Social Question

Kardamom's avatar

What has your best friend taught you?

Asked by Kardamom (33612points) April 5th, 2018

Your best friend is presumably someone who you like, and admire. What has your best friend taught you, that has helped you, or made your life better, or easier, or more joyful?

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9 Answers

janbb's avatar

She taught me the comfort of having someone who actively listens to you and supports you.

AshLeigh's avatar

She taught me that it’s okay to have high standards. It’s not okay to be unhappy just because those expectations are not always met.

NomoreY_A's avatar

My wife is my best freind. She taught me there are more important things in life than self.

Mimishu1995's avatar

That I am worth loving.

My best friends taught me a lot of thing, but that’s the most important thing that no one has told me before.

RIP. You two will always in my mind.

JLeslie's avatar

I have a few best friends. One taught me to be supportive and kind to family. More than one taught how to be there when a friend is in crisis. Another one continues to show me that hard work, consistency, and focus, can help you reach your goals.

Mariah's avatar

What a great question! I love my best friend so much. We grew up together; we’ve been best friends since we were three. Although we’re same age, she has always been just a few steps ahead of me in maturity, and so I learn from her all the time.

When we were teenagers we went through a kind of cynical and judgmental phase, and she grew out of that well before I did, which helped me to see how unfair I was being in my judgements.

I also went through a phase where I wanted to be uber logical and never have feelings, and she has never been like that at all (and in fact is studying to be a therapist now), so she helped me see that feelings are valid things to have and should be respected.

She also learned how to chill out and not worry about the unimportant things in life WELL before I did (I still am not great with this, lol) so by comparing myself to her I was able to realize how some of the things I was worrying about were not really worth my energy.

She might be the most genuinely good person I know. She loves to help others and is going to dedicate her life to that. She has helped me see the value of serving others.

I love her so much. I think I would still be a far more close-minded person if I hadn’t had her in my life. We live far apart now but she’ll always be my best friend and one of the people I admire most in life.

ragingloli's avatar

Not to trust him.

LuckyGuy's avatar

My best friend taught me that life is precious and not to be wasted.
He died suddenly at 65 of a heart attack about 2 months ago and I still think of things I want to discuss with him.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Still teaching me patience, I’m more of a dive headlong kind of person.

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