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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What items have you owned the longest?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25105points) March 27th, 2018

I’ve had shoes since grade 12 that I finally replaced this month. Also I have a GE clock radio that I bought in 1989 for $19.99 from consumer’s distributors with my allowance money that I still use.

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14 Answers

chyna's avatar

I have a blue jean jacket from high school.
When my mom died, I was going through her things and found that she had kept my prom dress from my senior year in high school. I threw it out. But then I retrieved it. If she had kept it that long, I could keep it too.

Zaku's avatar

I’ve got some of my baby teeth… and a stuffed animal from when I was an infant… and a birth certificate.

flutherother's avatar

I own a Midget Gem pocket dictionary which I signed and dated in 1964 when I bought it.

imrainmaker's avatar

My birth certificate and school certificates and pics.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I’ve got my birth certificate and a “post card” copy of it, my grandfather had my mom get it so I could get into baseball games for “under 12” prices when I was 10 years old.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I have owned my off road motor cycle for 31 years.
I have some tools that I have owned for 35 years.

JLeslie's avatar

I have my old black and white TV from when I was a young child. The sound is in and out on it, I haven’t used it in years, but I keep it.

Jewelry from when I was very young. I also inherited jewelry more recently, but I won’t count that.

I have several t-shirts that are 25 plus years old. Let’s see, one is from college, so that’s 30 years.

Photos from when I was a baby, and elementary school photos. I have various photos from many years of K-12.

A flatware set from my college years is still my everyday flatware in my house.

Several pieces of furniture from when I first got married 25 years ago, and items bought from my registry like dishes and some pots and pans, and more than one kitchen appliance.

jonsblond's avatar

I still have my baby blanket that my grandmother made for me. My sons used it as well when they were babies. I also still have my first teddy bear.

seawulf575's avatar

My social security card. I have had it since I was a kid. Beyond that…some books and some albums.

rojo's avatar

I am wearing a belt that I have owned since around 1970. Made by Levis, leather, black, well worn and now has a permanent curve to it. . It is still my go-to belt.

And, like @chyna I have an old denim jacket also from around1970, got it in high school. It has not been worn much in the last decade but kept for sentimental reasons. It is old, worn, faded, patched, (including this one from a trip to England) has chains and leather hanging from the front pockets and a hole eaten through by battery acid. Funny think is the acid only ate the denim and not the old horse blanket liner.

janbb's avatar

A little bookcase that my brother made for me in junior high wood shop. A cutting board that my friend gave us as a wedding present.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I also have baby teeth, my baby books and grade school records for my whole life, childhood dresses, some of my auntie’s things who passed before I was born, grandma’s china, etc…. Too many to list, and I’m not even sentimental, my mother is.

imrainmaker's avatar

I had my books which I used to read as a child but gave them away while shifting recently. Should have kept them i guess!!

anniereborn's avatar

I have lots and lots of things from my childhood. The longest must be the doll from my first Christmas almost 50 years ago.
Also I have one of my mom’s maternity tops from when she was pregnant with me, but to be fair I didn’t officially own that till I was older.

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