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elbanditoroso's avatar

Do you see the possibility of disaster in this? Pizza Hut will now deliver beer.

Asked by elbanditoroso (33685points) May 9th, 2018


I like pizza and beer as much as anyone else, but it seems like Pizza Hut is setting themselves up for problems.

Will they card the pizza purchaser to make sure he/she is over 21?

If it’s a person between 18–21, can they / will they say no?

I just don’t see how this will work well for Pizza Hut, no matter how good an idea it seems to be.

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20 Answers

KNOWITALL's avatar

In our small town it will work great. Liquor license granted by the city (hopefully), id the purchaser, deliver and leave. Delivery drivers may not be under 21 though, I’m sure.

Darth_Algar's avatar

I don’t really see this problem, though I can imagine that there will be a lot of jurisdictions that won’t allow alcohol delivery.

johnpowell's avatar

I don’t see it being a huge issue from a legal standpoint. Instacart delivers booze.

However.. I’m not sure I would want to drive around with a big bright Pizza Hut sign on the top of my car on a Saturday night at 2AM. There is a reason the weed delivery cars are unmarked.

zenvelo's avatar

Better than having someone with three or four beers go out to get pizza at halftime of a game!

MrGrimm888's avatar

I would want nothing to do with it professionally. I suppose they have protected themselves as well as possible, but I can forsee liability issues.

JLeslie's avatar

Doesn’t bother me. Plus, I don’t care if a 19 year old drinks beer, I think it’s stupid that our law is 21. Under 18 different story.

Yellowdog's avatar

Some people drink beer with meals other than just breakfast, so I see no reason they shouldn’t have it with pizza

MrGrimm888's avatar

I’m just thinking about the logistics, and liabilities. If they can pull it off, good for them.

I wonder if I could just order beer, and not the pizza?....

ragingloli's avatar

The beer will probably be as awful as the pizza.

JLeslie's avatar

Maybe they scan, or at least write down the driver’s license number. If a cashier at a convenience store can be responsible to do it, probably a delivery person can too.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I would have thought such a scheme illegal in most jurisdictions. But for those places where it is allowed by law, I don’t see any difficulty exceeding those faced by other retail distributors. I mean Safeway will deliver your beer, wine or whiskey with the rest of your groceries.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Yes, I see it as a disaster in the making. They set up their pilot program back in December 2017 in the Phoenix AZ area. Now they are going to be expanding throughout Arizona & also adding California. They are so sure this is going to work that they are going to be hiring some 14,000 new employees in order to pull it off. They plan to also deliver wine, You don’t have to order a pizza; but, will be required to buy a minimum of a six pack in order to have it delivered. Can you imagine how much a six pack will cost???

Drivers are already being robbed for their pizza. Now they will be getting shot for their beer!!!

More Info

MollyMcGuire's avatar

I really don’t understand why alcohol has to be included with everything that is familyesque. A new supermarket is opening in my area and is going to have a bar so that you can be a “happy shopper.” This just irritates the crap out of me. It’s not enough that children are drug through the alcohol aisles with their parents, now they can sit down with them and watch them have a scotch on the rocks between the produce and frozen sections. Gag.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@MollyMcGuire Completely agree. Both my bio parents are alcoholics, I wouldn’t wish that on my enemies.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@MollyMcGuire – whoa – let’s think about this.

Some percentage of the population has kids, so the entire clientele of the grocery store is deprived of having a drink at the in-store bar? That’s not logical or fair. Should the grocery also be required to stop selling beer or wine?

If you extend that though, should the grocery store bow to pressure from Catholics to stop selling condoms or birth control pills? Should Muslims be able to tell the grocery store to stop selling bacon and pork?

Yes, these sound extreme, but as soon as you have one pressure group wanting to restrict something, you will have others and others and even more.

The more adult way to handle this would be to tell the kids who ask about the bar something like

“that area sells adult drinks for people who want them. We don’t want them, so we won’t go to that part of the store.”

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Yes, that horrible hardship of being deprived an alcoholic drink during a grocery store run would be such a harsh deprivation!! What will I come up with next; I’ve already suggested to the Sheriff’s office that it will afford an extra revenue stream with daytime DWIs. Stay tuned…......................
over and out


Darth_Algar's avatar

Jesus, if you can’t go without a beer long enough to shop for fucking groceries you’ve got a problem.

zenvelo's avatar

@Darth_Algar But that’s why you’re getting a pizza delivered…..

Darth_Algar's avatar

No, I can honestly say I’ve never been fond of drinking alcohol with my food.

Yellowdog's avatar

The stupidity of all this is that beer is a breakfast item and they are really pushing it by offering it with pizza, which people normally eat for lunch or dinner.

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