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SQUEEKY2's avatar

Is true honesty a thing of the past?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23592points) May 4th, 2018

I just noticed my new truck has a small dent in the rear passenger fender, I think it happened in the hospital parking lot when I was getting my hand operated on.
Of course they left no note.
Can people not admit when they are at fault any more?
Why is it so hard for people to admit when they are wrong?

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6 Answers

KNOWITALL's avatar

Some of us would.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

That some is getting VERY thin these days @KNOWITALL .

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Probably more than true for most people @Esedess , if this is going to cost me more than a dime better to just deny and lie about it, who cares how affects the other person as long as my screw up doesn’t cost me anything.

kritiper's avatar

Generally speaking, yes.

Yellowdog's avatar

Not worth the hassle or liability to admit fault or confess—even though its the right thing to do.

One could loose their insurance or what little money they are living on if they pay out of pocket. And leaving a note can leave you vulnerable.

One Christmas, I hit someone’s parked car and I knocked on the door to tell the people. The owner of the car said he was from New York. “That’s nothing’ he said, “In New York, most people would just drive away.”

Although both of us had insurance,I think the spirit of Christmas might have been a factor in how cordial things went.

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