Social Question

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Do you think Trump is sending the message to young Republicans that it's fine to lie to get through life?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23591points) May 6th, 2018

Or that is the message they are getting?

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73 Answers

JLeslie's avatar

Why just Republicans? It sends a message to everyone who doesn’t know any better. Frickin’ nightmare really having a leader who blatantly lies and gets caught constantly. Overall, people didn’t trust politicians anyway, so it’s not a huge change I guess, but this administration certainly is one of the A+ liars of all time.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Don’t get me wrong all politicians lie, regardless of side, but Trump just seems to excel at it.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

3001 the first 466 days in office. 5 a day, some days recently 9 a day. Wonder if Melania knows when he’s telling the truth.

Dutchess_III's avatar

He is a nightmare. He brings out the worst in people. Racism and sexual harassment are on the rise because our leader says these things are just great.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I think that message being sent long before Trump. Go back the the mid-50s and Richard Nixon. He was crooked. Trump is the latest manifestation.

Dutchess_III's avatar

You mean early 70’s?

elbanditoroso's avatar

1950s, the dog, Checkers, that was related to bribes he took. Eisenhower thought he was a crook, as well.

ragingloli's avatar

No need to send that message.
They have already internalised it.

stanleybmanly's avatar

poor Tricky Dick was one insecure human being. Trump’s disorder however is far more grave. To openly lie about so many matters that clearly aren’t true indicates his shortage of what most of us understsand as vital equipment.

Zaku's avatar

Yes. Trump had only just been elected when I overheard a family where the kids were telling different stories to the parents and one of them yelled “FAKE NEWS!” before telling his version.

When you have a culture that makes a big deal about “the highest office in the land” and then a lying greedbag gets elected to it and he isn’t quickly laughed/booted out, it makes a dire impression on everyone, young and old, inside and outside the country.

Darth_Algar's avatar

I expect politicians to be economical with the truth. What gets me about Trump, however, is that his lying seems to be a matter of compulsion. He’ll lie about shit he has no reason to lie about and shit that can easily be disproven in 30 seconds by anyone with internet access.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

That is very true!^^^

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Darth_Algar . . . or anyone with a sixth grade education.

MrGrimm888's avatar

No. I think his supporters are too stupid to know he lies so frequently.

The Republicans aren’t necessarily Trumpers. But it’s clear how morally backward they are in sticking with him, just to propell their selfish, racist, nationalist, xenophobic, greedy, fuck the Earth, fuck the poor, fuck the world agendas…

Pathetic people need not be taught to be pathetic…

KNOWITALL's avatar

While I won’t bash him, I do think he sets a bad example for others and for our citizens. Others from the left have done the same, so it’s certainly not a shock, but I think many Republicans are sticking with him regardless.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Fortunately, us on the left cast away our bad apples rather than propping them up.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Darth_Algar Ugh, seriously?! Liberals freaked out when crooked Hillary lost, so it’s kind of hard to swallow that comment. Both parties stink.

Darth_Algar's avatar


Of no relevance to the point being made or to the broader topic being discussed. Try again.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Darth_Algar Oh so you get to lie whenever you want while bashing Trump for lying, gotcha.

Dutchess_III's avatar

We didn’t freak out because Hillary lost. We freaked out because Trump won. Hillary would have been far and away the better president though.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m STILL freaked out that Trump won, and my biggest fears are coming to pass.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@KNOWITALL both sides lie, just Trump seems to excel at it.
Is he broadcasting a bad picture for young Republicans, that it is ok to lie to get through life?

Dutchess_III's avatar

He’s not targeting just young Republicans. He’s targeting any one who has a reason to think it’s OK to lie .

KNOWITALL's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 He’s not the only one in DC to excel at lying, come on. I think looking up to politicians is a joke, even the Kennedy/ Camelot period was all a farce.

So I suppose that my answer could truthfully be that I think many politicians show the world it’s okay to lie.

