Social Question

rojo's avatar

Is the US media to deferential toward all politicians in general and Trump in particular?

Asked by rojo (24187points) May 5th, 2018

The Intercept has an “article/podcast” entitled Will the media ever stand up to Trump in which they point out the fawning, servile nature of US media reporters and journalists toward Trump and other politicians. They point out that you would never see someone in the US media confront a politician the way Jeremy Paxman interviewing the Senior Conservative politician Michael Howard (below).

Jeremy Paxman: Derek Lewis says Howard had certainly told me that the governor of Parkhurst should be suspended and had threatened to overrule me. Are you saying Mr. Lewis is lying?

Michael Howard: I have given a full account of this and the position is —

JP: Did you threaten to overrule him?

MH: I did not overrule Derek Lewis.

JP: Did you threaten to overrule him?

MH: I took advice on what I could or could not do.

JP: Did you threaten to overrule him?

MH: … I acted scrupulously in accordance with that advice. I did not overrule Derek Lewis.

JP: Did you threaten to overrule him?

MH: Mr. Marriott was not suspended.

JP: Did you threaten to overrule him?

Do you think the US media will ever grow the balls to challenge politicians or will they continue to let them off the hook at the first sign of resistance. Will we ever see true reporting or will it just remain the pap that we are served every day?

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44 Answers

janbb's avatar

I have heard and experience British journalists being much more aggressive than US ones.

seawulf575's avatar

First off, your characterization that the US media reporters are fawning and servile to Trump is a load of bunk. They would have matched that description with Obama and Hillary, but not Trump. They have been spreading half truths and pushing opinion as fact since before he was sworn into office. You didn’t see that with Obama where they would throw softball questions at him and not call him out on his lies. So really, your whole question is based on faulty assumptions. But to answer in a way that I know you aren’t looking for: No, they won’t. The liberal media today has lost the ability to dig up and report on facts. They want innuendo and allegations which they view as good enough for prime time.

ragingloli's avatar

Absolutely. Especially the extreme far right media. Remember fox news letting the Orange Dotard ramble on and on?

johnpowell's avatar

Access journalism. You can’t really be a dick (ask good questions) and expect them to come back.

Yellowdog's avatar

The news media and entertainment talk shows are boasting about how they are going to get Trump for SOMETHING even if it has nothing to do with the Russia probe, and even if it won’t happen until AFTER he is no longer president. As soon as he is no longer president he will be put in chains and cuffs and marched from the White House into prison.

Every day, some new manufactured crises or scandal sells ratings and spreads prejudice and lies.

The night before last, I heard that there were wiretapped recordings that the F.B.I had made that Trump was recording Cohen to shred documents. Turned out, the story was one of many lies made up by the media every week.

At the White House Correspondence Dinner, an award was given to a CNN reporter for being the FIRST to report that THE F.B.I. had “incriminating evidence” from Russia on Donald Trump! Everyone applauded like a war had ended. Of course, the Russian propaganda was just that, Russian Propaganda—bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton. It was the only Russian propaganda to date that is evidence that collusion was made with Russia to fix the outcome of an election.

To date, there has been no evidence of collusion with Russia on the Trump side. But several times a week, the news announces that something really big is about to be revealed.

The left has turned our constitution and our nation into a Banana Republic like Venezuela with its raiding homes of Republican senators and private citizens, especially those who worked on the Trump campaign—with thuggish threats to arrest and prosecute children and with confiscation of computers, bank accounts, homes. Spying and wiretaps, lies and “leaks”—attempts to re-charge citizens with overturned convictions from decades ago.

The media has served as the propaganda branch of the Democratic party since the 1980s, but has become especially vile and spewing with hate since the shock of ll/9 began to numb back in 2016.

Remember election night? At 9:00 P.M Hillary was still expected to win—after hours of claims she was ahead even though she kept falling further and further behind. The Ace card of California might have worked except that it wasn’t enough.

The news was a funeral on election night—remenicient of when Reagan won—and the news was saying what a sad, sad day it was, especially scary for blacks, Hispanics, and women.

How can this be? Everything was rigged in Hillary’s favor?

