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Dutchess_III's avatar

Where are the kids sleeping at night?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) March 26th, 2018

The kids who are marching 50 miles over 4 days to mess up Paul Ryan…where are they sleeping at night? Anyone know?

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7 Answers

janbb's avatar

Don’t know but I would imagine sympathetic people along the way are putting them up. A little too cold for sleep outs! Or possibly in houses of worship.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I wonder if there are any hotels along the way that would put them up?

janbb's avatar

Nothing like a little research to provide some facts:

“The students settled on marching dozens of miles over four days, during their spring break, to Ryan’s Janesville office. They coordinated bus transportation for students, found high school gyms where they could sleep along the way, and relied on parent supporters to provide meals. They expect around 40 students to march the full distance, and they have the assistance of medically-trained volunteers. The march will culminate in a rally outside of Ryan’s office.”


Dutchess_III's avatar

Finally found this: spent Sunday night sleeping on a high school gym floor in Dane County, near Madison.” The Wash. Post

janbb's avatar

Gee – I got the right answer above in two minutes. Guess you’re not a librarian, Dutch! :-)

johnpowell's avatar

Well.. I am glad this didn’t end in some Obama funded deep state plot.

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