Can a woman play James Bond in the future?
Would it be nice to have? Jamey bond?
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21 Answers
Perhaps James Bond could have had sexual reassignment surgery
Sure, why not?
Emma Watson would be killer.
How about if we stopped regurgitating reboots of previous films?
What if they made spy movies, set in one of the 007 universes or not, with different spy characters?
James Bond has been reinvented and re-cast so many times and in so many annoying ways that I’m dreading future releases.
How do you know with certainty that what you propose hasn’t already happened?
Bond…James Bond has the ability to fix anything he doesn’t like; so, if he wants to become a she, I’m sure it will be accomplished. I can see Angelina Jolie filling his shoes seamlessly!!!
The Doctor did it, why not Bond?
Bond. Joan Bond. Just wait until you see where she hides her zip gun. It gives a whole new meaning to vaginal discharge!
Edit: I meant to post this under the category of those who complain about a BLACK James Bond character. not a female character Unable to cut, paste, and re-post, I will leave it here for now with apologies to having posted off-topic. Its either that or delete the entire text.
Here’s what I am accidentally posting:
I actually like the idea of a black James Bond character as long as he’s British—as that is the key to James Bond’s identity. Even the earliest James Bond films were set in an era when classy, sexy black men were considered suave and sophisticated, and intelligent
I will admit that I did NOT like a black Annie character because, even though her role as an orphan—and the roles of other characters, lend well to Annie’s role, I think one of Annie’s traits is her red hair and freckles. That is just part of her identity as Annie.
The same might be said for Robert McCall in The Equalizer. I have no problem with a black man being the new Equalizer—just with him being Robert McCall. Robert McCall, a middle aged white man, was a less likely but perfectly suitable role for who he was. We are used to black men being military heros and suave intelligence alike. Robert McCall, while having knowledge of explosives and big guns and technology, needs to be a white, middle aged, British-sounding man. That’s his character. A black Equalizer should have a different name and some relation with the original Robert McCall.
James Bond might actually be raised to a new level as a black character—sophisticated intelligence is not prejudiced, and neither are the British.
Pretty sure Jane Bond is already close to being greenlit
@Yellowdog I’m now seeing Denzel Washington as James Bond. Can’t imagine him with a British accent but I’ve never seen him fail in a part!!! He already has the Bond hotness, he’s sophisticated & intelligent & being an American doesn’t automatically make a person prejudice!!!
For me personally Idris Elba wouldn’t be as exciting as Denzel but I’m sure he has his own following.
As I responded in another post…
“I don’t look at color. I don’t listen for accents. I look for suave & sexy. Bond’s hotness factor is most important for me”
I still feel that way!!!
I am not sure a woman can properly embody the Misogyny inherent in the James Bond character.
Nyet, that would destroy the character. His attractiveness to women is a major component of 007. James Bond is a man. he is not a woman. He is not black either.
She would need to be awfully hot to rev up Ms. Moneypenny => Scarlett Johansson or Gal Gadot
I mean fuck it…let’s have a woman Prime Minister, Monarch & dash it all to buggery even my chauffeur!!!
There are a lot of sexy black men out there.
Indeed. I have seen the videos.
That would be fine with me as long as they treated the characters with more respect than the abomination of a Ghostbuster reboot did…
^^ no kidding. What a dismal disapointment that POS movie was. When I saw the cast I thought it was going to be a reboot that worked but nope. All hype about the female cast and no actual substance. Lazy.
I would rather see some good female characters created instead of just repurposing male characters into female ones. That’s so sloppy and an obvious PC money grab that does not even work anymore. It’s not controversial now, too obvious and predictable. Having a gender bend cannot make up for content that sucks.
The wonder woman movie while a typical fast food film equivalent with all this super hero over the top action bullshit was at least a good cheesburger and fries. I actually really enjoyed it.
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