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Dutchess_III's avatar

If we flip the house this November, do you think Trump will be impeached?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) April 12th, 2018

I love this guy

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21 Answers

Yellowdog's avatar

Would that be good for the country?

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I love Robert Reich’s inequality for all documentary in YouTube . Thanks for the link. I don’t think Trump will be impeached, just voted out in the next cycle in 2022.

Dutchess_III's avatar

OMG yes @Yellowdog. I have no wish to get into a war with Russia or anyone else because the Duck isn’t smart enough to know what the hell he’s doing. I don’t want to have to go back and undo all the shit he’s done that is so bad for the earth.

I think he’ll be impeached.

gondwanalon's avatar

The House can impeach Trump but the Republican controlled Senate will not convict him. This not a good idea because it’s a waste of time and money and also Democrats will pay dearly in following election. It will likely cost them the presidency in 2020.

The Republicans made that mistake when they impeached Bill Clinton in 1998 on grounds of perjury to the grand jury and obstruction of justice.

Trump will tweet, “Do you feel lucky punks!? Go ahead, make my day!”

Yellowdog's avatar

Maybe Trump can give Syria 100 Billion of U.S. funds if they promise they will never do it again. It would be a ‘Great Day for America.”

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Yellowdog Hell I would promise not to for 100 billion dollars.

Yellowdog's avatar

North Korea agreed, took the money (150 Billion) and instead built its nuclear arsenal. Clinton;s Great Day for America. Not to be outdone, Obama did the same for Iraq in his final days in office. Iraq is also developing nukes

What Trump is able to accomplish in May or June with North Korea remains to be seen. But when they know they can’t win, they are more willing to come to the table.

Any of these terrorist regimes are more likely to attack a weak and divided America. When you get your impeachment and the nation is thrown into chaos, a lame duck America will likely be the target of some of these nukes.

Now, that’s something to really be afraid of.

Trump did not create any of this mess. The U.S>, rRepublicans and Democrats supported /appeased these regimes for two decades or more. Now is the only time to not be obliterated and stay above the game. If America falls, the catastrophe will be global

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

North Korea stopped it’s nuke program. Inspectors were on the ground. Then the Bush administration started raving “Axis of Evil!!!!” and urged them to restart the program.

Same with Iraq. Iraq was under control, UN inspectors were on the ground. Then the US ordered them out, attacked and gave us Al Qaeda in Iraq and then ISIS.

Regarding the Iran deal signed under Obama, the mullahs tried to sink it with the help of Republicans in the US Senate. No surprise, conservatives on both countries share the same values.

Yellowdog's avatar

It was Obama who ordered the U.S. out of Iraq—Terrorists including Isis moved in. We have pretty much wiped out Isis now. Three years ago and before we were seeing Isis attacks several times a week.

George Bush certainly did not order North Korea to restart its nuclear program, funded by Bill Clinton’s generous gift of American money.

There is no alliance between U.S, Republicans and Mullahs in Iraq. I thought Republicans hated Muslims. I thought Trump was supposed to be doing Putin’s bidding, but now you’re afraid of war (BTW— Russia has pulled its ships out of Syria—they know they can’t win). You can’t have it both ways.

flutherother's avatar

I hope the house flips but it won’t lead to Trump’s impeachment. There is a possibility that Muellers investigations might lead to Trump’s impeachment if Trump is guilty. There is also the possibility that Trump will not be found guilty of any impeachable offence but Trump’s efforts to sack or smear anyone involved in the investigation are not the actions of an innocent man.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

It was Obama who ordered the U.S. out of Iraq

In 2003 the UN inspectors were told to leave before the US invaded.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

There is a possibility that Muellers investigations might lead to Trump’s impeachment if Trump is guilty. There is also the possibility that Trump will not be found guilty of any impeachable offence

An impeachable offense (or non-impeachable) is whatever the House wants it to be, entirely separate from whatever Mueller finds.

I think he won’t be impeached. The Republicans won’t do it, and the Democrats might prefer a feckless incompetent malevolent president to a somewhat effective one.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Dutchess_III When I first looked at your question, I thought that would you make a profit from flipping your house if Trump was impached. Not the government, but a piece of real estate that would plummet in value if Trump starts a third world war. Funny how the mind works.

MrGrimm888's avatar

It will have more to do with the investigation.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I suspect that the more astute GOP Congress people see what’s coming down the track regarding the forced decisision on Trump’s competence. There is also the growing likelihood that Republicans are in for a beating with November’s Congressional elections as a report card on Trump’s performance. The capture of either chamber in the Congress by the Democrats would be catastrophic for the Trump administration in that he would immediately be called to account on his stockpile of ethical failures and bountiful surplus in conflicts of interest. The Democrats would have the platform to loudly force their GOP counterparts into the untenable position of defending the indefensible. The other day, Tucker Carlson, no friend of liberals, called Ryan’s retirement decision “walking away from the smoldering wreckage of the former Republican Congress. In view of what’s coming, it’s a good time to walk away.

JLeslie's avatar

I doubt he’ll be impeached. If he is impeached, I doubt he’ll be thrown out.

If he gets impeached, and not thrown out, it will really annoy me that we wasted a ton of time and money. If they impeach they better really have their ducks in a row. The impeachment of Clinton was ridiculous, I don’t want that to happen again.

If the house and senate flip, it will be interesting to see if the government goes into gridlock, or if by some off chance Trump starts going along with the Democrats more. That might be wishful thinking on my part.

LostInParadise's avatar

If, in addition, the Mueller probe brings charges against Trump of colluding with the Russians or obstructing justice, Trump will be impeached but will probably remain in office.

rojo's avatar

I don’t think so. He may be a despised, despot in the making but those in Washington have a tendency to protect their own, no matter how bad they are.

KNOWITALL's avatar

No, I don’t. Like @rojo said, although he says he’s not a politician but a businessman, now he’s ‘theirs’.

Kardamom's avatar

I just wandered into this Q thinking that you and your hubby were doing a house flipping project, before you head out in your motorhome. Dang!

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOL! We traded in our motorhome and got a pull behind.

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