Dutchess_III's avatar

But his are so utterly ridiculous. It’s not even an intelligent type of lying. It’s lying just to be lying.

flutherother's avatar

It was young Republicans who voted Trump into office giving him the message that he could lie his way through the presidency.

Inspired_2write's avatar

He blatantly shows “look at me, I can do anything”!
If the chickens are stirred enough with confusion, then they won’t see disaster coming for them.
Hence Trump “s game is to play the media and masses until they don’t pay attention to his rambling, then he hits hard with his real plans.
As a side also he keeps the attention of adoration on him to “brand” himself to ensure a higher position should he finally crumble the Republican Party. It is unfortunate that in the mean time it affects the whole worlds view of the U.S. and soon its economy will crumble under that unstable Government leader.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I think old, white males were the ones who voted him in.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@Dutchess_III I am an old white male, and i sure as hell didn’t vote for him

Darth_Algar's avatar


What in God’s holy name do the results of the previous election have to do with lying? How is that at all relevant to what’s being discussed? Please, elaborate, I’m all ears.

stanleybmanly's avatar

and often such petty self serving lies: the largest inauguration crowd in history, rapists and murderers swamping our Southern border, silly stupid shit.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Darth_Algar Oh you mean my comment about Hillary in response to your leftist defense that you ‘cast out your bad apples’?....well it’s pretty self-explanatory I’d think, but feel free to see below. I don’t handle hypocrisy well, so if you want to carry on, better arm yourself with facts.

Hillarys lies:

Trumps lies:

Dutchess_III's avatar

You are an intelligent old, white, male @elbanditoroso.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@KNOWITALL You really need to look a little closer at those links. For example, Hillary said, “Trump doesn’t make anything in America.” Well, the reason that is false is because he makes MAGA hats, as t-shirts, signs and buttons. What on earth would we do without his hats and T-shirts.
She would have been more correct to say “Trump makes nothing of any real substance in the US.”
Is that comparable to Trump’s lies?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess_III I think that I’d prefer to keep my discussion limited to @Darth_Algar right now, since he’s saying liberals get rid of all their bad applies, as if you police the entire party. Laughable.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Hillary was not a bad apple.

Darth_Algar's avatar


Now what relevance is the 2016 election to what’s being discussed? You still haven’t explained that.

And as I stated earlier: I expect all politicians to be economical with the truth, to one degree or another. However a false statement isn’t always necessarily a lie. Sometimes a false statement stems from erroneous understanding on the part of the one making the statement. That’s why its valuable to take each statement into consideration on it’s own, (which Politifact actually does, if you bother to look closer), rather that just typing “hillary clinton/donald trump false” into Google and pasting the first thing that comes up.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Darth_Algar I have no patience for you today, you’re asking the same question over and over again, and the relevance was that many elected DJT because we all believe Hillary to be crooked. Do I need to dumb this down even further to one syllable words?

Darth_Algar's avatar

So in other words, no relevance at all.

You know, for someone who goes by the name “know it all” you often come across as profoundly ignorant. No surprise really. Typically the less one understands the more they overestimate their knowledge.

JLeslie's avatar

I’m with @KNOWITALL that politicians on the left have lied, have had affairs, and even been sued regarding sexual escapades. Remember when Bill Clinton was running for president? That famous line Hillary said about not standing by her man. The country knew Bill had an affair, and Democrats ignored it.

Trump is on a whole other level when it comes to lies and women, but it’s not like the Republicans are the only ones who choose to focus on only one part of a politicians schtick. Knowital is referring to the hypocrisy, and I think it’s a valid point. Hypocrisy on both sides.

Past elections do count, as long as we are talking about fairly recently, like the last 40 years. Getting rid of someone like Franken, well sure now we Democrats can drag out we get rid of men who don’t behave, poor guy was sacrificed, but we didn’t do it until Trump. When Bill Clinton was impeached, most Democrats were annoyed, not happy to go through the impeachment, and they didn’t want Clinton to leave office.

