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Whiterose_2004's avatar

Would my parents get mad when they see my bangs?

Asked by Whiterose_2004 (13points) April 23rd, 2018

I cut my hair into bangs and I’m afraid my parents will get mad.(my Dad most of all). I also think all my privileges will be taken away because I cut my hair. What do you think will happen? Do you think my parents will get mad?

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12 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Did you have it professionally done?
Or did you do it yourself?
As long sit looks fine why should they care unless your twelve.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I once went into the girl’s bathroom at school, end of 8th grade, and chopped all my hair off. It was down to my waist and I cut it all off so it was to my chin. Parents were pissed
They wanted to donate hair to Locks of Love
You can’t really hide your hairstyle now that it is done. And I don’t know who your parents are or what their views on bangs so It’s sort of hard to answer your question. It could go either way really. Prepare for the worse?

Patty_Melt's avatar

I cut my hair in high school. It was pretty long before I started.
I experimented until it was pretty short. I didn’t care for how it was looking at various lengths, and ended up with a fabulous Dorothy Hamill look. It was quite popular at the time, and my hair was perfect for it.
I was super nervous to go downstairs for supper. My mom was always very critical of everything I did, and I knew I was going to hear it big-time for this.
When I walked into the kitchen, she did a double take, and stared at me. Then she blurted at me did I do that. I told her I had, and just finished. She said it looked really great, and made me look more contemporary.
I was stunned, and very happy.

When you cut your own hair, it can go either way about how it is received.
What’s done is done. You are stuck with it for a while, and you can’t get out of what your parents will do.

By the way, if you are male, they will probably laugh.

Zaku's avatar

Depends on what your parents are like. It can be hard to tell without finding out. I wouldn’t be mad if my child cut their own hair. My parents also would not be mad. But I have not ever been able to always tell whether my parents would get mad at me for everything, even though they almost never have been.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I think you are too young to be here.

chyna's avatar

We don’t know your parents so we can’t know if they will be mad.

elbanditoroso's avatar

They may be mad, but so what?

The good thing about hair is that it grows back. Any damage that you did will quickly be replaced with new hair growth. And if it is really awful, a stylist can deal with the problem.

I wouldn’t worry.

janbb's avatar

Presumably they’ve seen them by now. Did they?

Darth_Algar's avatar

How should we know? It’s a little too late to ask that question now anyway.

LadyMarissa's avatar

You weren’t worried about your parents being mad while you were creating them; so why worry about it now that the damage is done??? Anyway, if they really hate them, you can have the rest of your hair cut to match. I see no reason for them to get mad unless you cut them like my 2 y/o niece did where they are less than 1/8” long & cut with dull scissors.

I’m guessing that you know their reaction by now; so what happened???

CWOTUS's avatar

Welcome to Fluther.

As a parent whose own children are already older than you I would say “Who cares if they get angry about something so trivial?”

If your parents are going to get angry because you cut your hair, then they have their focus on entirely incorrect things. (And if necessary, you can tell ‘em I said so – but I wouldn’t recommend that until every other discussion point has failed. “Because some random old guy on the internet said it was a good idea” is never a good argument. Never.) Among the universe of bad choices, rebellious acts and stupid experiments that you could do to that might harm yourself, or put others at risk or damage or in any other way make the world a worse place, “cutting your hair” is far, far down on that list. It’s a stupid thing for them to be upset about. Let’s hope that your parents are not that stupid or thoughtless.

Which is not to say that they won’t get angry. Who knows what sets some people off sometimes? People are crazy from time to time, and parents, apparently, even crazier than most others, for some reason. (I wouldn’t know; I was not a crazy parent and neither were mine. I was lucky, and I know it.) But as others have already noted, it’s too late to ask the question now about “will they”. They will or they won’t, and what does our opinion matter? That’s also a silly question – which is why your parents’ opinion still matters, because obviously you also have a lot of growing to do, and to “learn to think before you do.”

All that is said by way of preface, and to help you to marshal any arguments that you might need – polite arguments, please; quiet and thoughtful ones only, okay? – in case your parents do take offense for whatever odd reason.

So: Just in case, here are the reasons why “it should be okay”.

You’re at an age when you’re testing boundaries, trying to find an identity, to find your “look” and all kinds of other things that are normal, natural and healthy for a child to do. “Messing with your hair” is one of the safest, least rebellious and least consequential things that you can do at this age. It’s not going to hurt you or anyone else. (As long as you don’t leave the cut ends as a mess for someone else to clean up, that is.)

In fact, if your parents get upset, then it’s a good time for you to act more maturely (more maturely than when you cut your hair on an impulse, anyway, and only then wondered about the consequences), listen to them quietly; don’t shout or argue loudly; accept their criticism with grace, and hear them out completely. Only then should you start to counter-argue (quietly, with logic and thoughful statements, based on facts that you can prove, and always respectfully) and impress them with how grown-up you can be (especially after you’ve already demonstrated what a kid you are – oh, well, that’s okay: you are a kid, after all).

If all else fails, when things have quieted down, you can always ask them “Do you know the difference between a good haircut and a bad one?”

Answer: sʞǝǝʍ oʍʇ.

Good luck. Let’s hope they even notice, right? That would be even worse, wouldn’t it, if no one even notices. Oh, let’s not go there…

Inspired_2write's avatar

I would think that they would be relieved that is all you cut off.
If I were your parent I would get you to a Hair Salon to get done professionally especially styling the cut.

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