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SQUEEKY2's avatar

Have you ever broken a finger, and how long did it take to heal all the way?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23530points) April 23rd, 2018

At a repair shop I walked over some uneven pavement and fell on my left side, broke my little finger, bruised the hell out of my shoulder and gave myself a nice black eye.
I have never broke any bones before just wondering how long it takes to heal?
By the way they do almost nothing for a finger, just taped it to the next finger.
This all happened on the 19th and the finger is still in a lot of pain.
This going to take quite awhile or just a few more days?

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11 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

Fingers, arms, legs, spines, necks.
Sending a firm message is important.
But I never bothered to ask, how long it took to heal.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Depends on the type of fracture. Hands generally heal faster than other parts of the body though.
It was nonsurgical, so it will probably be a couple weeks or more. There are lots of nerve endings in your hand, so pain will be expected. Ice can help. Even holding a really cold beer can can help.
I’ve broken multiple fingers, and they don’t all line up anymore. But they still function as they used to, once healed.

The finger may ache for some time. When a bone breaks, your body creates a ball of bone around the fracture. Then, it will widdle it down to appropriate shape, and fill in the empty spaces. Then. Almost as good as new!

It probably wouldn’t hurt to pursue foods high in calcium, while it heals, or take a supplement, or tums (as directed.)

Holding the hand above/higher than your heart, when possible, will help with pain and swelling, as the blood won’t pool there. So. If you’re sleeping, try to elevate it on a pillow, or bed frame.

The worst part of a broken finger, is that you’ll learn exactly how much you actually use each finger. And you’ll probably accidentally hurt it repeatedly. Icing it down before bedtime, will keep it numb enough to fall asleep. Anri-inflammatory drugs, like naproxen/Alieve, can help. If you are using something with acetomenophen (like Tylenol,) make sure to limit or reduce your alcohol consumption. Such drugs are tough on your liver.

Keeping a piece of tape around the finger can remind you to be careful with it. It’ll stop hurting constantly soon. But you can reignite the pain by hitting it on something accidentally.

Good luck.

Peace n love.

JLeslie's avatar

I’ve never broken my finger, but my guess is at 2 week it will feel significantly better (it will feel better before that, but at two weeks you might mistakenly think it’s pretty much healed, don’t fall for it) at 4 weeks it is basically heeled, but still weak, so you can’t strain it or you screw it up again, and at 6 weeks like new. When you are an adult not letting it heal well can mean permanently it’s just not quite right, so baby it while it heals.

Take Tylenol for the pain, it works well on that sort of pain usually. No drinking alcohol with Tylenol and if you have any sort of liver concerns Tylenol is a no no.

canidmajor's avatar

Oh, @SQUEEKY2, ouch! I have busted a few digits in my time, and @MrGrimm888‘s advice is absolutely right on the money. I second the use of NSAIDs as painkillers, if you can, (aspirin, Advil, Aleve) because they really do reduce the swelling, which does significantly reduce pain.
Obviously, go see your doctor to make sure that there are no contraindications, and don’t underestimate the power of sleep in healing.

I wish you a speedily healed ouchy!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Thanks for the answers, as for anti-inflamorties I am on Diclofenac for my arthritis so I can’t take those.
I can take Tylenol-arthritis along with the diclofenac and that helps a great deal.

canidmajor's avatar

I’m glad you’ve got it covered, now the trick is to get through the days without banging it on stuff!

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I have had 30 broken bones. All are healed perfectly except my left hand wrist. Dr said that my hand is permanently damaged. Its been five years since I broke my wrist and pinky finger and the finger is ok but my wrist can’t hold more than a Gallon of milk at a time. My
Penmanship is permanently damaged.

nightwolf5's avatar

Not my finger, but my wrist, took about 6 weeks to fully heal

SQUEEKY2's avatar

And may I ask how old you were when you broke your wrist @nightwolf5 ?

nightwolf5's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 It happened just last year in the springtime. I was 30.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Thanks,I am just finding I am healing much slower now that I am in my mid fifties.^

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