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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Have you ever carried something that was so heavy?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25143points) May 13th, 2018

That you could not put down. Even for a second. I’ll start. I thought that my large very heavy dog broke his leg in the park and I carried him for two miles in my arms with tears in my eyes I carried him home.
I also saw a man carring a heavy pc desktop computer in flood water for a long distance. He would have to keep it out of the water and would not get a break untill the job is done.

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7 Answers

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, I worked for CellularOne in the late 90s. We were moving to new digs. I volunteered to move a 5 drawer filing cabinet. It was full of files. With some help I got it on the dolly and out the door. I started backing up the ramp to the truck bed. This young, very heavy set guy was pushing while I was pulling. God that thing was heavy. About half way up the guy just gave up and dropped out, hand on his knees in defeat. Jesus. I was left with all that weight all by myself. I locked up. I locked my body up. I was so locked up I couldn’t talk. Well , the young man finally looked up, did a massive double take at the fact that I was holding that SOB, and jumped to resume pushing. We got it that time
The damn fool. If I had lost it he would have been hit by 2 tons of file.

zenvelo's avatar

I had a large Sony TV that weighed a few hundred pounds. Plus when you held it, the plastic footings cut into your hands. It was so heavy, we knew if we had to put it on the floor to rest, we could not get it up. If we dropped it, the tube might explode.

Carried that sucker about 150 feet to a truck to move it. Never again.

janbb's avatar

My heart at times.

filmfann's avatar

When I was a young splicer, I replaced a section of cable, and had to carry a 150 lb splice case up a 20 foot ladder. I didn’t weigh much more than that case, and I remember being totally spent afterwards.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Wait! How is your dog @RedDeerGuy1? I didn’t know you had a dog. What kind of dog?

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Dutchess_III Border collie lab. Looks like a german shepherd. Was my dads dog in 1997. The little shit was faking and ran inside when I got him home. I was looking after him when my dad and his gf went on holidays to Mexico. That was the week that I got a warm winter spell at home while Mexico had a rare snowfall.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m glad he was OK.
We used to have a couple of Labs. Nevermore! We drove around the lake yesterday. At one point we saw a family with a lab, throwing stuff in the water for the dog to fetch. I said, “They have a lab, hahahahaha!!”
Rick said, “I think everyone should have a lab. For a week.”

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