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LostInParadise's avatar

Does anybody seriously believe that Trump will keep the Iran deal?

Asked by LostInParadise (32278points) April 27th, 2018

We have been down this road before. Trump says that he may change something. Will he or won’t he? It creates a theatrical spectacle. It would be a big letdown if he kept things as they are, so he makes the change. This is getting rather tiresome. No need to send in the clowns. They are already here.

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13 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

He won’t, but he likes the way that foreign leaders come and visit him and beg him. It’s an ego thing from beginning to end.

Remember he has no sense of history (except that whatever Obama did was wrong), and no sense of consequences or perspective.

Yellowdog's avatar

Obama already gave 150 billion of our money to the Mullahs of Iran, and they never honored it. even bragged about it, within ten months. There is no reason for them to honor it. I don’t know ANY Americans who wanted this deal, except when Trump was going to get us out of it. Then, the Anti-Trump half of the nation opposed getting out of it.

Emmanuel Macron has always admired Trump, as, in fact, do most world leaders. China, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Japan, Israel, the U.K. Poland, Norway, Australia, France. I found it odd that there Trump was, shaking hands with the French royal family some months back, with obvious admiration for each other—our own news commentators describing him as looking like a thug and a crime family.

stanleybmanly's avatar

when the shoe fits….

flutherother's avatar

Trump is a fool. There is a nuclear deal with Iran and he should stick with it. It doesn’t improve the chances of getting a similar deal with North Korea if he rips up an existing deal with Iran.

Macron played to Trump’s vanity. He bolstered Trump’s ego when they met but he criticised almost all his policies in his address to Congress.

Most world leaders think Trump is a clown. Theresa Mae in the UK has been very critical of Trump and his plan to scrap the Iran deal and Her Majesty the Queen is appalled by the prospect of having to meet the man in person this summer.

Darth_Algar's avatar

I thought the Queen had refused to grant Trump a state visit.

janbb's avatar

^^ I just read he’s going to the UK in July. Maybe he booked his own trip.

Darth_Algar's avatar

He might be going, but that doesn’t mean the Queen is meeting with him. In all honesty there’s no reason for her to. The Queen is the UK’s Head of State, but not Head of Government. If it’s just about matters between governments then she doesn’t really have any role there. Being hosted by the Crown is more of an honorary function.

flutherother's avatar

The BBC is saying it is “likely” the Queen will meet Trump in July either at Buckingham Palace or Windsor Castle. Trump’s state visit has been postponed indefinitely. His election is causing endless embarrassment here as in much of the civilised world.

janbb's avatar

@flutherother Yes, I believe he is not respected by any other head of state except perhaps the Butcher of the Philippines despite what Fox News consumers may believe. And Macron certainly trashed Trump’s agenda in front of Congress to surprising standing ovations. (Amazing how many manage not to see what’s before their eyes.)

Yellowdog's avatar

Well, you can watch Trump’s interactions with world leaders and follow up on the agenda accomplished—or you can watch the ladies of The View or Morning Joe.

janbb's avatar

Watching Macron’s speech before Congress is pretty unfiltered by any news source. And by the way, I never watch TV news shows, left or right, such as you describe.

Yellowdog's avatar

C’mon, Trump and Macron had such admiration for each other, they looked like a gay couple.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Nope. As mentioned above, Macron was playing to Trump’s ego. His speech made that clear. Another embarrassingly obvious, childlike flaw of Trump’s. It seemed that he didn’t even understand that he had been played, after the speech… I thought Trump would be really angry at the tactic. But he was too stupid…

The Iran deal would keep nuclear weapons off the table, for 10 years. There’s absolutely nothing bad about that. A nuclear arms race in the middle east, is what will happen if the deal.falls through. That’ll stabilize the world…..

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