Even rigging the election was not enough. Trump won. The only possible explanation was that the Russians did it. Hillary screamed for people to resist. The new war against the president was on, with the news and entertainment industries passing charges and anti-Trump propaganda daily.

A lot of corruption has been uncovered: McCabe, Comey, Peter Strzok, Lisa Paige, dozens of others. No matter what is in the Inspector General’s report, no one touches these big stories. Instead, the media serves the Banana Republic as its propaganda wing, in effort to jeer on support in overthrowing a president which it has convinced masses that it is their enemy,

johnpowell's avatar

The brownshirts are in full anger today.

Zaku's avatar

Yes, they are very deferential to politicians because the corporate US news media is the main author of the story that what’s happening is we have two democratically-elected parties that represent the people and are mostly respectable people who aren’t corrupt or stupid or corporate pawns like the media is, and that they are really engaged in a conflict of policies as they try to serve America and lead it to greatness.

Since the corporations that own and control the news media are the main ones supporting that tall tale, they’re not about to call out politicians for being greedy corrupt scumbags who serve corporations and not people and who were forced upon the voters as the only valid candidates via big-party support and TV ad sponsorship, and who say bullshit that doesn’t hold water and often doesn’t make any sense. They only call that out from time to time with a few sacrificial offerings when one of them makes a mistake and something gets out. Then they cash in on that like it’s a big sensational exception.

stanleybmanly's avatar

The fact that Trump is a crude, arrogant, ignorant, dishonest cowardly man has nothing to do with biased media coverage. However any notice of the daily deluge of arrogant igonrance, pathological lying and mob boss criminality on the part of the Don is dismissed by his supporters as bias.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@johnpowell got it. Of you want a future interview, you can’t hold their feet to the flames.

The conservatives can cry all day about the media going after Trump. Again. All of his problems originated from him.
There’s no need to manufacture problems for Trump. He’s his own worst enemy. Anyone thinking that he’s being dragged through the mud must not have access to his words, and actions. It all comes straight from his mouth. The liberal media just shows Trump talking usually. Then we all laugh at how stupid he is. (Then we remember he’s the POTUS. )

One of the things that I hated about Hillary, is that I felt she frequently said what people wanted to hear, not what she was really thinking. She assumed her base was gullible.

Same problem with Trump, except his base is extremely gullible, and easily manipulated.

I personally can remember hating Trump, listening to Howard Stern interviews. Long before he ever ran for office. Most people I know that hate him didn’t just learn it from the media over the last year or so. We have always known he was a deplorable human being. Sorry, but the media doesn’t make Trump who he is…

I’d love for the media to hold Trump accountable. But he’s at war with the press, because he’s a wanna be dictator. He’s accustomed to absolute power, and that’s how he wants his administration to operate. The media is doing their best to simply make the world aware of his rhetoric, and behavior.

Again. All the things that I hate Trump for, came from his own mouth, or from his own verified actions.

Those who hear his words, see his actions, and still support him are either being willfully obtuse, or they’re terrible people like him. I don’t need the media to tell me that…

Dutchess_III's avatar

The media’s job is to report, not judge. However, I’m seeing a spate of articles, usually Op Eds from reputable news sites, with headlines like, “Rudy Giuliani has no idea what he is doing.” Saw that in the Washington Post.
In reality, the media is back handing Trump in an unprecedented way.

flutherother's avatar

The interviews Trump gives seem to be mostly cosy chats on Fox News where he is given a pretty free rein to espouse views he picked up from watching Fox News. I am not aware of any incisive interviews with Trump of the kind that British politicians are regularly subjected to by, say, the BBC.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Trump, love him or hate him, has been treated far differently than other politicians (by the media) from the very beginning. From Megan to Stephanopolous to Muir, they’ve been fairly mocking or disrespectful, blatantly.

rojo's avatar

I disagree. The media in general gave him a pass for several months, not calling him out for his constant lies, allowing him or his subordinates to get away with obfuscation and half truths, throwing soft ball questions, not following in up when they did the little side step.

During this time period they tried their damnedest not to use the term lie. Falsehood, deceit, fabrication, fib, fiction, invention, deception, falsification, prevarication, falsity, half truth, obfuscation, mendacity, disinformation, inaccuracy, subterfuge, misstatement, misrepresentation, myth, distortion, evasion, fallacy, sham, duplicity, error, incorrect and even untruth. All were used at first rather than the term lie until it reached the point where even the most ardent media supporter had to give up trying to sugar coat it and begin pointing out what it actually was.

