Do you think, in most cases, the root cause of the personality of school shooters is caused by faulty upbringing and NOT bullying?
I look at some of these out of control 2 and 3 year olds and wonder….they do the wildest stuff to get attention from their parents, even if it’s negative attention (which in many cases is simply the parent reacting by bullying the kid.) Well that works until they’re 5, then they go to school, and doing the same wild things for attention still gets them bullied, only now it’s different.
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27 Answers
When was the last school shooting in Germany? I will answer that. 2009. They have the same movies and video games. You are looking for a answer that is anything but easy access to guns.
Getting a fucking gun in a ten minutes is the problem. Full fucking stop. And yes.. I bought a shotgun at a pawn shop in ten minutes. They really don’t care.
Of course I agree with you that it’s too damn easy to get a gun. Not sure what you mean by ”You are looking for a answer that is anything but easy access to guns”. If it was up to me we’d have laws like Japan has, but I’m willing to compromise.
Not sure what any of that has to do with my question.
To copy a meme on social media, if bullying caused school shooters, how come none of them are gay or fat?
That’s why I asked the question, @zenvelo. If bullying is the “cause,” what came before the school bullying? BTW, I don’t think it is the cause, and it is most certainly NOT the other student’s responsibility to fix them. Those people are simply insane. Their insanity causes them to be bullied.
“Their insanity causes them to be bullied.”
As a person that is incredibly good at sport and always picked last I would like some clarification. I’m not insane and was still bullied.
Hell, I was bullied too! We weren’t insane. I didn’t say everyone who was bullied is insane. I said people who shoot up schools are insane.
Why are you guys taking this question off in all these directions as though there is an argument to be had in here somewhere? Guess I better go change my avatar so there is no mistake about where I stand on the issue. Going to change it to the same one I have on FB.
Question is framed poorly.
And what is the fucking point:
“Why are you guys taking this question off in all these directions as though there is an argument to be had in here somewhere?”
Are you looking for a circle-jerk?
I’m looking for your thoughts on my question. I believe bad parenting is the root of most of this insanity. What do you think @johnpowell?
What I get from it is @Dutchess_III is wondering if poor rearing has anything to do with these school shooting, besides bullying.
@johnpowell thinks it’s nothing but easy access to firearms, nothing more.
I think a an unhealthy family structure has some to do with it, stricter firearm laws would help as well.
I also think slave wages are a part as well, if one parent made enough to comfortably support a family,then one parent could stay at home and properly raise the children, instead of them being latch key kids.
I just wish people would really THINK before having children, that it isn’t all rainbows and unicorns, it’s hard work, total commitment, a ton of sacrifice, a whole lot of worry.
but for some totally worth it, and good for them.
Just my opinion.
For Fucks sake…. Kip Kinkle shot up Thurston High School and hit a friend of mine… Rich white kid and his parents thought he might have fun with guns. He shot them with the guns they bought them.
When was the last black or Hispanic kid that shot up a high school.? Running a blank here.
So is it teenage white males that can’t get laid? We can work with that.
Many of them are from middle class families @SQUEEKY2. Money wasn’t a problem. I don’t know if the mothers were stay at home moms or not. But it’s certainly not right to insist that one person stay home just to raise the kids when they want a career. If they want to (which I did) that’s great.
Anyway, I just thought of this from an experience last night. We were visiting someone and she has a 10 year old son with a very troubled history. He was expelled (not suspended) from kindergarten his behavior was so out of control.
His parents are divorced now, but I know the father is insanely abusive and Mom does nothing to protect the kids from him.
Last night this kid was all over the fucking place, screaming, making really loud noises as we tried to watch a movie. At one point he kept throwing him self in to a slide on the newly waxed wooden floor, sliding wildly right in front of the TV. He must have done it 20 times. I refused to even look at him, although I could see him looking at me out of the corner of my eye to see my reaction.
He became enraged with his older sister who kept taunting him and calling him names like, “baby,” and “wimp.” OMG, he SCREAMED at her. It was like he really wanted to kill her.
