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Kardamom's avatar

Did you have any really cool teachers?

Asked by Kardamom (33570points) April 6th, 2018

I remember two, specifically, who I would classify as “cool.” One was my 10th grade English teacher who said at the beginning of the school year that by the end of the year, we would all know X,Y, and Z. I was skeptical at first, because some of those things meant memorizing unfamiliar poems, learning some Middle English, reading some of Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, and reading some Shakespeare. I was terrified that I wouldn’t be able to understand any of it, and that I would hate it all. I ended up loving all of it, and I count him as one of the handful of people who made me appreciate reading, literature, history, British stuff, and more.

Also in 10th grade, we had Health Class, which included a few weeks of excellent sex education. In CA, at least when I was in school in the 70’s and early 80’s, sex ed was something that most parents wanted and expected their kids to learn at school, as a supplement to their own teachings. We learned everything we needed to know about how pregnancies occur, and how to prevent un-wanted pregnancies, and how to avoid venereal disease (STDs) as they were referred to back then.

I think the best thing our teacher (a male) did for us, was to show us exactly how to put on a condom (not on himself of course, but on a banana). He was very thorough at explaining how the condom could be torn if the gentleman tried to tear it open with his teeth, and how it needed to be put on, and how and when it needed to be taken off.

From some of the Q’s we get on Fluther, I gather that a lot of people, adults as well as teens, do not know how to properly use, apply, or remove a condom. I thought it was extremely helpful to be shown, something that most parents would cringe at doing, and the kids would have cringed at seeing. This teacher, who was also a PE coach, was one of the coolest teachers ever, and I know of no one in my high school who got pregnant during their time there (although we did know of one girl in our Junior High who got pregnant, because she was having a sexual relationship with one of the two 9th grade art teachers, not mine, thankfully). That was considered a huge scandal back in those days.

Did you have any cool teachers?

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6 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I had one who told the English grade 12 class that if you miss three assignments or late three times that you will get dropped out of the class. I had perfect attendance and did all of the assignments. I got a 55% (my highest in 6 years ) and a final mark of 65%. He kicked out half of the class over the semester.

LornaLove's avatar

Yes! So many, I travelled a lot as a kid and we lived in a couple of different countries. I suspect that is why my grammar is so bad! I missed a lot of school along the way.

I digress. The first one was an English teacher at an all-girls school. She was fabulous. She wore Chanel No.5 perfume, her hair was a dark raven colour and long. She wasn’t young, in fact, I think she must have been around 45, which was ancient of course and her makeup immaculate. She had a passion for English and would read Shakespeare as she paced back and forth in stilettos. She drank glass after glass of water, which was really odd. She had them lined up in rows on her desk. So of course, girls being girls, many started to emulate her with the water!

Another was an art teacher, this school was in a small village, and she also had a passion for art. She was bohemian and had long carefree tousled strawberry curls and skirts with bells at the bottom. She was Afrikaans and very wholesome. She collected wonderful books with beautiful illustrations, like books about fairies and gnomes, a book that suggested they were real and they hid. It was a huge book with large pages so you could see the artwork which was breathtaking. She really cared about her pupils so much in fact, some would go to her small modest arty flat and visit and drink tea and eat biscuits.

I also had a lovely class teacher in the UK her name was Mrs Shaw. She was so caring and so lovable that when she left I cried the whole day.

The hottest teacher I ever had was a male teacher who taught us geography and this was at high school in Rhodesia.The first day he arrived, he asked us if we were ready for our first lesson then put two desks together and lay down in front of the class. He was an Adonis, the girls were frozen by both is beauty and his whimsical behaviour, the boys were totally confused. Oh how I miss school!

Kardamom's avatar

@LornaLove Wow! It sounds like you had a wonderful education : )

ragingloli's avatar

Our Maths teacher was really into it.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Yes, if you count college.

I had a course in US Constitutional Law – this was just during the time of Watergate in the US (1972–74). The professor, who had a great sense of humor, was able to to illustrate all the points he wanted about the Constitution just by reading and explaining the news.

If he were alive today, he would be having a ball!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

In third grade I had a teacher that wore super short mini skirts and had super great legs.
I remember my mom asking me how I liked my teacher and all I could tell her is she had a great pair of legs, my mother couldn’t stop laughing for a couple of minutes she wasn’t expecting that king of answer from an 8 year old.

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