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ragingloli's avatar

Would a spared fetus protect a pregnant woman from being turned to dust by Thanos' gauntlet?

Asked by ragingloli (52368points) May 4th, 2018

Or would it just plop to the ground and die after its mother has crumbled away?

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4 Answers

Patty_Melt's avatar

It would eat her, thus gaining immortal strength.

filmfann's avatar

It’s a comic book.

ragingloli's avatar

What if Mantis had laid her eggs into Spiderman?
Would they have counted as “life”, and if spared by the gauntlet, would Spiderman have lived?

Yellowdog's avatar

In the movie ‘Drag Me to Hell’ — I often thought, if Christine Brown had gotten pregnant, the Lamia couldn’t take her to hell because it couldn’t take the fetus. The Lamia seemed to be limited to leaving the rest of the world as it was, except for its target victim.

Supernatural entities pursuing a victim, I wouldn’t think, could take anyone unless they were free to take other lives in the effort.

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