Sorry, but Bill Clinton was recent enough that the country already found sexual harassment at work unacceptable, and the majority of Americans considered infidelity unacceptable. The culture is not very different today in those things.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Bill Clinton lied under oath and was appropriately punished for it. The reason why he lied, however, really should have been no one’s business.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Correct! I for one supported Bill after Monica, because I felt he was very capable in his actual job. I actually lost respect for Hillary in that time frame. Monica wasn’t an anomaly, and she knew it. But, she stayed with Bill to further her political ambitions. I thought it was fairly transparent, and she should have left Bill’s ass.

Trump is lying about worse than sexual relationships. I used to think he was just ignorant, and usually lying because he just ran his stupid mouth. But, some lies clearly are designed to discredit our nation’s intelligence agencies, discredit the press, and ultimately obstruct an investigation that is closing in on the good stuff.
Other lies are in public declarations, and make the country look weak, or stupid, or both. For someone who champions himself as a deal maker, he shows his own ignorance far too often. Other world leaders are already figuring out how to manipulate Trump with flattery. It’s pathetic to watch. He fires/ignores his advisors, but can be duped by our competition easily.

It’s been one jagged pill, after the other with Trump. My hopes are that he stumbles into a small role in the Korean War coming to an end.

As far as Trump’s rhetoric, it’s something that I would be ashamed of hearing from a loved one. He’s definitely not a good example, or role model…

MrGrimm888's avatar

@KNOWITALL . The democratic party definitely has it’s bad apples. They have made examples of some, but still have plenty of scum. Some politicians, are better than others, but I think they’re all trash.

I do find the conservative politicians, as soulless, terrible people though. They’re really showing the depths they will stoop to, to pursue their agendas. Agendas that harm hundreds of millions of people, so they can have slightly better lives…

KNOWITALL's avatar

@MrGrimm888 And not only that, but they also use a religious platform in many cases, which makes them worse hypocrits to me. Like the preachers laying hands on Trump, I’m surprised they didn’t burst into flame. At least most Democrats downplay that aspect.

Darth_Algar's avatar

@MrGrimm888 “I actually lost respect for Hillary in that time frame. Monica wasn’t an anomaly, and she knew it. But, she stayed with Bill to further her political ambitions. I thought it was fairly transparent, and she should have left Bill’s ass.”

I disagree. Personally, I will never presume upon the boundaries or what is or should be acceptable or forgivable in someone else’s relationship.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I have to be with @Darth_Algar on this,both sides can be sketchy with the truth at times but ole orange hair lies about things he really doesn’t need to lie about, and anyone with access to the internet can debunk in under 30 seconds.
and yet die hard conservatives still defend the guy with some loose placed deflection,with the left lies too, hell no one here has said they didn’t.
But if you look at a pants on fire check list about lies,the last one I looked at put Obama at about 10% of total pants on fire lies,
and ole orange hair close to 40%.

Dutchess_III's avatar

You can bet Hillary ripped Bill up one side and down the other for being so FUCKING STUPID AS TO GET CAUGHT! Sure she stayed with him. I’d have done the same.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Ya know when the rep/cons got all upset at Bill for lying about the Monica thing, they said he lied to the Nation,OMG.
Would any married man admit that in front of the Nation?
Yeah I got A hummer from someone other than my wife!
He wasn’t lying to the Nation he was trying to save his ass from his wife.
How much tax dollars did the rep/cons waste pushing that?

MrGrimm888's avatar

The conservatives could have cared less about Bill’s lying about Monica. It was a witch hunt, like with Trump. It was a way to impeach Bill. A means to an end. And a waste of money.

Now. Trump, and the GOP are crying over the same tactics. Pathetic…..

JLeslie's avatar

@Darth_Algar Bill Clinton was having affairs before he was president, and we knew it. It definitely could be said he used his powerful position. Remember Gennifer Flowers? Paula Jones? There were others. Democrats didn’t care. Does the past matter? Hell yes if someone is being a hypocrite. That whole song and dance Democrats Jeep saying about don’t distract the conversation about bringing up the past is a “line” to try to shut down or shame the other person raising the point. When we want to bring up things we didn’t like about Bush or Reagan as examples of bad policy do you want to be told, “don’t bring up the past.”