The White House press corp should get together and when Sanders or whomever is at the podium says I am not going to answer that or we have already covered that or “stupid question” the next reporter should ask the exact same question and each subsequent reporter should do the same until it is answered. Don’t let them off the hook, continue to press, harass, hound, demand answers, point out lies and call them out as such, ferret out corruption and continue to have it in the forefront at all times. Focus on the big things and not the little distractions. Supposedly Trump likes to play hardball and it is time the press followed suit. It is not their job to act as rah-rah cheerleaders, it is their job to help hold them accountable for their actions, to point out the lies to the public, to uncover the truth no matter how hard those in power try to hide it, to bring into the sun that which they try to keep in the shadows, to sort the bullshit out of it all and present the facts, not opinions but facts. I don’t want them to preach, I want them to report what is known and let me make my own decisions

All those who only see the media as attacking Trump refuse to admit that what is reported on is of his own making, of his own actions, inactions, indiscretions, bullying tactics and outright lies,

You are blaming, and would rather shoot, the messenger than bring yourself to face the truth, that you helped elect scum and that this scum is a reflection on Americas own values and lack of moral fiber at this point in time.

You don’t want a leader, you want a father figure, a benevolent dictator who will bully the world back in line and bully your own government into doing his bidding. .

Dutchess_III's avatar

I agree. The media gave him a chance. He completely FUBARED it.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@rojo . Precisely.

Yellowdog's avatar

I am noticing that a lot of people who are saying that Trump “lies” are saying this because a statement or fact is given that runs against what you PERSONALLY believe is happening, probably because of a lie that YOU were told.

Just because YOU have been told something different that you choose to believe doesn’t constitute the conflicting information to be a lie. Nor is your personal belief necessarily reality, even if you can find sources and friends who agree with you.

I am also noticing a curious number of you believe that Trump is a dictator out there telling his followers what to think. This is clearly NOT happening.

There is a whole universe of news out there as to what is going on. If your views are in line with NBC or any of its affiliates like MSNBC, or CNN—the New York Times or The Washington Post, you are following a deliberately anti-Trump orchestration that is deliberately propagandist.

Many of us are clearly aware of what is happening in the F.B.I and the D.O.J. Do you know of at least a dozen people in those organizations who have been forced to resign because of their anti-Trump activities in these departments that has been exposed?

Do you know that Jeff Sessions himself, along with Rosenstein, is about to be held in contempt for stonewalling and obstructing congress from getting documents with evidence of their attempts to bring down the president? Donald Trump is NOT the one up there saying these things to his followers.

It is no wonder that Fox News is the most watched and the other networks are no longer trusted by the majority of Americans.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Incorrect. Trump can easily be fact checked. He is apparently a pathological liar…

His words. His lies. No conspiracy…

stanleybmanly's avatar

@Yellowdog I cannot believe you haven’t noticed that Trump lies A LOT. The dependable retort from his supporters is usually “all politicians lie”. Aside from the minions on his staff tasked with the implacable job of explainining why their boss is not a narcissistic psychopath, you alone dispute the sad fact that our President is a pathological liar.

rojo's avatar

And now for a different perspective:

I am noticing some people who are saying that Trump does not “lie” are saying this because a statement or fact is given that agrees with what they personally BELIEVE is happening, probably because of a previous lie that they were TOLD.

Just because you have been told something that YOU choose to believe doesn’t mean the conflicting information can be construed to be a lie. Nor is your personal belief necessarily reality, even if you can find sources and friends who agree with you.

I am also noticing a curious number of you believe that Trump is a benevolent leader who only represents the ideas and ideals put forth by his followers and is not in it only for his own aggrandizement. This is clearly NOT the case.

There is a whole universe of news out there as to what is going on. If your views are in line with Fox or Breitbart News—The Drudge Report, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, or Family Research Council or the Heritage Foundation or the Federalist Society, you are following a deliberately pro-Trump/pro conservative orchestration that is deliberately propagandist.

