General Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

Are there alternative (renewable) uses for dryer lint?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33701points) April 5th, 2018

or should I just keep throwing it into the trash?

(I don’t have pets, in case that was to be a suggestion)

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7 Answers

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Make Paper Out of Dryer Lint

A friend of mine did this. She washed cottons separately to make all-cotton paper.

zenvelo's avatar

You can use it as a fire starter/tinder.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Like @zenvelo I use it for fire starter in my stove.
Also birds like it for nest material.

Lillabet's avatar

Wow great answers…love the paper idea…wonder if it can be used in some sort of art project also…if you were making papier-mache clouds or something more creative than that. People create art with it and there is an “Andy Warhol of Dryer Lint.” (Sidebar: It is very flammable so best to always get it out. Also heard one has to clean the hose that comes out of the dryer and be sure the exit flap from your house is clear.)

Jeruba's avatar

My son made a piece of paper out of lint as a school project when he was a youngster. It took a lot of work for one thick sheet, but he was very proud of his creation. He used it to write me a nice note.

Changed my perception of rag bond.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Save in a pillow case, sew up when full and use for camp or fishing pillow maybe?

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