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seawulf575's avatar

Is Mueller hitting another roadblock?

Asked by seawulf575 (17310points) May 11th, 2018

The 13 Russians that Mueller indicted have now retained US counsel and have asked for a speedy trial. Mueller tried delaying but the judge shot this request down. One of the things the Russians’ counsel will do is ask for disclosure of all materials Mueller has that would have tied them to Trump. Is Mueller in trouble with this?

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12 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

No. Mueller is a seasoned prosecutor who would not proceed to indictment if he could not go to trial.

To have a speedy trial, their counsel must have them appear in court. That means they have to be in the US and will be booked awaiting trial.

I notice that your question is a rephrasing of a Fox News story. You really need to get an unbiased news source rather than rely on the White House press releases. Fox is now the White House news division.

rojo's avatar

You have to wonder why all these roadblocks are being put up. Who is the source? Who, or what, would benefit if this investigation was shut down?

Just waiting for the information on the connection between Reed Smith, LLC and the Republican Party/Party of Trump. I know they are intimately connected with the FERC and have their fingers in many, many different pies.

Interesting factoid, U.S. District Court Judge Dabney Friedrich who made this determination was appointed by Trump in Dec 2017.. Coincidence?

seawulf575's avatar

@zenvelo to answer you in reverse: I haven’t watched or visited Fox news at all in at least the last 2 weeks. The wording is not that unusual and fairly apt to the situation.

As for the speedy trial, there is a long way to go before anyone from Russia would have to appear. The first, and probably the biggest, hurdle will be Mueller having to hand over all of the discovery items. None of it can be redacted. None of it can be hidden. None of it can show up as a surprise at any time later. That will be the litmus test as to whether Mueller was scamming or not, as has been suggested. If he does indeed have a solid case and is ready to proceed, then there should be no worries and it then falls to the defense to produce the accused. But it seems odd that, as a seasoned prosecutor who you would expect to be ready, Mueller’s first actions was to ask for a delay in the proceedings. That seems really strange. And to claim it was because the accused were not properly served? That, too, seems odd. You have people you have announced you have indicted and they show up for court. Why worry about serving them at that point?
This will be an interesting one to watch.

rojo's avatar

@seawulf575 I don’t think it is that odd, I think it is more like S.O.P. You always try to make it a little more difficult for your opponent. Reed Smith is doing the very same thing from the opposite direction by asking for a speedy trial. Were I a/the judge I would tell them no, not special treatment, wait in line like everyone else. No cuts. But that is just me.

And the reasoning is just that, reasoning, or justification for their stance. I might be wrong but I don’t think you can read anything else into it. Other than the obvious, this is a part of a larger investigation and releasing information prematurely could compromise the rest of it: the very reason the speedy trial is being requested in the first place.

I believe you are correct about the Russians not having to appear for quite a while. I would even hazard a guess that they would never appear. Why? What would they have to gain? Once the information Mueller has on Trump and the RNC is out in the open then the reason for them requesting a “speedy trial” has accomplished its purpose and what the US courts decide about their fate is moot.

Excuse my cynicism.

seawulf575's avatar

@rojo I guess you and I just see things differently. Everyone is entitled to a speedy trial. That is covered under the 6th amendment. This case is different because usually the defendant is trying to maneuver around or delay prosecution. In this case they are saying they want a trial…now. It is Mueller that is trying to delay things unnecessarily. The courts agreed with me on that point…there was no reason for delay. Why, as a defendant, ask for no delay? There might be a number of reasons. It might be that they are entirely innocent and wish to clear their names now rather than let the specter of doubt linger around them. It might be a legal maneuver to push Mueller to drop the indictments. I can’t answer that…that is what the trial would tell us. Additionally the 6th amendment allows for the accused to see all the evidence and all accusers against him. And they can’t move this trial into a FISC because the defendant is also entitled to a public trial.
But honestly, the request for a delay hits me as odd. As a prosecutor, Mueller should be ready for court, or else should never have taken the case to a Grand Jury for an indictment. So if the defendant suddenly shows up and says “Hey, I’m ready for a trial” why would you then back off and claim that they were never served and that the trial shouldn’t go forward? Either you are ready for court or you aren’t. If you are, then the delay is silly. If you aren’t, then you should never have pushed for an indictment and the defendant should be released with the charges dropped.

seawulf575's avatar

BTW, it didn’t escape me that the judge on this case is a Trump appointee. Just another example of why judges should not be political appointees. We have see too many times where the judges are operating on agenda and favoritism as opposed to ruling on the law. That has happened on both sides of the aisle and is just wrong. I’m not sure if this is an example or not. RIght now we have one ruling. But I am watching that as well.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Only American citizens, have the “right,” to a “speedy” trial. And that’s very subjective. Especially if they aren’t prisoners here, with their government working to speed their release.

Likely this is more evidence of Trump being pressured by Russian puppeteers. Good point @seawulf575 . You have pointed out more evidence of collusion. Nice!..

MrGrimm888's avatar

And yes. The delay, is likely tactical. Especially when the people who you are pursuing, could perjur themselves at anytime, on social media, or TV, because they squirm realizing how sloppy they were.

If I were after Trump, I’d let him continue to further make himself look guilty. The court of public opinion, will weigh on the minds of the politicians ultimately responsible for voting for impeachment proceedings. The more pressure on them, the more likely an impeachment. It seems like a good strategy, to me. Trump will likely fire out more lies, in attempts to discredit the investigation, and investigators. Ultimately, these lies can be useful against him.

Trump is complacent, in that his power will protect him. Complacency, leads to poor strategic decisions. Trump doesn’t seem to understand that he is far more vulnerable to ramifications, whilst in public office, rather than the private sector. And he’s made so many enemies, that many will likely be happy to throw him where he belongs. Under the orange bus…

seawulf575's avatar

@MrGrimm888 so your stance is that only American citizens have rights guaranteed under the Constitution? Great! Then lets start rounding up the illegal aliens and their illegal families and push them all out of our country. They have no rights, correct?

seawulf575's avatar

And unfortunately for Mueller, the delays are actually working in the exact opposite way from which you are describing. They are making him look like he was playing political games, not actually prosecuting crimes. It makes his whole investigation look like it is made of papier-mache. In the court of public opinion.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^You mean the court of public Fox news?

Interesting that you’re scared too. Are you also doing illegal things with Cohen?

No. Mueller is proceeding in a calculated manor. He’ll likely need an airtight case, against a man who will go down screaming fake news, and conspiracy theories. As someone who wants Trump in prison, I like the pace just fine.

The longer, and more stressful for Don, the better.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Just because he’s taking his time doesn’t mean he doesn’t have anything, or is facing insurmountable road blocks. He is being meticulous, and I am sure he has a time frame for everything he’s doing.

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