March for our Lives today. Did you march? How was it?

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22 Answers

seawulf575's avatar

Nope….I have a job. I had to work. I don’t support the cause.

canidmajor's avatar

Good for you, @Mariah! Some physical concerns keep me from marching anymore, nowadays my contributions are financial.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I could not, but I was on the L train yesterday and lot’s of families were on board headed to the March. Good to see.

chyna's avatar

I was not able to, but thank you @Mariah for speaking for those that can not speak out for a cause they believe in.

janbb's avatar

Yes. I went to one of the local ones with my cousin. A policeman reckoned the crowd to be at least 5,000 which is the biggest one I’ve been in locally. The kids who spoke were amazing. I feel hope for the future – if we survive that long.

Mariah's avatar

@seawulf575 I have a job too, but I don’t work on Saturdays.

A friend of mine who is an elementary school music teacher invited me into his group for the March. I met him in Maine when we were sitting in at Senator Collins’s office to protest the BCRA. He volunteers as a youth advisor at his Unitarian Church and was marching with some of the kids and other advisors from that group. I was so thrilled to march with a youthful group, given the way the kids have taken the lead on this issue. I helped the advisors keep track of the kids and make sure everyone was safe, which turned out to be unnecessary as it was a very peaceful event.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

No. Don’t support it either. Have other stuff I have to do. Education-related that’s more worthwhile in my opinion.

canidmajor's avatar

@SergeantQueen: You don’t support kids not getting mass murdered at school? Unless you’re homeschooled, I would think it would be a matter of even small concern until you graduate.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No. I haven’t been feeling well, but I sent support for them via Facebook and Twitter. I also contributed to their GoFundMe.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Why don’t you support it @SergeantQueen?

chyna's avatar

@sergentqueen your education won’t mean jack shit if you are lying dead in a classroom because some idiot got hold of an AR -15 and blew kids away. Think it can’t happen to you? Think again.

cookieman's avatar

I was planning to go to the one in Boston with my daughter, but she’s been sick and was not up to it sadly. I’m glad you went @Mariah.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Attack me but don’t attack @seawulf575

canidmajor's avatar

@seawulf575 isn’t still in high school.

seawulf575's avatar

@SergeantQueen Of course they attack you. They love to pile up when they think they have an weaker target. They just don’t know you that well, I suspect. AND I suspect they know I’m a crotchety old guy that doesn’t back down. So let me help.

@canidmajor, Your attitude seems to be one that is condescending and arrogant all at once! Let me see if I have it straight: You are saying that unless you are homeschooled, you’re an idiot for not supporting this march and you are trying to shame @SergeantQueen. Then, you imply that since I’m not in high school, I don’t care if kids get killed. And that couldn’t be further from the truth. In your arrogance, you seem to think that this march and banning all guns (which is a fantasy at best) is the best way to deal with school violence. Obviously anyone that doesn’t agree with you hates kids or is an idiot. Did I sum it up pretty well?

@chyna You are caught up in the sensationalism and idiocy of the propaganda. You seem to think that kids can only get killed in school by some nut wielding an AR-15. And, like @canidmajor, you are arrogant enough to believe that anyone that doesn’t agree with you is an idiot. I can’t help you with the second part, I suspect that is just you, but maybe I can shed some light on the first part. AR-15’s don’t kill nearly as many kids as handguns. Recent stats from the FBI show that hand guns kill 6000+ each year where as rifles (including but not limited to AR-15s) kill only about 350. Can you get killed by an AR? Absolutely. Is it the only way you can get killed? Absolutely not…not even the most likely way. But don’t let facts get in your way.
Of the three of you that addressed @SergeantQueen over her comment, only @Dutchess_III did it respectfully and in the spirit of conversation and exchange of ideas. I commend her. @SergeantQueen made a statement. @Dutchess_III asked her about it. That is a reasonable thing. @SergeantQueen can explain or not…that is up to her. But it was not asked with arrogance or condescension.

canidmajor's avatar

No, you don’t have it right, @seawulf575 . But I see no reason to explain to you what I meant and what my attitude was, because you have already decided what to think about it.

seawulf575's avatar

And that is your right. But just a suggestion…if you don’t want to be thought of as arrogant and condescending, you might want to pause before hitting the Answer! button to reread what you are about to post…read it with open eyes, like someone else will see it.

janbb's avatar

^^ Such irony!

chyna's avatar

@seawulf. Meh, If you see my answer as an attack, then flag it.
If any teen I come across is so arrogant that they aren’t concerned about school shootings, whether from an AR -15 or a hand gun or a bomb, you can bet I will say something to them. Education isn’t always in books.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

It’s rude, in my opinion. I can think and say what I want, and if you are going to attack me for saying it attack others who say it too. Or, you know, be a decent human and shut up.

jonsblond's avatar

My son and I really wanted to but the closest march was an hour away and our car isn’t running at the moment. There was also a big snowstorm in the way so a reliable vehicle wouldn’t have made a difference. I spent the day watching the news and listening to the speakers in D.C.. Emma was amazing.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@SergeantQueen why do you not agree with the movement?

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