General Question

darianarrasmithy's avatar

Can you help me figure out how do get glass out of my finger?

Asked by darianarrasmithy (10points) April 7th, 2018

my finger feels like it has like thousands of glass In it.
I need help
it stings when I touch it.
I need to know what to do

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10 Answers

chyna's avatar

If it’s one or two pieces, take a pair of tweezers and tweeze them out. If it’s a lot of glass, got to the Emergency Room and have them remove it.

Welcome to Fluther and good luck.

filmfann's avatar

I used to splice fiber optics, and occasionally would get shards in my fingers.
The fix is to roll your fingers over duct tape, or other sticky tapes.

dabbler's avatar

You write that your finger feels like it has glass in it.
Does it have glass in it?
Could you describe how you got glass in your finger?
What kind of glass do you have in your finger?
That can help us visualize what you’re up against.

CWOTUS's avatar

Welcome to Fluther.

This page contains multiple painless ways to remove splinters. Perhaps one of these ways will work for you.

Good luck.

imrainmaker's avatar

^Good info..)

kritiper's avatar

DO NOT GO TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM!!! That will cost you BIG bucks, like $1000! Go to a doc-in-the-box, one of those little doctor/medical places around town and have the doctor there take a look at it. Or see your regular doctor.
Getting glass out is a major pain since you can’t see the glass, if it’s clear. I use a new razor blade and some rubbing alcohol, slicing into where the glass is and picking it out carefully so as not to break it. The blood that may come out, if only a little, may help you to see the glass particle.

snowberry's avatar

Regardless of what removal technique you use, also use a magnifying glass. In the event you don’t have one handy, you could take a photo of the area with your cell phone and then expand the picture. It’s almost as good.

Super sticky tape such as duct tape will help. Understand that removing it and diagnosing how best to get it out will also hurt.

tan253's avatar

Are you sure it’s glass?

Dutchess_III's avatar

It feels like “thousands” of glass?

kritiper's avatar

Stinging nettle feels like that. You haven’t touched any weird plants lately, have you??

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