As far as Monica, I 100% agree he should never had been asked about her, I think the media should never have publicized it, and it seems to me he didn’t lie under oath about her, because as far as I remember he said he did not have sex with her, and I think it’s perfectly reasonable to define sex as the act that can make a baby. That’s how I define it. If a heterosexual person says they had sex, I’m not thinking kissing, or blow jobs, I’m thinking penis in vagina. If I’m his wife, I care about any and all of it, but that’s not the point.

Darth_Algar's avatar


Where did I ever say “don’t bring up the past”? If you’re going to argue with me please, do me the courtesy of arguing something that I actually said.

JLeslie's avatar

^^I thought you said something to @KNOWITALL about not bringing up 2016, or some other past stuff, I’d have to go back through the thread (no time now, I’m just about to logoff) maybe it was someone else.

For sure Democrats on TV have tried to quiet the conversation about our own past acceptance of using women and abusing power. Joy Behar firvsure inhave witnessed doing it, she will say, “but right now we are talking about Trump, why are you bringing up Bill Clinton?” I’ll tell you why, because of the hypocrisy. God knows I have blamed the Republicans again and again for being hypocrites, there have even been movies made about it, why do Democrats think Republicans won’t call us out when we do it? I use Democrat and Republican loosely, obviously not every Democrat or every Republican is a hypocrite, and not all of them are pointing fingers.

Also, Republicans have stepped down, or been voted out of office when they are found to not fit the “Christian values” mold they had promised. Some have, some haven’t.

What about Mark Sanford? Wasn’t he going to be impeached if he didn’t resign? I don’t remember exactly how that went down.

Also, an Ohio politician resigned when caught in a gay trist of some sort very recently, I don’t remember his name. He was anti-gay tights in public from what I understand. I didn’t follow the story.

Larry Craig, I don’t remember what happened in the end with him. I don’t know if he resigned or what, but I don’t think he was re-elected.

Darth_Algar's avatar

I said that the results of the 2016 election aren’t relevant to the particular topic being discussed. If you’d like to explain how it is, since @KNOWITALL won’t then I’m all ears. As it is now, however, @KNOWITALL‘s “liberals freaking out when Hillary lost” point just reeks of deflection.

JLeslie's avatar

^^That’s what I mean, the accusation of deflection. Don’t get me wrong, I think she, Republicans in general
also, shouldn’t change the topic to avoid addressing a question or point against their own guy, but I also think it’s valid to point out hypocrisy. A lot of Democrats did freak out when Trump was elected, and they still are freaking out. When Obama was elected a lot of Republicans freaked out. Democrats seem to think it’s not the same, because “Trump is a horrible President and person,” but what you fail to see is the people who like Trump, and who didn’t like Obama, or Clinton for that matter, basically feel the same way.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@JLeslie I’ll address you since you are respectful.

I find the hate against Trump to be just as distasteful and juvenile as the hate against Obama. The blind rage of entire parties unable to acknowledge any good done is ridiculous.

Many Reps do see Trump failing as a christian and as a role model, even his tweets are upsetting to them. Dems are so hateful sometimes about everything he says or does, it makes Trump voters or Reps want to defend him, just like Dems did with BO.

Everyone needs to calm down and try to be a little less dramatic. Liberals have been complimenting Bush after Trumps election, so personally I think we need to let it play out instead of this constant rage over something we have no control over at this point.

Frankly, on this site, the rage is so great that it’s not even worth it to many of us to discuss anymore, it’s not productive politically or mentally. I do appreciate the fact that you can be a little more circumspect @JLeslie, thank you, I try to do the same.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

NOW! NO deflections is Trump giving a message to young republicans that it is fine to lie to get through life?
We all know both sides lie to a degree,that’s never part of the question, BUT Trump lies about stuff he really doesn’t have to.
So put the deflection shields down, put your political preferences in the drawer for now, and just say is he or is he not sending a message to young people that’s ok to lie to get through life?

