Social Question

KNOWITALL's avatar

Has anyone gone full vapor?

Asked by KNOWITALL (30019points) April 11th, 2018

I’ve smoked on and off too long, but have half switched to vaping. Looking for helpful hints. No, cold turkey is not an option right now, I’m a stress smoker-vaper.

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8 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

Yes, a focused, non-terminal repeating phantasm, or a Class Five full roaming vapour. Real nasty one, too!

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@ragingloli How does one determine a class of vapor? I thought that I was an astral traveling good lich now and then since 10,000 years ago. That would explain the why the sores on my head that doesn’t heal.

Zaku's avatar

This isn’t a trick question to catch a djinn , is it?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@zaku No, being serious this time actually ha

Zaku's avatar

@KNOWITALL Ok. I don’t have anything serious to add about vaping as I’ve never smoked anything but second-hand cigarettes, camp fires, fireplaces, fireworks smoke… and the smokers I’ve known who have quit didn’t use vapors. I’ve seen Nicorette gum and patches sort of stand in, but it was expensive stuff and I don’t remember it leading to quitting. The cases of successful quitting I’ve seen (for stress-smokers) have been just habit-breaking. I get the sense an element of what worked was feeling a different type of stress (or maybe just being really conscious of the negative) about smoking itself (and not being shamed by others for smoking). The book The Habit Loop comes to mind to suggest.

rojo's avatar

I have not but my son and DIL both have. They have smoked for years and tried different methods. This one seems to have taken hold. My DIL just went vape cold turkey, my son did it the way you indicated, worked down the number of cigarettes each day for a couple of weeks until vaping was 100% for him.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@rojo Great, some people seem to have an easier time than others, but good to hear your son cut back successfully! Thanks!

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@ragingloli Slimer is a Class Five full roaming vapour

Focused, Non-Terminal Repeating Phantasm
Class 5 Full Roaming Vapo

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