Many of us are clearly aware of what is happening in the F.B.I and the D.O.J. Do you know of at least a dozen fully qualified people in those organizations have been purged from these organization for supposedly not having the proper conservative principals and have been purposely targeted in order to make these organizations more receptive tools of the executive office and no longer independent entities?

Do you know that Jeff Sessions himself, along with Rosenstein, is about to be held in contempt for resisting and refusing to assist certain partisan members of congress who are searching for an excuse to halt the special counsel investigation? Donald Trump IS the one up there saying these things to his followers. both out loud and surreptitiously passing on his instructions to those who are willing to rig the game in order achieve the same agenda; Keep Trump Safe.

Is it any wonder that Fox News is the only watched by conservatives and the other networks, while trusted by the majority of Americans, are no longer considered valid news sources by these same folks

Same stories, different realities eh @Yellowdog?

seawulf575's avatar

And now for the third perspective:

I am noticing that some people who are saying that Trump lies get very upset when it is pointed out that all politicians lie, including the liberal heroes such as Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Harry Reid, etc. The record of lies and unconstitutional acts perpetrated by Obama when he was president was horrible and those that believe Trump lies will tell me I’m wrong and try to cite some liberal schlock outlet as proof. It doesn’t fly and facts will always prove you wrong.
Meanwhile, some people are saying President Trump doesn’t lie. And this is a childish, naive view of reality. All people lie. Each of us on these pages lie and President Trump is no exception. He exaggerates, just like all of us, he has made errors when speaking, just like all of us, and he has lied, just like all of us. Don’t make him greater than he is.
The truth to all of us is that reality is somewhere in the middle. The liberal news outlets do, indeed, try to paint President Trump in a negative light. They do this in a fashion unprecedented in our nation’s history. But there are conservative “news” outlets that do the same thing on the opposite end of the spectrum. In reality, President Trump is doing many of the things he campaigned on. He is pushing for changes in this nation that many people wanted to see. 75% of Americans felt the country was going in the wrong direction under the previous administration. Most Americans recognize that politicians are corrupt and have stopped working for the people and have worked only for themselves for a long time. President Trump shined the light on this issue unlike anyone before him and he ensured everyone knew he was not a DC insider. THAT is what got him elected.
If you liked the way the country was going under Obama, you will never consider giving President Trump a chance because he wants to move the country onto a different path. You will always believe that he lies and is some sort of tyrant and all the other horrible things put forth by the liberal machine. To believe anything else would be to give him a chance. If you believe that the country was radically going the wrong way under Obama, you will always come to the support of President Trump, possibly and most probably, giving him benefit of the doubt on many topics.
There there is the middle road. You COULD do more research when you hear something from some “news” outlet. You COULD question what you are told. You COULD apply common sense or “the smell test” to what you read and hear. Somewhere between the liberal extreme and the conservative extreme is the truth.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Dude. There’s no media conspiracy. They literally just show Trump himself lying. It’s easily verifyable facts, in most cases, he gets wrong.
In some cases, he is lying to discredit the investigation team.
In some caes, he lying to get his base mad.
In some cases, he is just plain ignorant of the subject matter.

But he us a HUGE liar. Easily proven so…

rojo's avatar

And now for the fourth, middle of the road perspective:

I am noticing that some people who are refusing to admit that Trump lies like to redirect and try to say that all politicians lie. They will, of course, bring up Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Harry Reid, etc. because no argument is more convincing than “he did it first”. That justifies ignoring the fact that their lord and savior is not as holy as they like to believe and that the ends justify the means. They will point to a record of lies and unconstitutional acts perpetrated by Obama when he was president and yet provide no proof and refuse to see the same type corruption in their own leader. Those that believe Trump is not a serial liar will tell me I’m wrong and try to cite some conservative shit they heard Hannity spout off as proof. It doesn’t fly, and facts will always prove them wrong.

