Could members of the House Investigation Committee be charged with obstruction of justice, because of their unwillingness to properly investigate the possibility of Russian collusion?
Asked by
filmfann (
April 28th, 2018
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7 Answers
Possibly. There could be a possibility of Russian collusion, but, without reasonable cause, it is pointless to pursue.
I don’t think so. The thing about Congressional invedtigations is that the Congress has sole discretion over everything involved. They can do a slipshod job or actually ignore, bury or destroy evidence snd answer to no one.
Nunes is in up to his neck in between his role in the transition team, his involvement with Flynn, and his knowledge of Flynn meeting with Russians.
The House Committtee in and of itself is not part of the DOJ investigation, so they are not obstructing, but they could end up being unindicted co-conspirators.
You’ve got the House investigating, the Senate investigating, and Mueller investigating, so far nothing. Now you want to put someone else in jail for not finding anything? I think you may be off in never never land with Trump derangement syndrome.
@Jaxk Mueller has a couple guilty pleas and some indictments under his belt, as he demonstrates interactions between the Administration and Russians. I would not call that “nothing”.
Your characterization may be correct in calling Trump “deranged”.
There is nothing to do with Russia collusion nor Trump or his campaign. A couple of process charges. You’re letting you hatred override common sense and judgement. Typical but not helpful.
One of my pet peeves about people in general is that they pass judgment on others without hearing both sides of the story. Thank heavens our court system doesn’t do that!
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