Meta Question

imrainmaker's avatar

Do you read all other replies before submitting yours?

Asked by imrainmaker (8380points) April 19th, 2018

Does it vary based on type of question being asked? Will you skip to respond if similar answers have already been given?

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14 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I try to read them… I skip the wall-o-text when ever possible.

stanleybmanly's avatar

usually, but not always. there are times when I will answer then read other answers to be reliably embarrassed.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Depends on how many responses there are and whatnot.
It isn’t always a bad thing for one or more people to say the same thing, especially if it’s advice. It might make the advice seem more appealing or credible, and someone might word it in a way that makes more sense to the asker then what another person worded it.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Since I prefer my response to be my pure & honest reaction to the question at hand, I tend to read all the responses after I reply. I don’t like to be swayed by other people’s answers while offering my opinion. Yes, I might say the same basic thing as 5 others; but maybe mine will offer a different slant which will mean more to the OP. I prefer to speak from my heart rather than change what I’m thinking because somebody else gave a similar answer.

rojo's avatar

Sometimes, but not always. It depends both on the question and on how much time I have available.

And yes, if my answer has already been given I will skip answering, unless I think that by agreeing I will give additional reinforcement to the other answer but then I do try to tie it to the prior response. Give credit where credit is due.

Zaku's avatar

Depends. If there’s a lot posted already and I think I have something unique to say, and/or it’s a poll question where duplicates aren’t a problem, I’ll tend to post before reading some/all of the responses.

Otherwise, I’ll try to enter the discussion taking into account most or all of the replies.

Sometimes I don’t do a great job of it, though.

canidmajor's avatar

Pretty much, yeah. If it’s a poll type Q (“What’s your favorite…?”) I will read the other posts out of curiosity. If I am interested enough to answer, I am interested enough to read how others have answered.
If it’s a discussion, I always read the entire thread. Partly to keep up the continuity with my own post, and partly because I feel that if I am firm in my position, someone else’s post that might challenge it is very worth reading.

@Zaku, I think we all misfire from time to time. :-)

kritiper's avatar

I scan a few but don’t have time to read them all. I have a life.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Only the ones with the least GAs, because I’m curious why they didn’t rate. ~

MrGrimm888's avatar

I try to read actual responses. If someone is just arguing over nothing, I skim through.

marinelife's avatar

Not always.

SimpatichnayaZhopa's avatar

Nyet, I do not have time for it. I just answer questions and allow others to answer them. A group has been stalking and harassing me. They should just answer questions and leave other people alone.

jonsblond's avatar

I used to but now I scan and intentionally skip a few. My main concern is the OP and anything they might add to the discussion.

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