Darth_Algar's avatar


Yes, a lot of people were upset that Trump won. For good reason. America because a noticably uglier place when he won. Beyond that, many are bothered by the fact that a small, unelected group are able to overturn the will of the people (and for the second time in less than 20 years).

MrGrimm888's avatar

I’m afraid that I can’t see any correlation, between the motives for people hating Obama, versus the motives of people who hate Trump. A lot of people seemed to hate Obama because he was black. Pathetic, but true.
Beyond his skin color, Obama was superior to Trump, in every trait desired to be had by the POTUS. He wasn’t divisive, inflammatory, and he didn’t make obvious lies, or insult people.

JLeslie's avatar

@Darth_Algar I have worried and worry about the same things regarding Trump. The whole thing with the electoral college, which I think you were eluding to, I have been in favor of a direct vote since I learned about the electoral college in school. Reinforced my feelings about it when I started moving from state to state a lot.

@MrGrimm888 Some people didn’t like that he was black. Some people believed he was Muslim. I know the left wing said that Muslim was code for black, but I can tell you I personally know people who were very freaked out he was Muslim. I know other people who didn’t like that he was black. Some thought both, but a lot of people didn’t.

I don’t know why you think a white president who wanted socialized medicine and who made it possible for gay military people to be “out, “ and who in the end was in favor of gay marriage at the federal level, why you think republicans would not dislike that president too? Black, white, Chinese, they won’t like that president who wants all those liberal policies. Many republicans liked Colin Powell, like Condi Rice, I know they weren’t president, but very important positions. It’s terrifying to some Christian Right people to enact these policies. They worry about it being against God even. They equate democracy with God, free market with God, Heterosexual marriage as a covenant with God.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Excuse me. I of course did not mean all whom didn’t like Obama, had that sole motivation. But a LOT did. They dressed up their racism, and said the didn’t like his policies. When questioned about what they dislike, they had ridiculous comments about Obama putting us in camps, and taking our guns, and turning the country Muslim, and all kinds of stuff.)

People hate Trump, because of real things. I won’t speak for everyone, but everything I don’t like about Trump came straight out of his mouth, or straight from his actions.

Most of the people who hated Obama didn’t just dislike him. There was a seething hatred for him. I had the misfortune, of working at a gun counter part time for a few years. I heard the same vitriol spewed all day. All far-right, and all older white nen, with some younger idiots…

Yes. I’m sure that they were religious. I still agree with my assessment. Otherwise, if their religious beliefs were SO important, then why do they still support Trump.

The conservatives, had a blind hate of Obama. They have a blind love of Trump. It’s a transparent thinking pattern, to me. Their values/ethics are a matter of convenience. Not motivation for liking a politician.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Got too whole heartedly agree ^^ with ya on that @MrGrimm888 .

JLeslie's avatar

@MrGrimm888 I never thought you meant all. I’m just saying some of them really meant the Muslim thing when they said it was the Muslim thing. Of course that was crazy talk, but that’s besides the point.

They still support Trump because they are hypocrites, and because they believe it’s for the greater good.

Many Republicans would say liberals have a blind live for Obama’s and the Clintons, and a blind hate for Trump. Don’t you see that? From their shoes, from their point-of-view, that’s how it looks.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^I get what you’re saying, but no, it’s not the same thing. It wasn’t a blind love for Obama. It was policy.

Trumpers are blind haters, and lovers. They use ignorant herd mentalities, and flat out bigotry, to decide who they hate. And who they give a pass on ALL their beliefs. Obama was far more, nay exponentially more of a Christian, than Trump. Conservativesdon’t care…

You can’t tell me Trump is morally superior to Obama. So, the notion that conservatives prefer Trump , for values/morals, is clearly wrong. Or…...Trump’s base is VERY stupid. I don’t see but two options for Trump’s supporters. They’re ignorant to simple truth, or bad people. No third option.

