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AshlynM's avatar

How would you pronounce the name Oceia?

Asked by AshlynM (10684points) May 3rd, 2018

O sha?

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14 Answers

Jeruba's avatar

Can you give some context, such as a language group? If it’s a made-up name, what type of setting does it belong in?

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

With no context, I would look at it and say “oh-she-a”. Emphasis on the O. It looks like “ocean” to me.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

When I googled it, all I got was “How to pronounce “OSHA””

Zaku's avatar

I would tend to read it as OH SHAY AH, or OSH AY AH (same thing), as it looks like Ocean with a different ending.

AshlynM's avatar

It’s a name of a person.

dxs's avatar

I first interpreted it as “oh – SEE -uh”

rojo's avatar

similar to as @dxs indicates, perhaps more like oh-SEE-ah or O-see-ah.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Aussie or oh shah, depending on origin.

rojo's avatar

kinda like Picabo is pronounced PEE-ka-boo

JLeslie's avatar

At first glance Oh-say-yah. That’s more to do with I tend to read things like that in Spanish. Or, maybe Oh-see-yah. Then I’d move to guessing Oh-she-yah, or Oh-Chee-a. So many possibilities.

Know the background of the person would help with the guessing. It’s like pronouncing Marcia, Irene, Guy, Claudia—it really matters what country they are from, and how the person chooses to pronounce it. Even names that are common can be be pronounced different that what you are accustomed to.

rojo's avatar

I think I will change my name to Guy and insist it is pronounced GooyA

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