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Is the latin translation of this text correct grammatically and and is its meaning also correct?
Hello! I am studying Latin with a private teacher and was given the task of translating any text I choose. I decided to choose a piece of text from a 18th century grimoire. I have an interest in this topic, not because I believe in it, but because I think that it is weird and I also love horror stories. I am including the latin translation that I did myself and that I want corrected and the original english text. Thank you!
Obsecro te, O spiritus N, per Deum vivum oro,
per Deum verum oro, per Deum sancti et omnipotentem oro qui creati
ex nihilo caelum et terram et mare et omnia
quæ sunt ea in, virtute sanctissimi Sacramenti
Eucharistiae in nomine Iesu Christi et per
haec eadem omnipotentis est Filius Dei, Qui pro nobis
et nostra redemptionem crucifixus, mortuus
et sepultus tertia die resurrexit,
sedet ad dexteram Creator totuis orbis terrarum
inde venturus est iudicare vivos et mortuos;
sicut etiam per caritatem pretiosum Spirito sancti, perfectae Trinitatis.
Obsecro te cohorti,Maledictum,
iudicio tuo qui ausus es temptare Deum. Exorcizo
tu serpens statim venire tibi impero
in pulchra forma et humana anima et decorus aspectu
et corporis et explere mandatis meis absque ullo dolo quæcumque:
et sine mentis reservatio e grand Nomina
Deus deorum et Dominus dominantium,
Obsecro te, Serpens malus et improbus, apparere
ad voluntatis et voluptatis hoc est antequam hoc circulo
sine mora et sociis et querula, sine strepitu aut deformitate aut murmure.
Exorcizo te per Dei nomina ineffabilia, Gog videlicet et Magog, quod indignus pronuntiandi sum: Veni, veni, veni
Quæcumque volui, et desiderio, sine dolo et fallacia.
Alioquin sanctus Michael, archangelus invisibilis, in ima inferni te iam iamque detrudet.
Veni nunc, N., ut meum voluntatem exsequeres.
I, N., do conjure thee, O Spirit N., by the living God, by the true God, by the holy and all-ruling God, who created from nothingness the heaven, the earth, the sea, and all things that are therein, in virtue of the Most Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist, in the name of Jesus Christ, and by the power of this same Almighty Son of God, who for us and for our redemption was crucified, suffered death, and was buried; who rose again on the third day, and is now seated on the right hand of the Creator of the whole world, from whence he will come to judge the living and the dead; as also by the precious love of the Holy Spirit, perfect Trinity. I conjure thee within the circle, accursed one, by thy judgment, who didst dare to tempt God: I exorcise thee, Serpent, and I command thee to appear forthwith under a beautiful and well-favoured human form of soul and body, and to fulfil my behests without any deceit whatsoever, as also without mental reservation of any kind, by the great times of the God of gods and Lord of lords.
I conjure thee, Evil and Accursed Serpent, N.. to appear at my will and pleasure, in this place, before this circle, without tarrying, without companions, without grievance, without noise, deformity, or murmuring. I exorcise thee by the ineffable names of God, to wit, Gog and Magog, which I am unworthy to pronounce; Come hither, Conic hither, Come hither. Accomplish my will and desire, without wile or falsehood. Otherwise St. Michael, the invisible Archangel, shall presently blast thee in the utmost depths of hell. Come, then, N., to do my will.

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