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tedibear's avatar

Do Olympic athletes have to buy tickets to watch other sports at the games?

Asked by tedibear (19419points) August 17th, 2008

Do they have to pay for tickets or do they have a pass that lets them into any event? And if they do, do they have to wait until all of the paying ticket holders have gone in to make sure there’s room for them to sit? Or do they have their own seating?

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3 Answers

wilhel1812's avatar

i think they buy tickets the exact same way any other person will do it.

Harp's avatar

From an article written by an Olympic cyclist in the Sydney Games:

“Athletes can get free tickets to any other event, but it is on a sign up basis and there is a limited supply”

Harp's avatar

Just found this from the blog of a runner at Beijing:

“As for the athletes and tickets… You can go to any event as long as it’s within your ‘event range’. So, swimmers can go to any swimming for free, gymnasts to any gymnastics, and so on. Then, we can also request tickets for free- our federations make the request and we have to wait and see if they have enough tickets to give us. There is usually tickets for athletes for things like weight lifting, but it’s a lot harder if not impossible to get really cool tickets-like those for tennis or gymnastics or any finals really”.

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