It seems the trend, or current belief, is hydrogenated oils are very bad. It’s even being controlled by laws now. Restaurants can’t use hydrogenated oils in some places.
I honestly don’t know what to think. I know I personally, if I eat butter, my cholesterol goes up. I take in cholesterol and it directly effects my blood tests. But, possibly margarine is very negatively affecting my health too? I’m not sure. I haven’t tried margarine vs liquid oils, and then another blood test.
I use all three, oil, margarine, butter, and try to keep it all to a minimum. I mostly use liquid oil, assuming that’s the safest, then margarine is second, and butter last. That’s my personal diet, not a recommendation.
When I get a full cardiac blood panel done, everything is high, even the other fats, aside from cholesterol. Well, my tryglicerides are normal when I avoid eating a lot of sugar. I’ve tested that more than once, and it always seems to work. I mean, you only know what is going on in your body if you get the analysis done.
I think the best is to use very little fats, there is plenty of fat in the American diet already, unless you are an exception and eat an exceptionally low fat diet. Also, avoid cheese. Butter is basically just like cheese. High fat dairy product.