Yes. People say liberals have a blind eye towards Obama, and Bill, or whomever. That’s just wrong. And ridiculous, and baseless.

Comparing Trump to Obama, in any way is laughable. Or Trump to any POTUS…

JLeslie's avatar

@MrGrimm888 As far as Trump’s escapades, I don’t think Trump supporters see Trump as having a moral high ground, they just ignore that part. You think Trump supporters think he’s a great husband and picture perfect man morally? I’d be pretty sure they don’t.

I do think a lot of Obama supporters are fairly blind about some of his policies. Take ACA, all they talk about is people having health coverage now who didn’t before, but ACA has big problems. Don’t misunderstand me, I don’t support what Trump wants to do with healthcare, but the Democrats (not all of them, I NEVER mean all of any group) talk like ACA is fabulous. My husband seriously wanted us to consider not buying health insurance, because of the situation right now. We are the very group that has the possibility of getting screwed the most by ACA, and we don’t even know if it will happen until the end of the year. I feel pretty sure that insurance companies are taking advantage of tax dollars and raising rates if they offer insurance in the ACA marketplace. The subsidy for me from the government went from around $350 in 2017 to around $700 in 2018 per month IF I wind up getting it. I could owe $8,000 suddenly at the end of the year. I get all $700 or none. It’s horrible. The insurers look at their ACA coverage as a completely separate P&L from what I can gather, so the costs are only spread out among the people who participate in the plan. If you don’t understand what I’m talking about, and you think ACA is great, then you prove my point.

Nothing wrong with liking Obama’s policies overall though, I’m very glad he came out in support of gay marriage, in fact I was pissed he pandered to blacks when he ran for president saying he was against gay marriage. That’s what I saw it as, pandering. Maybe I give him too much credit, and he was actually against it.

The Iran deal I don’t understand well enough to have an opinion.

Obama has been accused of being anti-Israel, I don’t believe he is for a second.

Was he a nice guy, nice family? Yes, it was very nice having that in the White House. Do I think Michelle should have covered her arms? She can do whatever she wants, but yes, sometimes I think her fashion sense was off. Not that it matters at all regarding the president being able to do his job. But, Melania’s taste will go down in history as one of the best dressed First Ladies is my prediction. Her clothing is gorgeous, appropriate, and still liberals saw fit to talk about how she looks. Too pretty, too stunning head to toe. They finally are starting to give that up, because it’s absurd, and anti-female in my opinion, and they started giving her compliments. What if Venessa Williams was First Lady would the liberals be talking about her nude photos? Nope, they would be annoyed the republicans were doing it, and I’m pretty sure the republicans would be dragging them out.

Plus, people focusing on whether Melania is happy in her marriage, and catching every little thing she does that might indicate she isn’t in love with her husband. The media should lay off that crap, and when I say media I include social media too.

Now, if Melania just had picked a different topic than cyber bullying, then maybe things would be a little better for her. The irony is fairly ridiculous. In the end, I don’t care if the First Lady doesn’t want to be a part of the presidency. What if the best candidate was single? We don’t vote for him or her? The whole thing about the First Lady or First Gentleman having a specific role is archaic in my opinion, because it assumes the candidate should be married. Go out and get a spouse if you want to run for the highest office in the land, your going to need one to satisfy the public. Make sure he/she is a great actress if your spouse is annoyed with you.

Plus, comparing Obama to Trump is not who should be compared. It’s Clinton to Trump if you want to talk about morality. Clinton was a horrible horrible husband in many ways. He has probably lied to his wife a million times. He was what? In his 50’s or 60’s when he had a 20 something girl named Monica give him a blow job in the White House. If you felt back then that the country should ignore Clinton’s escapades and the law suits filed against him for sexual misconduct, then you can’t be horribly bothered by people who ignore Trump’s cheating on his wife, and smut talk about women. In fact if you ignored it with Clinton you should ignore it with Trump too. If he raped anyone he should be arrested, I’m not saying he gets a pass if he did something heinous like that.

