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marika666's avatar

I have a relationship with my best friend but she doesn't accept it what to do?

Asked by marika666 (16points) March 31st, 2018

Hi guys this is my first time here. Btw I ‘m a girl and I’m 18, recently I ve started dating a girl but she is my best friend. I have always loved her and it’s a dream having this relationship with her but the problem is that she isn t gay or bi and for this reason she does’t accept me as her girlfriend and I’m really scared that soon she will leave me because she wants a man… what do I have to do?

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18 Answers

johnpowell's avatar

Yeah. .. It is kinda best to not try to change a persons sexuality since it doesn’t work. It is fucked up when Mike Pence wants the state to pay for “orientation assignment camps”. It is just as bad when you think you can convert someone.

And girlfriend implies the feelings are reciprocal. They clearly are not.

joaozinhos's avatar

I think you will waste your time on this girlfriend. She wants a boy, and will only be using you. Find yourself a good lesbian who you can be with in all ways. That’s more healthy.

janbb's avatar

How could you be dating if she’s not romantically attracted to you? It doesn’t sound like she thinks you two are dating. If you want to preserve the friendship, back away from considering her a romantic partner and look for love somewhere else.

imrainmaker's avatar

It’s a one way traffic unless she accepts it as a relationship. You’re just friends irrespective of how close you are. If she’s interested in men then it’s best to leave your thoughts about her and see if you can continue with the friendship.

LornaLove's avatar

Falling for a friend is not that uncommon. Many of us have been there I am sure whether they are gay or straight, whether they are male or female (same sex or not). It’s also not uncommon for the friend to not return the same feelings. You are going to have to take it as a growth experience and move on from those ideas. She is not into you, regardless of her sexuality. You are her friend, be a friend and if you cannot then you will have to let her go completely.

kritiper's avatar

If you love something, or someone, set him/her/it free. If they/it don’t/doesn’t return, it was never meant to be.
Face the facts.
You can’t always get what you want.
Be the person you yourself would want that other to be in your place.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

If she isn’t reciprocating any romantic feelings you aren’t in a relationship.
I don’t mean to be rude, but you are going to scare her away with your delusion. If she isn’t attracted to girls, find someone else. Otherwise, you may lose your best friend.
Try and distance yourself, don’t talk to her for a bit. Try to go on a lesbian dating app. Move on.

Darth_Algar's avatar

A: You’re not in a relationship.
B: You’re not dating her.

As for what to do -

Step 1 is accepting the two above facts.

Step 2 is accepting that she’s not into you romantically, and doesn’t swing that way.

Step 3 is moving on so you can find someone who is.

Kardamom's avatar

If she isn’t gay or bisexual, why do you say that you are “dating” your friend? That doesn’t make sense.

If your friend is not gay or bisexual, you are wasting your and her time trying to get her to feel romantic sexual feelings toward you. Back off and just be a regular friend to her, or else you will drive her away.

marika666's avatar

Hi first of all thank you so much for the answers they are really helpful but I forgot to say something… I ve always had feelings for her but she was the one who decided to kiss me and then we also had sex . She always tells me that she is in love with me but she is very confused but she’s definitely not bi cause she isn ‘t attracted to girls… but only to me. We are basically in a relationship and she’s also refusing all the guys that are trying to approach her because she loves me now…but when I try to ask her are we together? She always responds no. So I really can’t understand this. She says I’m an exception but… I’m not sure if this is just a phase for her and I’m really scared… also she is the first person I’ve ever been with and I really love her. Should I wait because she wants time to understand her feelings? Or if she is not Bi this relationship won’t continue ?

janbb's avatar

Early relationships tend to end painfully one way or another. If you can enjoy this for what it is for now and realize that it’s likely to end with her pulling away, do so. Not easy.

It sounds like she likes you a lot but is not wanting to come out as gay – and probably isn’t. Some people experiment with bi-sexuality for a time before choosing their sexuality but it sounds like she knows where she is heading.

First love is generally painful in a variety of ways. You’re discovering one.

CWOTUS's avatar

Welcome to Fluther.

You’ve gotten some good advice above, if you’ll take it.

You seem to be falling into a mode of behavior that a lot of men and boys get criticized for – and rightly so! That is, the scenario where a girl smiles at a boy, he falls in love with her over that, and suddenly believes that she’s “his girlfriend”. Or a girl pays a compliment to a boy, and he then believes that she’s in love with him.

That can certainly go the other way, of course, but girls have generally seemed to me to be more level-headed about this sort of thing. They can do everything that boys do in this regard… but they don’t seem to do it as often. Well, it looks like you’re doing it.

Now, if you have a best friend who’s a girl, then of course you do have a relationship with her. Unfortunately for you, it’s not quite the relationship you want, because your feelings are different from hers, and you want a more romantic relationship which she has made clear she does not want. In boy-girl terms, you’ve been friend-zoned. It’s up to you to either accept that and be “just friends”, or, if it hurts you too much to be so-close-and-yet-so-far, then for you to put distance between yourselves. (Whether you tell her of your feelings so that she’s not hurt and mystified to lose her friend if that happens, well, that’s up to you.)

It’s sad sometimes when we find that we can’t have just what we want, but it’s part of growing up, too.

janbb's avatar

@CWOTUS Did you read her further explanation in the post above mine? The situation is a little different than it seems from the OP.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Just shut up and enjoy it. Nothing lasts forever and not everything needs defined. Good luck.

marinelife's avatar

OK, I can see that this is confusing. But you can’t change her feelings or beliefs. I don’t think the long-term future looks very good for this relationship. You can’t make her love you; you can’t force her to come out as gay or bi.

Your only choices are to go forward as the relationship is as long as it lasts or to break it off now. Either way it looks like you have some pain ahead to deal with.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

There’s a possibility she is scared to come out, either because it could be against her beliefs or beliefs of family and she’s scared of what they may think BUT, based on what you said that seems to be a minimal chance.

You can get advice from us, but none of us know who you are, or who she is beyond what you’ve told us. I think the best course of action would be to get her to talk to you face-to-face. Have a serious conversation. If she truly isn’t interested, then you need to move on.

I would probably say you shouldn’t just break things off without closure first. Otherwise, your mind won’t stop searching for an answer and you will drive yourself crazy.

Unofficial_Member's avatar

Your last attempt to win her heart is to ask her if she’s willing to ‘experience’ with you. There are many straight individuals that feel/curious/wanting to dig deeper about their own sexuality and they’re called Queers. There are even some straight people that have just realized their ‘queerness’ after many years of leading straight relationship. You’re not trying to change her sexuality here but gambling on the experience she’s willing to take for her own curiosity and hoping that she does have a taste for that different side of the river.

Last but not least, don’t be discouraged if she’s indeed a straight woman. There are many kind lesbian in the world and all you have to do is to find them and be nice to them. You are not alone.

Hoss45's avatar

Seems to me your friend doesn’t realize what you are to him or her. So I would hang around with that person less and see what happens.

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