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chyna's avatar

Do you want to add stupid news stories that you have seen?

Asked by chyna (51731points) April 4th, 2018 from iPhone

I was listening to the news this morning as I was getting ready for work. We had really high winds last night and they were discussing that. I heard the news woman say “and Ms. Smith was taking a shower when she lost her electric. Ms. Smith, can you tell us about that?”
Ms. Smith: yes I was taking a shower when we lost the electric. I grabbed a shirt and ran to the basement.
Mr Smith: yes my wife was taking a shower when we lost the electric. We ran to the basement and came back up after 15 minutes. Everything was ok.
Really? This was news worthy?

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4 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

“Yes, we were covered in hail, everything was white and it looked like a ski area. But that was an hour ago and now it is all melted.”

- Lady being interviewed by local California TV tstaion

Dutchess_III's avatar

The wind knocked my cat down. She came to the back door screaming so I let her in.

si3tech's avatar

@chyna I think “snuffing condoms” is right up there with THE stupidest stories I have read.You snuff up the end of a condom until it goes back in your throat and pull it our through your mouth.One of the “latest crazes”. To me this says volumes about maturity among other things.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yeah, but they’re doing it for attention, and every time some one shares a post about it, even with disparaging comments, that’s exactly what they get.

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