Some people are saying President Trump doesn’t lie. And this is a childish, naive view of reality. All people lie. Each of us on these pages lie and President Trump is no exception. In fact he is a much more prolific and much greater liar than the vast majority of us and of all his predecessors. They will say he exaggerates, just like all of us when what they mean is he is full of himself. They will say he has made errors when speaking, just like all of us when actually he is purposefully deceitful to suit his own agenda. They will say he has lied, just like all of us. When the truth is if any of us lied as much as he has done we would be out of a job, out of a relationship and pretty much rejected by society in general The fact that he is ostensibly the President of the United States and therefore should be held to a much more rigid standard and be an example to all of the world fails to register with them Sure, we all lie but only some of us can trash the environment, the standing of our country in world opinion and get a bunch of us killed with our lies

The truth to all of us is that reality is somewhere in the middle. The liberal news outlets do, indeed, try to paint President Trump in a negative light. They are simply reporting on the actions of a uninformed, despot who thrives on conflict and whose idea of governance is to bully those who are not able to defend themselves against him.. But there are conservative “news” outlets that do the same thing on the opposite end of the spectrum.

In reality, President Trump is doing many of the things he campaigned on. He is pushing for changes in this nation that his base, but not a majority of the US, wanted to see. 75% of Americans felt the country was going in the wrong direction under the previous administration and the one before that and every administration from and including Reagan.

Most Americans recognize that politicians are corrupt and have stopped working for the people and have worked only for themselves for a long time. President Trump shined the light on this issue unlike anyone before him and he ensured everyone knew he was not a DC insider. THAT is what got him elected. While this is true, the sad fact is that he is the wrong person to do the job. He is inept, corrupt, self-centered, self-serving and wholly unsuited to do the job that needs to be done. Sadly, although the majority of the country was tired of the same old bullshit, it was a minority that decided that a bullshit spewing criminal such as Trump, different but stamped from the same mold, would be a suitable candidate to defeat the old power structure.

You may not have liked the way the country was going under Obama and have been praying for change, but Trump is not the man to implement the change. He does not deserve a chance because his only concern is the self-aggrandizement of his own name and personal prestige. We will always believe that he lies because he does, a fact that is indisputable, and with the help of his vocal and fawning supplicants will eventually become some sort of petty tyrant and will eventually destroy the standing and prestige of the entire nation. And, without remorse if that is what it takes to keep himself in the news..

He does not deserve a chance. The belief that the country was going the wrong way under Obama, does not mean you should blindly support of Trump. He has not shown himself to be worthy of praise, a leader worth following, a possible savior, or for that matter even to be a decent, moral, caring human being. He has shown himself to be created from the same swamp slime as his predecessors.

There there is the middle road but it would not include Donald Trump in any way, shape or fashion. Common sense and the smell test will tell you this is the truth.

Yellowdog's avatar

Trump isn’t in it for the rewards. There aren’t any. He donates the salary and funded his own campaign.

rojo's avatar

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Tell me another one.

Even if that were true and were verifiable (After Pledging to Donate Salary, Trump Declines to Release Proof) there is still he bundle he is making on the side what with paying his own properties to house him and his entourage, the foreign dignitaries utilizing his properties, the wealth he can, assuming he is not jailed, acquire afterward, his lifetime pension, etc, etc,
And, you neglected to mention that he had help from his RUSSIAN OLIGARCHY BUDDIES in financing his campaign but this money is hidden with the amount he (snigger! snigger!) “self-financed” and also the 34% that was financed by individual donations. Oh, and let us not forget that HE did not finance it, HE issued himself loans that are expected to be paid back (that is kinda what you do with loans, except when you are Trump of course).

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Thank you for making my point. Let’s take an easy one. The claim of how many people attended his inauguration speech. The media immediately branded Trump as a liar and they touted out a picture from Reuters to prove him a liar.

Meanwhile, CNN screwed up and posted a gigapixel picture you can adjust and look at which tells a whole different story. It shows Trump speaking and you can pan around to see the crowds are significantly larger than the picture from Reuters shows.