Through it all Mom just sat quietly, although a couple of times she snapped “WOULD YOU BE QUIET! WE’RE TRYING TO WATCH A MOVIE AND YOU’RE BEING RUDE!”
But other than that she did nothing. Nothing at all. Didn’t tell sister to get off of him, or to get out of his room when she went in there just to piss him off. Nothing.
I mean, I’ve known this kid since he was born. He had the opportunity to grow into a normal human being, but the abuse, and lack of control in his life has turned him into an absolute monster.
The idea of him hitting puberty terrifies me. I mean, he’s so violent now. I can’t imagine what the hormones will do.
And people still wonder why the Mrs, and I chose not to have children!
Hey. Kids don’t turn out like that just because, @SQUEEKY2. I seriously doubt any kid you guys would have had would.
I think it’s a mistake to hope for a common denominator to the individuals behind shooting sprees. There are just too many variables in the opportunities for kids to be warped through the exigencies around growing up. What is certain is that the stresses of life assure us that a percentage of our kids are going to leave the tracks, and when the roadbed is lined with weapons, as our own tracks are most assuredly, a percentage of those jumping the tracks will avail themselves of the opportunities presented. It’s THAT simple.
@SQUEEKY2 I understand, sort of.
@stanleybmanly I know what you’re saying but what I’m hoping for is a “parenting awareness” movement. Too many parents just don’t think. They react emotionally.
Ive been bullied and I never wanted to go on a shooting spree. Teasing however…
As I said, not every kid who get bullied wants to go on a shooting spree.
Like @RedDeerGuy1 I got bullied just once or twice, had access to guns and it never even crossed my mind to shoot anyone or anything up.
What I’m seeing is that there’s lazy parenting with few repercussions or consistancy. Maybe kids just don’t know their boundaries like they used to?
Take my example above. No boundaries are set. How can they know them if they’ve never had them pointed out and enforced.
Bad upbringing, bullying, fucked up wiring in the brain, who knows why people go wrong. But there will always be people who go wrong. The important thing is keeping destructive weapons out of the hands of those who do.
I think all the school shootings (at least since Columbine) are because of Donald Trump.
I have lived on farms, small towns, and loud, bustling cities.
I have seen all sorts of schools.
I have seen kids bullied for everything, riding the short bus, obesity, height, style, being teacher’s pet, being rich, being poor, being new.
Being on the farm, we had guns around everywhere, all the time, often loaded.
I never messed with our guns, I used one when I needed to. Every farm boy in my school had hunted and killed supper by age ten.
The school shooters are never those kids. Usually they are city, sometimes suburb kids.
We had some messed up parents where I grew up.
I think it is environmental influence, but neither parenting nor school bullies are the cause exclusively. Gun availability isn’t it either. All those guns around, but what we lost kids to was bale avalanches and overturned tractors, and drugs.
I think the biggest part of the violence is never, ever, ever getting away.
On the farm, I had fifty different places I could go to be alone and spend hours without other people, phones, TV, etc.
When we moved, being in town just about made me nuts. I had nowhere.
There were places for activities, entertainment, but no place to breathe free, think, fanticize uninterrupted.
Some people really need that. It makes facing bullies and rotten parents easier to live through.
No. Not the “root cause.”
“Do you think, in most cases, the root cause of the personality of school shooters is caused by faulty upbringing and NOT bullying?”
– Do we only get those two choices (like an American “election”)?
I think it’s something else, maybe more like @Patty_Melt wrote, but different for each person, and the “no way to get away” can be in the mind.
There are many variables.
The mind is definitely one. But not all of these people fall into easy categories of insane/mentally ill.
I think it’s a combination of a lot of things. Genetics and environment. I think environment is extremely important, more of an influence than genetics. Whether it’s parents, or situations that involve bullying, who knows. Probably, it can be a combination of the two in some instances.
Two children in the same family can be very different and have very different reactions to the same thing. It’s very complicated.
Everyone needs to be kind to each other. How hard is it.
I think the unfairness in the world is a big stressor for people. I think that’s part of it maybe for some. Some are uncontrollable bad circumstances.
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