KNOWITALL's avatar

If Trump is impeached (not likely) and resigns (not likely), then you get Pence, who you definately will not like.

“The overwhelming majority of Americans enjoy their faith, and we have all different kinds of faith in this country,” Pence said during an event broadcast on C-Span. “My Christianity is the most important thing in my life. I try and start every day by opening the good book. My wife and I try to have a prayer together before I leave every morning. I can honestly tell you my faith sustains me in all that I do.”

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Yep. Pence was this election’s Palin. It was meant to get those who actually weren’t hypocritical enough to vote for just Trump.

@JLeslie . I am afraid that I don’t see any parallels between Trump and Bill. Other than they both lied about affairs, and only one was impeached for it. The similarities end there. Bill, like almost all candidates for POTUS, was exponentially more qualified. He also was a far better everything. His sexcapades were not really harmful to the country, at all.
Trump’s lies, rhetoric, and behavior do not compare with Bill’s. I suspect that you know that.

I will not comment on First ladies, and their apparel. The mere mention of such things makes me wonder about judgment.

You seem to suggest that Michelle Obama, would have been a better 1st lady, if she covered more of her arms. I cannot begin to understand that, or defend that comment, in ANY way. Especially when our current POTUS has an actual prostitute, for a wife. Incomprehensible….

JLeslie's avatar

@MrGrimm888 The only thing I’m suggesting about First Ladies, is we shouldn’t care about First Ladies much at all, unless they are doing something that actually influences policy. Like I said, I don’t even care if there is a First Lady.

I don’t see what impeachment for having oral sex has to do with anything, except it being a colossal waste of time and money.

I think Bill Clinton was more qualified too, but because if it we ignored his escapades. I’m just saying probably we should be consistent and just look at policy when it comes to the president, any president. When I say we, I mean all Americans.

I get that the republicans are being hugely hypocritical, it’s dizzying beyond belief, for ignoring Trump’s escapades when they droned on about the Clintons, impeached Bill, and Bush ride into office in family values. Let’s not be as hypocritical as them! Democrats, in my opinion, should shut the hell up about Trump grabbing oust, and stick to Iran, his tweets, healthcare, travel bans, isn’t that enough?

The left is purposely using Trump’s sexual escapades to try to woo republicans to turn their back on Trump, and republicans on a more local level, that’s the motive. They are trying to play to their Christian, family values, etc.

if you had a candidate like Trump, but he had a wonderful family and he was completely committed to his wife, or a Democrat who is known to cheat on his wife, and on his third marriage to a model who was working illegally in America, and modeled nude, who are you voting for? The man whose policies are similar to Trump? I don’t think so. If we just admit that’s the case and ignore Trump’s wife, marriage, and trash talk about women, then we have the right to call the Republicans hypocrites for voting for a womanizer like Trump. Otherwise, we are calling the kettle black.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

No. Obama taught that lesson with gusto.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Uh @MollyMcGuire we know you dislike Obama as much as we dislike ole Orange hair, but look at any pants on fire lie list, do not take our word for it but you will see Trump is way out in front of Obama with out right pants on fire lies.

flutherother's avatar

It used to be that you didn’t tell a lie because it was the wrong thing to do.

Later, you didn’t tell lies because you might be found out.

And then it seems it no longer matters even if you are found out

Finally, when you can no longer distinguish lies from the truth, you are a fully accredited graduate of the University of Trump.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

What gets me is these politicians have to know that there is a boat load of people fact checking everything they say, and yet they continue belch out more and more lies.
and this is true from both sides.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 No new boots on the ground, closing Guantanamo, etc… Most Presidents cannot fulfill them all, we all know this, so promises may not be considered lies to some, but I respect him for trying.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Does ole Trump have one of those (truth-o-meter)links as well??
Be very interesting to compare the two together, don’t ya think??

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