But which picture got the most press coverage? Why the one that says he lied. And adherents, such as yourself, immediately take it as fact. You cannot even accept that the media lies. I can recognize that from all sides, why can’t you?

seawulf575's avatar

@rojo You did an even better job of proving my point than @MrGrimm888 did. Thank you. You even went so far as to misquote me and contradict your own arguments to try protecting your liberal views. Good job. Let’s look at what I said and what you said.
You: “I am noticing that some people who are refusing to admit that Trump lies like to redirect and try to say that all politicians lie. They will, of course, bring up Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Harry Reid, etc. because no argument is more convincing than “he did it first”. ”
What I stated was that President Trump does lie. I pointed out that all politicians lie and that liberal adherents, such as yourself, cannot admit that even your heroes such as Obama, Clintons, and Reid lied. So to claim I said President Trump doesn’t lie is, in itself, a lie. To claim I was trying to redirect to your heroes in some effort to say “they did it first” is, in itself, a lie. I said they did it too.
You continue down the line, but you continue to try cherry picking what I said and ignoring what you don’t want to face. The media has gone after President Trump more than his predecessor, that is a fact. If you care to do a small bit of research, you will find that true.
How many times did CNN or MSNBC or any of the liberal outlets actually state that one of Obama’s actions was unconstitutional? The answer is easy…never. Yet if Trump does things that are legal they are trying to claim it isn’t because they don’t want him getting any credit.
Let’s take Recess Appointments as an example. Obama made recess appointments to the NLRB. That is an unconstitutional act that was verified by several courts to be unconstitutional. Yet none of the liberal media outlets could bring themselves to say Obama violated the Constitution. Meanwhile, when the Senate went on recess, they did exactly what the Repubs did with Obama and held pro forma sessions to block Trump from making recess appointments. And the liberal outlets all reported on it as if Trump was going to ram through appointees illegally. And the left eats it up.
All of this makes my point. Adherents will never believe anything other than what the liberal machine pours out. I get it. I’m not here to try changing your mind. But I will certainly point out when you are lying about me or what I said.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I wasn’t talking about the crowd. I have never seen any pictures of it, on any media. And wouldn’t care. I’m glad a slight difference between pictures makes it the biggest crowd ever. Well. Nope. Trump still lied….

I’m talking about the words coming out of his mouth. That are either factually incorrect due to ignorance, or flat out lies to help his agenda.

Again. Nothing manufactured, all Trump. He lies constantly, and contradicts himself frequently. In the span of a few weeks, his story has shifted multiple times about Stormy Daniels. If you just isolated that, you’d see the lies, and intended manipulation.

There’s absolutely no defense of the position of Trump not being a liar.

rojo's avatar

Oh, @Yellowdog I even forgot about the missing inaugural funds that no one seems to be able to locate and the fact that some of the original donations did not actually come from “the donors that they were attributed to”“

MrGrimm888's avatar

Oh yeah. @seawulf575 . I think you mistook one reply as mine, but it was @rojo . So your reasoning shouldn’t have applied to me.

But. Things happen. No worries.

rojo's avatar

Nice try @seawulf575
First off, I am not quoting you, merely using your soliloquy as a basis to show you that it is all in our particular partisan point of view, trying to show you that no matter what we accuse each other of we are ourselves guilty of the same sins and, in addition, point out that conservatives cannot support Trump or his actions without first invoking the Clinton/Obama bogeyman. For me, this redirection is in the same category as a comparison of anything to Hitler and as far as I am concerned, the first one to do it has automatically lost the argument.

Second, I did not deny that in general all politicians lie, nor that in particular Obama/Clinton also lied. This is something you chose to read into what I wrote.

Third, this was directed at everyone, not just you, you chose to take it personally.

Fourth, in my opinion, you WERE trying to redirect and this, as pointed out, is a common tactic employed when it is hard to justify that which you are trying to defend. (just in case, I am using the term “you” here to refer to Joe Everyman, not you personally)

Fifth, I did not, and do not, deny that the media has had to repeatedly call out Trump for his actions and statements. His Administration has been one of the most corrupt, one of the most divisive and one of the most damaging in US history. Of course there is going to be more coverage, that is what their job is, to help hold the Administration accountable.

Sixth, do I really need to address your “Obama did it first” reasoning? If I must then I will ask you the same thing my mother used to ask me when used a similar childish reasoning: “If all your friends were jumping off a cliff, would you do it too”? Or, as a friends more blunt mother used to tell him; “If your friends were eating shit off a stick, would you do it too”?

And finally, All of this makes MY point. Trump Adherents will never believe anything other than what the conservative machine pours out and will allow any kind of childish, immoral or criminal activity as long as they get what they want. “The ends justify the means” is the unofficial motto of the right wing.

