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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Has anyone invented a safe replacement for Q-tips in the inner ear?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25161points) April 1st, 2018

To treat wax and Itchiness? That person would be considered a hero and make a pile of cash. What is your solution? Q-tip ear injury stats question on Fluther

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8 Answers

KNOWITALL's avatar

No, I’m ready though. Just dont stick them all the way in.

kritiper's avatar

You’re not supposed to stick anything sharper than your elbow in there, so wrap a towel around your arm and go to town!
Actually, go to the drugstore and get a rubber bulb suitable for rinsing your ears out with warm water. I do about 20 squirts per ear, about every other week, and the shit comes out…

johnpowell's avatar

Debrox is your friend. Runs about 8 bucks at the drugstore.

Shilolo (A real doctor) suggested it to me about a decade ago and it does help. I have serious ear wax.

Zaku's avatar

I’ve been managing to not put anything in my ears despite wax and itching, except my fingertips just at the very outer rim. This because I finally started listening to my doctor after losing my hearing again to ear wax buildup. He said that touching inside the ear at all interferes with ear wax flow and leads to buildup, so I have been not messing with them for a couple of years and it has in fact been working fairly well.

But yeah I really agree I wish there were an easy way. If I had more money or civilized non-USA health care, I’d get them cleaned by a skilled person with a water pick every 6 months or so. But since I do live in this messed up backward place, I live with partly impaired hearing, chronic ear infections and itching. But at least by not sticking anything in my ears I can still mostly hear ok.

But hey, you’re in Canada – ask your doctor about having them use a water pick to clean out your ears from time to time.

anniereborn's avatar

@johnpowell Sounds like it’s just mostly hydrogen peroxide, which i have used in my ears before.

Mircat's avatar

No sorry to say they have not. You do what your doctor says or what you feel comfortable doing and deal with the ramifications of it if there are any.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Mircat Thanks. I only injured my ears once with a Q-Tip. When I was 19 I clogged my ears with a Q-Tip and needed to go to the E.R. in the middle of the night and they cleaned my ears with a syringe and poof it worked. Was a five hour wait in the E.R. and they fixed my ears in 2 minutes.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Update: Amazon just added q grip ear wax remover

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