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elbanditoroso's avatar

What should I do? Conflicted about watching 60 Minutes tonight?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33649points) March 25th, 2018

I can’t make up my mind.

On the one hand, prurience and curiosity makes me want to watch the Stormy Daniels interview.

On the other hand, this is just the sort of salacious ‘for the masses’ kind of crap that keeps America stupid.

On the third hand, if the interview pisses Trump off, that’s OK with me.

Should I watch the Stormy Daniels interview?

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26 Answers

kritiper's avatar

Yes you should. There are two sides to every story and you owe it to yourself, if you really care about the subject, to listen. Too many people make up their minds about some things after hearing one side, and it’s the sort of thing that really pisses me off!

Kardamom's avatar

Watch it. Having more information is better than having less information. Then you can decide whether or not what this woman has to say is legitimate or useful, or whether it was just entertainment. Either way is fine.

zenvelo's avatar

We’re going to watch. Not for the salaciousness of it; more for learning how Trump has tried to keep her quiet while also denying any involvement.

ragingloli's avatar

You could also watch a Stormy Daniels video on Pornhub simultaneously, and imagine the guy being the Orangutan, to maximise your disgust level.

stanleybmanly's avatar

It probably matters little whether you watch or not. It will be impossible to avoid whatever salacious tidbits are revealed if you read, watch or listen to any news at all on Monday. By now, no one outside Trump’s inner circle bothers to dispute the fact that he is a pig.

filmfann's avatar

If you aren’t watching it, what are you doing to increase your intelligence?
As television goes, 60 Minutes is much more informative than most other shows. Don’t put it in the same category as the shows on E!, HSN, REAL, or FOX.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I would not tune in to 60 Minutes to see a moral degenerate who is dragging American culture into the sewer.

So I skipped the Betsy DeVos interview.

I might watch Stormy Daniels if I am home in time. Though I prefer reading transcripts. Same with debates & speeches.

JLeslie's avatar

I’ll be recording it, but I record 60 Minutes every week. I expect it to not have any real surprises, but you never know. Overall, I think it’s a stupid story. Who cares if he slept with her? She was willing, then he paid her off, and now she’ll make more money talking. Money money. Anyone trying to make this about empowering women is really stretching it.

So speculations are Trump had her threatened or that maybe she aborted his child. I really really doubt he physically threatened her directly or through others. If she aborted his kid I don’t care, but I guess some of his supporters might? I don’t know. I once went to this evangelical social event, one of those mega churches, and the featured speaker, who was there to talk about fashion, part of her schtick was how she knew a lot of women in the audience had had abortions, and they need to forgive themselves. I was like—WTH? I really didn’t expect that.

We already know Trump cheats, it’s nothing new. The whole thing is kind of boring to me, except to say, maybe there is some sort of startling surprise I have anticipated.

Go ahead and tune in, and if you get bored turn the channel.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

We already know Trump cheats

A huge number of Republicans deny it.

February 21, 2018 – Quinnipiac

“Do you think President Trump has been loyal to his wife throughout his marriage, or don’t you think so?”

42% of Republicans say “yes”

LostInParadise's avatar

The implication is that something is going to be revealed on the program. Why not see what it is?

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m going to move heaven and earth to watch it! We no longer have cable but I’m finding ways of working around that.

rojo's avatar

Watch, or do not, there is no try.

FWIW I probably won’t watch it. There will be a surplus of analysis that I can read/hear later.

Jeruba's avatar

I turn on the TV only for presidential debates and the Olympics. So no. But I’m rooting for her anyway. And wondering if will take anything less than forever to untangle the confusion of values that led us here.

JLeslie's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay That is shocking to me. Some sort of denial, cognitive dissonance, I don’t know what.

ragingloli's avatar

How can that be at all shocking?

Darth_Algar's avatar

I won’t watch it. I’ll see enough of the details tomorrow on my Facebook and Twitter feeds. Honestly, I don’t care about the affair in and of itself. Consenting adults can do whatever they wish with themselves. I don’t even care about the adultery. That’s a matter between him and his wife. What concerns me are the payoffs and the fact that it shows that Trump is extortable (not that that’s particularly a revelation ether).

funkdaddy's avatar

Can you imagine the reaction if Obama was having affairs with porn stars and denying it after his lawyer had them sign NDAs and paid them hush money.

Has anyone in history given $130,000 to their boss out of the goodness of their heart? Is that even a viable story?

@JLeslie – what would your friends say if that was anyone other than Trump?

That’s the success he’s having. It seems perfectly reasonable to many people that he act like this. He’s lowered the expectations to the point where bad behavior followed by denials and unfathomable explanations are the norm.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It’s no success. It’s some sort of mass delusion, mass hysteria. However, if it were possible to hold a vote today to vote him out, I think he’d be out by a YUGE margin.

JLeslie's avatar

@ragingloli How can it be shocking to me that people think that Trump is faithful? I mean, it’s just so beyond me that people think he’s faithful, but then my answer below will contradict what I just said.

@funkydaddy Which friends? My friends who support Trump? I mean obviously there is HUGE hypocrisy among those who cared about Clinton’s behavior regarding women, but they don’t care about Trump’s behavior. I’d say vice versa too.

Trump is right that if you say something enough people believe you. That’s what cheating men do, they just lie and lie.

I remember when I was 15 and started dating a guy, and his brothers and uncles all cheated on their wives. I didn’t even know that existed. They brought their “dates” around the family, they talked about these women they had casual sex with like they were things. I think a lot of women go their whole lives without being front row witness to this type of behavior, and they really are just ignorant about it. It makes it easier to be in denial about it.

Dutchess_III's avatar

In his own WORDS he said, he “grabbed pussies.” In his own WORDS he said he “just starts kissing women and he can’t help it.”

johnpowell's avatar

Oh fuck.. That is tonight. Time to dig out the aerial.. I only have Direct TV Now and don’t get CBS through that.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I’m watching it now (7:54pm ET). I find her believable and sincere. She seems very human. Not perfect, but not stupid either.

JLeslie's avatar

I saw most of it. I believe Stormy. I don’t think it matters at all in terms of the Trump presidency, unless there was campaign money used to pay her off.

I think it’s a waste of time and money to pursue finding more women who were paid off. If Trump assaulted women, then prosecute him criminally by all means.

funkdaddy's avatar

I don’t think there’s any government sponsored investigation going on, so any money used would be by journalists and publications. (someone correct if I’m wrong, please)

I think the biggest effect it may have on the presidency is that his lawyers are being outplayed in this case so far. By saying he didn’t sign the NDA they force him to either step forward and say it’s all true, or allow them to control the narrative now and look for compensation later. He doesn’t have control of what’s going on, and everyone else he’s dealt with is watching.

If that continues and there’s a judgement that those NDAs that he’s had wives, girlfriends, and accusers sign aren’t as enforceable as previously thought, that may be the real damage.

(for the record, I think if you take the payment on those deals, they’re assumed to be agreed upon, but I also think it’s impossible that deal was made without one of the named party’s knowledge, so we’ll see.)

I’m not saying that will happen, but that possibility is what needs to worry Trump’s team more than this single incident. 2018 is a whole different ballgame and the barriers to bringing sexual misconduct to light, even against a sitting president, are not what they were even 5 years ago.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I watched it and it made zero difference to my opinion of either her or Trump.

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