Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Have you ever had to deal with a person who can not fathom that they could be wrong?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) April 28th, 2018

My husband’s best friend’s wife asked me to make an ad to post on Buy/Sell/Trade sites to sell her truck. It’s a nice truck. However she refused to put the asking price ($7,000) on the ad. I thought it was a very reasonable price but she was adamant. They have to call her for the information. “Reel them in!” is what she said.
I posted the ad a week ago. Yesterday I texted her to be sure to tell me when the truck sold so I could delete the ad. She responded with “I’ve only gotten one call on it. Very disappointing.”
I said, “Probably because it doesn’t have a price on it.”
She said, “Shouldn’t matter if their interested. Needs to be visual not in my barn.” (??)

She just can’t imagine being wrong, ever!

Have you ever known someone like that?

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18 Answers

cookieman's avatar

Oh, so you’ve met my mother?

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOLL!! Mine too, @cookieman. Mine too.

Actually, she called this morning and left me a voice mail telling me to go ahead and put a price on it. I did, and got a hit in 15 minutes. Bet she sells it today. It’s a nice truck. She just doens’t understand social media though. She’s asked 3 times if I was posting it someplace other than my page. 3 times I’ve told her I’ve posted to a page called the Market Place, which cross posts. In her voicemail today she asked AGAIN if I was posting to any place other than my page, so I took a screen print that showed I posted to the Marketplace and 21 other places!!! I haven’t posted it to my page at all.

chyna's avatar

On the places here like that, we have to post a price or it will be deleted.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

First time selling a vehicle that wasn’t at the dealership, right?

elbanditoroso's avatar

I used to be married to one. Now she is on husband #3 or #4 – I lose track.

Always vocal, never wrong.

Yellowdog's avatar

Simple—after reasoning with them and telling the FACTS you are sure of, just let them live in their own reality and recognize that it is different from yours.

True reality is not affected by what you or I think or believe. Just let it be, but tell them facts and live with the differences.

janbb's avatar

Luckily, only online.

johnpowell's avatar

You should have seen my mom when she had the brain tumor. If you all don’t know she had a lemon sized tumor pressing against her right eyeball that caused constant migraines. It took a decade to know the cause.

Not only was she never wrong but if you questioned her idiocy it was a conspiracy dating back to Hitler and everyone was out to get her.

Once the tumor was removed she instantly stopped being like that. It was pretty crazy.

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOL! After I put the price on within 15 minutes she got a hit.Gal is going to look at it on Monday.

Zaku's avatar

Yes, I have run into this many many times. And projected opinions about how people in “the marketplace” will/should behave, especially in the context of selling personal items on the Internet or in newspaper ads… is a classic place to look for this.

I even had a friend blow up at me and we didn’t talk to each other for a year or two because I disagreed with him about the sale of some of his books and how much was fair for another friend to sell them for and give him for them.

Dutchess_III's avatar

My only pet peeve about those buy/sell/trade sites is the misuse of the words “sale,” and “sell.” “I am saleing this for $3.00.”
“That is for sell.”
One site even had the wrong form of “sell” in the description of the actual site. I contacted an admin who just laughed and shrugged her shoulders. I don’t understand that.

WTH! Why is this so hard, people!

Unofficial_Member's avatar

Goodness gracious. Where I live, there’s a saying that “teacher is never wrong”, the other version is “parents never wrong”. Pitifully, many people with parental status as well as those of teaching position believe in such a thing, try to popularize it, and attempt to make it a living example. I have debated for various things with my parents and former teachers/professor for the life of me. They think I’m rebellious but I always have a sound reasoning ability and will strive to make myself clear if stake is high, affecting me, or if it’s worth the while. The rule is simple, if someone is too stubborn then simply leave them to their own thought, but if the result has considerable consequence to you the don’t be afraid to go all out on them!

An alternative to your situation is that you can offer her to do the ads your way and let her compare the result, since doing it in her own way result in nothing anyway. However, don’t be discouraged if nothing changed, sometimes not all the things your advertise will sell, that is a relative fact.

JLeslie's avatar

I encounter plenty of people like that. Some are friends and family, and some are strangers.

The latest ones that were fairly scary were multiple people posting how to navigate a roundabout on Facebook. They kept putting up a link that showed a roundabout and how to exit. Where I live there are probably 30 roundabouts within a 12 mile span north and south. Anyway, what they were posting and sharing contradicts the rules in our county here. They wrote tag lines implying everyone else was stupid. It’s scary! This is a driving situation they go through daily. I kept responding by linking the pamphlet that explains the rules and laws here, it has very nice diagrans, and asking the OP to take down their post. Plenty of people chimed in agreeing with me, so that’s good, and some of the posts were taken down. Taken down, but no one wrote me to say thank you, and they can’t believe all this time that they have been living here they were wrong.

Just today someone complained cars were not yielding to golf carts on the road. I linked the website that clearly states in bold letters that cars have the right of way here, and carts are to yield. Haven’t heard anything from that chick either. Crickets.

My SIL I no linger argue with, if I see a discussion is turning into a debate or argument I let her have her way. I let her be right. I either remove myself from the conversation or just nod in the affirmative, whether I really agree or not.

My husband in the last 5 years (I didn’t notice it before that) seems really sure about a lot of things that he has no reason to feel sure. He’s wrong a lot. WTH?! I really have no idea what is going on there. I’m baffled by it.

Just for the record, I think it’s better to put the price on the ad. I’m not sure if your husband’s best friend’s wife is wrong, it’s not necessarily a right or wrong situation, it’s just a difference of opinion.

Dutchess_III's avatar

That issue was settled 3 days ago.

LadyMarissa's avatar

My Dad always said that he was never wrong. Then he’d say oops, I was wrong once in my life. It was when I thought I was wrong but discovered I was right.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Mom had a plaque in the kitchen that said, “Once I thought I was wrong, but I was mistaken.”

LOL! I overheard my first husband tell my mom, “Val thinks she’s always right!”
Mom said, “Well, she usually is.”
I was floored!

janbb's avatar

^^ LOL!. I’m floored too.

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