Social Question

Kardamom's avatar

If you could take a creative class, what would you choose?

Asked by Kardamom (33633points) April 7th, 2018 from iPhone

You are given $1,000 to spend on a creative class. You only get to use the money to take this class (or series of classes, if it costs $1,000 or less). You can’t spend the money on anything else, and you can’t transfer the class money to anyone else, although you can use part of the money to invite a friend to this class with you, if the total cost is $1,000 or less.

What type of creative class would you take? I’m thinking of a writing course, a photography course, a quilting or knitting or stitching course, a painting or drawing class, or maybe even a beginner’s ballet or ice skating class, or maybe even a cooking class.

What creative class would you like to take?

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15 Answers

MooCows's avatar

cake decorating or making wreaths

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Easy question, I would take guitar classes. It’s been about ten years and my skills are rusty and rudimentary.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Refresher course in creative writing.

ragingloli's avatar


johnpowell's avatar

Stained glass.. I took a class in high school where we made one piece and did other crafty thing like make a brass ring and did some sandblasting on glass.

Stained glass was fun but it really set my perfectionism off. Soldering really should be left to the robots.

Mariah's avatar

Wood turning or ceramics. I’ve been meaning to take some classes for years. They’re accessible to me, I’ve just been lazy..

dabbler's avatar

Probably drawing… several people around me are good painters, and I think I could do well at that if I had a foundation in drawing.

Kardamom's avatar

I think we may need to add an art studio and music room to the mansion.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Do we already have a library and a study?

Kardamom's avatar

Yes! A huge one.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh. OK. What does it look like?

Dutchess_III's avatar

That’s something we’ve never researched for the mansion…outdoor living!

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