I get it. I’m not here to try changing your mind. But I will certainly point out when you are lying about me or what I said.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Trump did not actually expect to win. Even he thought we were smarter than that. But then he did win, so now he’s seeing how much money he can make for himself in his new office.

seawulf575's avatar

No @MrGrimm888 I was responding to you. And my citations of the crowds is a perfect example of what I was saying. President Trump made a comment about having a bigger crowd at his inauguration than any before him. He made the comment that he had a million people. That was exaggeration. However, the media (Reuters) throws up a picture before the event started and used that as a basis for saying he lied. Many other liberal outlets jumped on the bandwagon chiding President Trump for lying. Unfortunately for the liberals CNN tried something new and posted a gigapixel picture you could maneuver around to see the whole thing. That picture showed President Trump at the podium and the crowd stretching all the way back to the Washington monument and spreading out on both sides. Quite a turn out. But the media opted to post bogus pictures and use them as a basis for smearing the President. And people, such as yourself, bought it. And so started the claims that he lies about everything. As I mentioned, does he lie? Of course…he’s human. Does he exaggerate? Absolutely. Conservative outlets don’t get to claim otherwise in my book. But neither do I buy into the obviously biased approach by the left which borders on lying itself. And this is a perfect example to show you how the bias works in the media. Not that I expect you to do anything other than claim this is only one example. That is pretty much how the left works…I got it.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It’s not just the pitchers, @seawulf575. “The comparable full-day figures from Metro, as reported by the Washington Post, showed 570,557 trips taken from 4 a.m. Friday until midnight. Full-day numbers for the past two inaugurations were also higher: 782,000 for 2013….”


seawulf575's avatar

@rojo I pointed out in my response to you that you entirely miscategorized and tried rewriting every thing I stated in my “soliloquy”. You are continuing to do so. And in the process, you cemented home what I stated initially. At no time did I claim Trump doesn’t lie. In fact, just the opposite. I stated he does lie, just as all of us lie. You initially tried claiming that when people want to say Trump doesn’t lie, they try redirecting to all politicians and invoke Obama and the rest. Then you went on to say that saying he DOES lie like everyone else is somehow wrong. So which is it? Was I trying to say he doesn’t lie or that he does? By your response you want to argue both sides. That makes you wrong on at least one of the views. You also dodged ever really admitting that Obama, Hillary, Bill or Harry ever lied. You never have acknowledged that. You are right, you didn’t deny it, but you claimed it was redirect and never really acknowledged it either. Despite the fact that Obama was documented on many occasions lying and violating the Constitution, despite the fact Bill was impeached for perjury, despite the fact that Hillary lied repeatedly about many things and her emails in particular and despite the fact that Harry had to resign in disgrace because of all his deceptions, you cannot really come out and actually admit they lie. You just can’t do it. You will instead try to redirect by rewriting and reading into what I stated so you can avoid it. And this is 100% in line with what I pointed out initially as well.
You even go so far as to claim you aren’t quoting me but are using my soliloquy as a basis for showing me my partisan view point. Isn’t that quoting me? Especially since you used whole sentences I stated? You are being disingenuous. But that, too, is right in line with what I stated initially.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Trump’s lies and delusions far outstrip any other politician I have ever known.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@seawulf575 . I’m not following. You admit that Trump “exaggerated.” I’ve got another, more appropriate word. He flat out ”lied.” He didn’t tell the truth. A lie, is a lie. I find it hard to believe that if Obama did the exact same thing, that you would give him a pass, saying he “exaggerated.”

The media didn’t make anything up. Trump just lied, and then brought more attention to his lies, by being a whinny bitch about his lie. Simple. Indefensible position. It isn’t more complicated. It isn’t liberal media conspiracy.

