Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

Do you know someone who always has bad luck at a restaurant?

Asked by JLeslie (65919points) May 1st, 2018 from iPhone

They always order the thing on the menu that’s subpar. Everyone else at the table is enjoying their food, and that one person has a poorly made dish, which was not prepared as one would expect. Not that they just always hate or find fault with everything, but just have bad luck. I know several people like this. Their fish isn’t cooked correctly, or the sandwich is so tall it’s difficult to eat, or the plate is too small so the salad is spilling over the side, the meat is fatty, and on and on. Always something.

My husband and I when burdened with having to choose the restaurant for a group, if certain family members or friends are in the group we are at the point we sometimes say to each other, “we shouldn’t worry about what they might prefer, no matter what they likely won’t like the meal.”

As a side note: my husband is just the opposite, he almost always has the best dish at the table. He has great luck, knock wood.

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1 Answer

zenvelo's avatar

Your question applies to two different types of people. One is the person who seems to have a bad expereince at a restaurant. Those people seem to have a cloud over their chair, always ordering the poorest thing on the menu. My girlfriend’s daughter is like that.

And then there are people for whom something is always wrong. They could be at a Michelin three star and find the sauce lumpy, or the salad too oily. There was a man on our Board of Directors, and he and his wife seemed to constantly complain about everything. They would go somewhere nice, and there response was, “I don’t see what the big deal is about this place…”

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