General Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Is the YouTube headquarters shooting recent?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25196points) April 3rd, 2018

I randomly found a breaking news video that said an active shooter in YouTube HQ. Is it new? Sorry I lost where the video was and can’t provide at link. It was 53 seconds long.

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6 Answers

seawulf575's avatar

It was in progress when I was coming home about 5:00 pm EST.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@seawulf575 Thanks. I will consider turning off the news today. That stuff makes my anxiety attacks worse.

seawulf575's avatar

I don’t know that it hit the news but I would imagine it has. I told my wife about it when I got home and she hadn’t heard a word about it. But she wasn’t watching the news, so I don’t know.

funkdaddy's avatar

Yes, it was today around lunch time on the west coast.

I haven’t seen a lot of details beyond the shooter was female and she was the only fatality so far. Several people were injured and YouTube headquarters was evacuated.

If that sort of thing makes you anxious, you probably know everything the news will tell you now, maybe give it a few days until they know more?

@johnpowell – wow, I guess that’s a feature? Wonder how big a news story has to be?

johnpowell's avatar

I think the intent is that it won’t guide you into a bad thing if you are using it for directions. I would hope this was implemented for generic places to avoid like a truck rolling over on I-5 and floods.

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