Trump. Is a liar. He lies all of the time, and often in public. People call him on it, because he’s lying. What is there to clarify?

stanleybmanly's avatar

@seawulf575 You’re not going to get anywhere pretending that just because everyone lies, Trump is within the range of “normal” for a human being. Trump is a pathological liar, lying with no apparent reason, and about things that are openly refutable on their face. He clearly lacks the impulse in most us to be ashamed of our lies (when caught).

stanleybmanly's avatar

He also seems completely unaware that habitual and intermimable lying goes against any semblance of credibility, an astounding characteristic for a President.

stanleybmanly's avatar

And finally, for all of his supporters, I suggest that you step back and consider what you are telling us. The entire panoply of credible journalism is somehow arrayed against Trump and therefore liberal. The entire Department of Justice is out to get him, and deliberately ignores the heinous crimes of others in pursuit of the goal. After all, his flaws are no worse than Obama’s. The man’s own Secretary of State in exasperation openly declared him a fkn moron. Those who do report the fact that the emperor has no clothes are biased for noticing. So it’s the media that’s biased, the FBI that is corrupt and out of control, and murdering rapist criminal illegals and vindictive delusional liberals all in cahoots to sink Trump for trying to make America great again.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^You left out the “deep state.” The secret war that Obama, and Hillary are waging on poor Trump… Obama’s goal of making America an Islamic country. Taking everyone’s guns, so he can put everyone in prison camps. And funneling all America’s wealth to Kenya (his real place of birth, and Muslim training.)
Hillary paying Russia, so she could lose the election.

I mean gosh. Trump is SO intelligent, and resourceful to be dealing with such odds.

But he is overcoming all of these conspiracies, because he loves his wife, and country.

Don’t forget that any progress on peace on the Korean peninsula, is ALL thanks to Trump too. He single handedly wiped out ISIS too. It definitely wasn’t millions of people fighting brutally across the middle east, for their homeland.
I can’t wait until we can build a giant statue of him. The smartest, greatest human being ever!

seawulf575's avatar

“If you liked the way the country was going under Obama, you will never consider giving President Trump a chance because he wants to move the country onto a different path. You will always believe that he lies and is some sort of tyrant and all the other horrible things put forth by the liberal machine. To believe anything else would be to give him a chance.”

You are all proving exactly what I stated. You are trying to rewrite what I have written, you are trying to cherry pick single words to latch onto instead of reading and addressing whole sentences. And you are making me more right with every response. Thanks guys and gals.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^No I’m not. You brought up the numbers at his inauguration. Just like him. And you admit that he lied. But you call it “exaggeration.” I don’t see anything more complex.

Quite simply, you don’t hold Trump accountable for his lies. You cling to perceived problems with bygone democratic politicians. Instead of the words coming straight from Trump’s mouth, and being easily proven to be false. What is so hard to understand?

He lied to his base too. Plenty. How about those term limits? Draining the swamp? So far, he’s only drained his own selections for staff, and those investigating him. Great job!
Oh. And “The Wall.” So important, that there’s no need for one, on the Canadian border.
Military spending reductions, nope, increase in spending. How about the ACA?
Trump made stupid, unrealistic things his agenda. The ONLY thing he has done, is make himself and the uber wealthy, more wealthy. With his selling out our EPA, he may have literally destroyed the world.

My favorite. Stormy. Trump’s story has been a tangled mess. It’s crystal clear that he is lying, and his sloppiness is surprising. But I get an odd kick out of seeing his wife pull her hand from his, and treat him like a rapist. At least someone in republican party is not thrilled with the loser.

Trump’s obviouslyterrible relationship with his wife, and family, and his painfully high turnover rate of “the best people, ” show that Trump’s habits of being a power hungry, narcissistic, inept, overconfident, lying, hypocritical man boy, have him friendless, and in an obvious loveless marriage.

When all of those closest to you, don’t like you, it’s another example of Trump’s true colors…

His closest advisors (some), have been heard calling him an idiot, fucking moron, incompetent, arrogant, out of control etc. I guess they must have just been brainwashed, by liberal media, and the global conspiracy against Trump. Not by working with him….

KNOWITALL's avatar

@seawulf575 People are to polarized right now for discussions like these to be rational. I give you credit for speaking your mind though. In the future who knows how history will record this period in time. Recently liberals have praised Bush and back when he was in office he was a punching bag for the left in almost every single way they could mock him.

I’m not polarized regardless of who’s in office, and frankly I think we need to be more analytical in regards to the big picture.

Dutchess_III's avatar

“I know nothing about $130,000, but I did pay it back. For no reason. I have no idea who Stormy Daniels is.”

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